
  • wedding photo
  1. 婚纱摄影店/楼/廊钢暗梁对新型组合暗梁楼盖静力性能的影响分析

    Wedding photo gallery effect of steel concealed-beam on static performance of new combinatory concealed-beam floor

  2. 平户另外还准备了数百种答谢礼物,比如每月递送的蔬菜、折叠式电动自行车,或者包含正装和酒店住宿的婚纱摄影。

    Hirado has hundreds of other thank-you gifts , like a monthly vegetable delivery , a fold-up electric bike or a wedding photo shoot with formal wear and hotel stay included .

  3. 麦灿文(MaiTsan-wen)是婚纱摄影业资深人士,经营有一家名为茱丽亚(Julia)的公司。他的摄影师在台湾与北京分公司之间定期进行轮换。

    Mai Tsan-wen , an industry veteran who runs a company called Julia , regularly rotates his photographers between Taiwan and his branch in Beijing .

  4. 看来,对于婚纱摄影市场而言,十月绝对是个黄金月。

    So this month is a boom season for wedding photography industry .

  5. 青岛婚纱摄影街:见证幸福难忘的瞬间

    THE WEDDING GARMENT PHOTOGRAPHY STREET Witnessing the Unforgettable Happy Moment

  6. 中小型婚纱摄影企业的品牌营销研究

    A Brief Study about Brand Marketing of Small and Medium-sized Wedding Photograph Enterprises

  7. 我爸爸拥有一间婚纱摄影室。

    My dad has a wedding studio .

  8. 一站式的婚礼场地,提供婚纱摄影,典礼,衣服和食物前来营救。

    A one-stop wedding venue that provides wedding photography , the ceremony , dresses and food came to the rescue .

  9. 这只是Nitigultanon的婚纱摄影系列之一,他以创意新颖而闻名。

    This is only one of many pre-wedding photoshoots by Mr Nitigultanon , who is known for his creative ideas .

  10. 我是一名艺校的学生,想找个做兼职的平面模特或婚纱摄影模特的工作。

    I am an art school student , would like to find a part-time model of the plane model or wedding photography .

  11. 西敏的纪懿倢还希望今年在其家族的布赖顿店提供婚纱摄影服务,或许还会扩张至伦敦。

    Western Design 's Ms Chi also hopes to start offering the service at her family 's Brighton store this year and perhaps expand to London .

  12. 规范还明确,婚姻登记处应该与提供婚纱摄影、婚庆服务、医疗服务的经营服务场地分开。

    The regulations also stipulate that a marriage registration office should not be located together with businesses that provide wedding photography , wedding services , or medical care .

  13. 不过,纪懿倢表示,由于台湾结婚人数逐渐减少、人口日益老龄化,婚纱摄影店不得不走出台湾寻求增长。

    However , Ms Chi says photographers have had to look beyond Taiwan for growth because fewer people on the island are getting married and the population is ageing .

  14. 不过,与许多其它行业一样,婚纱摄影受到了全球经济衰退的沉重打击去年,大部分公司失去了多达一半的业务。

    Like many other industries , however , wedding photographers were hit hard by the global economic downturn , with most businesses losing as much as half their trade last year .

  15. 他说:20年前,台湾婚纱摄影店世界第一。但如今,(大陆公司)已经掌握了这门生意的诀窍。

    Twenty years ago Taiwan 's wedding photographers were on top of the world . But now [ mainland Chinese companies ] have learnt the tricks of the trade , he says .

  16. 同时也为全国一大批以薇薇新娘婚纱摄影楼为代表的同类型传统婚纱摄影楼的个性化道路提供有价值的借鉴,为其战略方向带来更加具体的指导。

    At the same time , to a large number of wedding photography , as represented by Wei Wei wedding photography , it has provided valuable reference for their personalized road , and it also has provided more specific guidance for their strategic direction .

  17. 玛丽亚·潘塔佐波尔斯正在拍摄“消灭婚纱”系列摄影——一个相对较新的时尚,新娘会在混乱的情况下拍照,因为婚纱不再需要保持完好无损了。

    Maria Pantazopoulos was being photographed for a " trash-the-dress " session - a relatively new fad where brides will take photos of themselves in their bridal gowns in messy situations with the reasoning that the dress no longer needs to remain in mint condition.Pantazolpoulos , in this case , was standing in a lake near Dorwin Falls in Rawdon ,

  18. 海峡两岸的旅游限制意味着,能来台湾岛拍摄婚纱照的大陆人很少,但台湾婚纱摄影店已在大陆城市开设了分支机构,并且在那里安置了自己的摄影师。

    Travel restrictions across the Strait mean few mainlanders come to the island for their wedding photos but Taiwanese studios have opened branches in mainland cities and stationed their own photographers there .

  19. 为了解婚纱影楼、婚纱出租屋的卫生消毒状况,规范婚纱摄影业的管理,采用现场采样,实验室细菌学检测方法进行了监测。

    In order to know the sanitary disinfection condition of marriage photo studios and marriage letting house and to standardize the administration of marriage photo services , on-the-spot sampling and laboratory bacteriological examination were used for monitoring .

  20. 那袭一身纯白婚纱的新娘,面目娇羞,宛如春的仙女,由新郎牵着,一起拍摄婚纱摄影,吸引着无数游人。

    The bride , who was dressed in white , like a spring fairy , smiling and shaming with red face , led her bridegroom by the arm , a strong attraction to many tourists enjoying their wedding photo together .