
Results from field test and lab. analysis in 1993 ~ 1994 showed that in rice-growing area of Yellow River Basin the rice plants , grown in limy soil with higher pH value and low zinc content , were induced stifle because of lacking zinc .
The control of rice red blight and so on .
Study on the red blight of old juniper caused by Alternaria tenuis nees
A study on the relation between n-k balance and occurrence of the streaked type Chi-Ku disease of rice plant
This was beneficial to cooperative role of the mentioned two antagonists in plant disease control , and also showed that two antagonists had combination possibility in biocontrol of pine blight .
From the absolute value of control effect ," Priority of the pathogen inoculation " means the disease has happened in the practice , the case is not meaning for controlling the pine needle blight .
The new fertilization can promote the photosynthesis of crops , individual character , improve crops dark green , full and flesh and increase crop disease-resistant ability , the rice plants withered and Sheath Blight respectively reduce 23.9 % and 6.0 % , cabbage soft rot disease dropped 0.9 % .