
  1. 但是何为中国风歌曲,何为文化词语,目前学术界并没有一个统一的标准。

    But what is a " Chinese wind " popular songs , and what is cultural-loaded words , Academia still does not have a unified standard at present .

  2. 中国风歌曲的盛行引发了一股流行歌曲歌词向古典回归的潮流,主要体现在四个方面:意象的古典回归、修辞手法的古典借鉴、对古典体式的继承和歌词韵律的古典表达。

    From the imagery of classical regression , the reference of the classical rhetorical , inheritance of classical style as well as the classical expression of the lyrics rhythm into four aspects of popular song lyrics to the classical regression do specific .

  3. 青少年群体是流行歌曲的最大受众,他们的反馈信息对于歌词的创作至关重要。他们的存在更是加剧了中国风歌曲的盛行,促进了流行歌曲歌词向古典回归。

    In addition , groups of young people as the pop music audience , their feedback is essential for the creation of the lyrics , their presence is exacerbated by the prevalence of the " Chinese style " songs also contributed to the popular song lyrics to classical regression .

  4. 尤其是近些年来,复古风盛行,中国风式歌词异军突起,大量中国风式歌曲纷涌而出,中国流行乐坛出现了一次巅覆式的尚古狂潮。

    In particular , in recent years , " retro " popular , the sudden emergence of China Wind-style lyrics , a large number of Chinese-style songs flooded into the wind out of the Chinese pop music there is still a top cover ancient style frenzy .