
  • 网络lover island;Lovers"Island;lover's island;LoversIsland
  1. 在情人岛上,我相信。

    It was sort of a lover 's lane , I believe .

  2. 位于克罗地亚海岸附近的“情人岛”是地球上为数不多的天然心形岛屿之一。

    ' Lover 's Island'just off the Croatian coast is one of the few naturally occurring heart shapes on Earth .

  3. “情人岛”(当地直译名“卡雷斯尼亚克岛”)位处旅游热门地克罗地亚亚得里亚海海边。

    Lovers ' Island - known locally by the more prosaic name of Gale ? njak - is located in the Adriatic Sea , off the coast of the popular tourism destination of Croatia .

  4. 但是今年临近情人节的时候,数字地球公司地球之眼一号卫星偶然拍到的一张照片显示——岛上两条植被带被推土机铲平,遗留下来的绷带似的疤痕,使情人岛现在看上去异常萧瑟。

    But a new picture from DigitalGlobe 's GeoEye 1 satellite - incidentally taken just around Valentine 's Day this year - shows Lovers ' Island looking rather more forlorn after bulldozers carved swathes across it that look like two giant bandages .