
  • 网络Chinese Oil Painting;Chinese paintings;china oil painting
  1. 因此在这一百多年的发展历程中,相当长的时间内,投资者和收藏者对中国油画都没有过多的兴趣。

    Therefore , in this hundred years in most of the time , investors and collectors of Chinese paintings are not too much interest .

  2. 现在,写意性油画逐渐地成为中国油画走向世界的一张富有民族特色的名片之一。

    Now as we are going towards the whole world , freehand brushwork paintings have been gradually becoming the ID card of Chinese paintings .

  3. 连续并既约元及其在刻画Fuzzy关系方程解集中的应用复制与拼贴&当今中国油画一瞥

    Continuous Join-Irreducible Elements and Their Applications to Describing the Solution Set of Fuzzy Relational Equations Reproduction and Join - Sticking

  4. 这对于中国油画界来说是非常好的发展形式。

    The Chinese oil painting is a very good development form .

  5. 现代中国油画表现性中的审美意象

    Aesthetic Image in the Expression of the Modern Chinese Oil Painting

  6. 论观念艺术对中国油画的影响

    On Influence of Conceptual Art on " Chinese Oil Paintings "

  7. 第四章是中国油画艺术品市场营销对策。

    Chapter IV discuss marketing strategy of Chinese painting art .

  8. 中国油画也对西方绘画的发展产生了影响。

    Its development has also influenced the development of the western painting .

  9. 对当代中国油画中几个我所关注问题的思考

    My Thought upon the Questions about Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting

  10. 20世纪90年代中国油画艺术的戏谑性思潮探考

    The Bantering Trend of the Chinese Oil-painting in 1990 's

  11. 二十世纪九十年代以来中国油画市场化倾向探析

    Chinese Canvas Marketization Had Been Inclined to Analysis Since 1990s

  12. 中国油画的语式转换与文化身份确认

    The Expressions of Chinese Oil Painting and the Search for Cultural Identification

  13. 浅析当代中国油画发展走向

    Analysis of the Tendency of Contemporary Oil Painting in China

  14. 如何摆脱中国油画艺术市场的困境与尴尬

    Casting off the Awkward Predicament of the Chinese Oil Painting Art Market

  15. 本土化:百年中国油画的主题词

    Domestication : The Theme of the Centennial of Chinese Painting

  16. 参加“中国油画写生双年展”;

    Artworks exhibited at China Biannual Exhibition of Oil Paintings .

  17. 浅谈当代市场经济背景下的中国油画市场

    On China 's Oil-paintings Market under the Background of Modern Market Economy

  18. 论当代中国油画教学的多元化

    On the Diversification in China 's Current Oil-painting Education

  19. 参加在秦皇岛举办的“关于中国油画与现代性学术研讨会”;

    Participated in " Symposium on Chinese Oil Painting and Modernism ," Qinhuangdao .

  20. 中国油画民族化的艺术形式

    Artistic Form of the Nationalization of Chinese Oil Paintings

  21. 中国油画艺术中的农民形象研究

    The Research on Farmer 's Image in China Canvas

  22. 当代中国油画中形式语言的平面化倾向探究

    A Study on the Superficial Tendency of Formal Language in Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting

  23. 具象写实油画是中国油画艺术的主流创作模式与表现语言。

    A Representational and realistic Canvas is the main creative mode and expression language .

  24. 评中国油画艺术的现状与出路

    The Present and Future of Chinese Oil Painting

  25. 2010年参加在世纪坛世界艺术馆举办的“2010中国油画名家邀请展”;

    Took part in the Century altar world art gallery's2010 Chinese Master Painting Exhibition ;

  26. 俄罗斯美术与中国油画创作及教学

    Russian art and Chinese oil painting and teaching

  27. 挖掘自我风格&论中国油画的再创造

    Mining Self-style-on the Re-creation of Chinese Oil Paintings

  28. 中国油画的悲剧意识在现代喧嚣混乱的艺术景观中逐渐地缩减与衰败。

    The tragic consciousness of Chinese painting reduces and decays slowly during the modern art .

  29. 浅谈中国油画的民族化之路

    The Localization of oil Painting in China

  30. 什么是「中国油画」?

    What is Chinese Style Oil Painting ?