
  • 网络Emotion and Scenery;sentiments and scenery
  1. 山谷词艺术技巧还体现在情与景的运用上。

    The artistic skill was also embodied in feelings and scene utilize .

  2. 略论印度古典梵语诗歌的情与景

    On the feeling and Scenery of Classic Indian Sanskrit Poems

  3. 中国意象论重视情与景的融合;

    The China image theories pay attention to the integration of the feeling and the scene ;

  4. 情与景,是中国古典诗词中最常见、组合方式最为多样化的两种要素。

    The feelings and the scene are the two most common essential factors in the Chinese classical poetry .

  5. 中和之美规范下的情与景&论中国古代戏曲导演理论的意境观

    The Feelings and the Settings Regulated by Integrated Beauty-the Concept of " Acme of perfection " in the Theory of Traditional Chinese Opera Directing

  6. 情与景、形与神的交融,体现出如诗如歌般的意境,包蕴了中国服饰艺术的精华。

    The combination of emotion and scenery and that of form and spirit together bring about a poetic vision of the essence of Chinese clothing art .

  7. 这种既优美又忧伤的情与景的营造,是中国园林创作人在创作思想和创作成果等方面,有意或无意的文人心理消极的反映。

    The creation of this beautiful but sorrowful air and scenery is the reflection of literati 's psychological passiveness when they design and create intentionally or non-intentionally .

  8. 在意与象、意象与构思、情与景等关系以及审美特征方面,古典诗歌意象表现出一种相对自足性。

    There is a relative self-contented situation in the classical poetry between " implication " and " image ", imagery and poet writing , affection and scene , and other aesthetic qualities .

  9. 但由于各自的文化背景、个性气质、艺术追求不同,王昌龄的边塞诗与大伴家持的防人歌在风格、表现手法、情与景的相互关系上又有所不同。

    Because there are some differences in own culture background and individual character and the pursuit of art , there are some differences in style and technique of expression and the relation between emotion and scene of their poems .

  10. 文章具体分析了在诗词的情与景、事与理、形与神、虚与实中,以一方为直接信息,另一方即为潜在信息。

    This paper attempts to analyze the relationship between the emotion and the landscape , the substance and the principle , the form and the spirit , with one side being the direct information and the other side being the latent information .

  11. 这个概念有三层意思:其一,新闻意境必须是真实的,情与景不允许合理想象,更不允许虚构,而是客观实在的。

    This concept has meaning of three layers : First , the artistic conception of the news must be true , the feeling and scene do not allow to imagine rationally , does not allow to make up even more , but objective reality .

  12. 摄影艺术是“心”与“物”的结合,“情”与“景”的结合。

    Photographic art is the combination of soul and the world , of emotion and sight .

  13. 只有把主观情感在舞蹈中,把“形”与“神”、“情”与“景”有机的统一,才能创造美的意境。

    Only the subjective feelings in dance , the " shape " and " God "," love " and " King " organic unity of the United States in order to create the mood .

  14. 他或寄情于景,或以景衬情,或情景交融,使情与景在词中和谐地统一在一起。

    Sometimes he sent feelings in scene , or with scene lining feelings , or scene blend , make feelings be with scene in Ci unification together harmoniously .

  15. 情与志、情与声、情与景的地位如何考量?

    How to evaluate the position of emotion and idea , of emotion and sound and of emotion and scenery ?

  16. 文章主要从李清照词作描写愁情这一角度入手,运用王国维的境界说分析了词作描写的愁情境界,说明其词已经达到情与景的完美统一;

    Starting with the sentimentality in Li Qingzhao 's Ci , this paper analyses the sentimental realm of her Ci works by using Wang Guowei 's Theory of Realm , and argues that her Ci works have achieved a perfect unity of sentiment and scenery .