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zhōng pù
  • middle berth
中铺[zhōng pù]
  1. 那儿处处是碧绿的芳草,绿草中铺着洁白的、笔直的石路。

    The grounds were covered with dark grass through which stretched a straight white stone path .

  2. 软基处理中铺砂垫层和打袋装砂井的施工方案

    Construction scheme of sand bedding course carpeting and sacked sand drain drilling in soft ground treatment

  3. 复合材料铺丝束成型技术中铺丝轨迹的规划,主要解决铺丝头在芯模表面运动时的路径问题。

    Purpose of trajectory planning of Automatic Fiber Placement of composite materials is for getting the trajectory of the head on model surface .

  4. 西安的秋日火红而艳丽,每天金色的太阳光都在慷慨地从天空中铺撒下来;

    The weather in XiAn is sunny and bright , and the sunshine is so generous that it spread from the sky every day .

  5. 同时,它还具有规范个人生活消费和反对个人生活消费中铺张浪费现象的作用。

    Meanwhile , It may also act as the standardization for personal consumption and as the opponent of the extravagant and wasteful lifestyle in personal living consumption .

  6. 论证规划了占地14.67平方公里的中铺工业集聚区,为全县工业布局调整奠定了基础。

    Demonstration planned for an area of14.67 square kilometers of industrial concentration in the Shop area , industrial layout adjustment for the county to lay the foundation .

  7. 实验证明,本文所提出的分割方法分割效果好速度快,可以满足自动铺放中铺放路径监测的稳定性和实时性要求。

    Experimental results show that the proposed method is outstanding in segmentation quality and speed , so it could meet the stability and real-time monitoring requirements in automatic placement .

  8. 研究结果表明:下铺区域的气流组织及温度分布较好,其次是中铺,上铺区域的气流组织及温度分布较差;

    The results show that airflow and temperature distributing are the best in the lower berth area , second in the hit berth , and the worst in the upper berth ;