
  • 网络information undertaking
  1. 关于网络时代核地质情报事业发展的思考

    On the Development Strategy of Information Undertaking for Uranium Geology in the Network Era

  2. 文本指出科技情报事业的发展同样需要有健全的法律机制,并从法与政策的关系,社会管理现代化;

    The paper indicates that the development of S & T information undertaking also requires the perfect law mechanism .

  3. 论网络时代与图书情报事业新概念

    On New Concept in Network Era and Library and Information Cause

  4. 图书情报事业的社会化发展战略&国家可持续发展中的图书情报事业战略分析(1)

    Strategies for the Socialization Development of Modern Library and Information Services (ⅰ)

  5. 我国图书情报事业发展战略模型的构建

    Constructing a Development Strategic Model of China 's Library and Information Cause

  6. 图书情报事业的信息资源战略

    Information Resources Strategies in the Cause of Library and Information

  7. 对山西省医学图书情报事业发展的建议

    Suggestions on the Development of Our Province 's Medical Library Information Cause

  8. 光辉的历程巨大的奉献&纪念我国国防科技情报事业创建50周年

    Defense Scientific and Technical Information Glorious Course Immense Contribution

  9. 图书情报事业信息资源战略的模型构建

    Model Construction of Information Resource Strategies in the Cause of Library and Information

  10. 社会对情报事业应建立正确的价值观念;

    The public should have a correct value concept for the chemical information .

  11. 产业化&情报事业发展的大趋势

    Industralization & the Main Trend of Information Business

  12. 我国图书情报事业中信息资源建设的可持续发展

    The Sustainable Development of Information Resources Construction in the Cause of Library and Information

  13. 我国情报事业经济管理的回顾与前瞻

    The Review and Prospect of the Economic Management of Infomation Undertaking in Our Country

  14. 略谈知识经济时代高校图书情报事业的发展

    Talking about the Development of University 's Books and Information Cause in Knowledge Economy Era

  15. 出路在于拓展&关于社科情报事业的发展问题

    The Way out Depends on Development & On the Developing of Information Work of Social Sciences

  16. 知识经济时代对专业图书情报事业发展的挑战

    On the challenge of the knowledge-based economical times to the development of professional library and Information Undertakings

  17. 我国图书情报事业发展中信息资源战略目标定位

    The Strategic Objectives Location of Information Resources in the Development of the Library and Information Cause in China

  18. 专业信息中心在我国文献情报事业的发展中具有重要的地位和作用。

    Special libraries hold a major position and play an important role in the development of document information institutions .

  19. 科学发展观中的图书情报事业发展战略是一种主动进取型战略。

    The development strategy of the library and information cause in scientific development view is an active and enterprising one .

  20. 中国的社科情报事业在经过蓬勃发展的高潮阶段后,面临困境。

    The information work of the social sciences in China is con-fronted with difficulties after the upsurge of the vigorous development .

  21. 继续教育的目的是提高专业人员的综合素质,促进图书情报事业的发展。

    The purpose of continuous education is enhancing the comprehensive quality of professionals and promoting the development of library information cause .

  22. 在科学技术的语境中的图书情报事业必须经过科学技术哲学的审视和科学技术哲学的批判。

    The library career in the context of science and technology must be examined and criticized through the philosophy of science and technology .

  23. 图书情报事业与学习型社会的发展目标都是促进人的全面发展,两者是相互影响,相互促进的。

    The goal of learning society and libraries and information institutions is to promote the all-round development of man . They are mutually influenced .

  24. 周文骏的学术成就与学术思想散论&庆祝周文骏教授从事图书情报事业50周年

    On Zhou Wenjun 's Scholarship Achievement and Scholarship Thought & Celebrates Professor Zhou Wenjun to be Engaged in the Library Science and Information Science 50 Years

  25. “同”、“异”同时存在,相互补充已成为图书情报事业未来发展的重要趋势。

    " Common ground " and " differences " are coexistent and complementary each other , which has become the important tendency for the future library development .

  26. 本文首先在阐述了我国图书情报事业发展现状的基础上,确定研究内容,提出研究假设,并设计出学习者对图书馆忠诚度的研究模型。

    This paper determines the content of the research firstly , and then puts forward the hypothesis , and designs a model of learners ' loyalty to library .

  27. 可见,以企业信息活动作为维系自身可持续发展的生命线,必将有助于提升诸项情报事业价值与地位的社会认同。

    Taking enterprises information activities as the lifeline of maintaining self sustainable development will be surely propitious to boost the social self-identity of status and value of varieties of informatics career .

  28. 为适应这一趋势,中国图书情报事业将在服务观念、管理体制、人才知识需求和基础设施上发生对策性的创新。

    In order to adapt to it , Chinese books and information undertakings should have innovations on sense of service , organizational system , needs for talents and knowledge and infrastructure .

  29. 依照广义战略管理理论,从组织结构、资源建设和服务方式等方面构建我国图书情报事业的发展战略模型。

    The construction of a strategic model is important for the development of library and information cause in China , and it also has a great impact on the sustainable development of our society .

  30. 图书情报档案事业;学习型城市;终身教育体系。

    Library information and archives career ; Learning city ; Life-long education system .