
  1. 渝黔高速公路重庆段K63公里边坡处治方案研究

    Researches on Slope Treatment Schemes for Chongqing Section ( K63 KM ) of Chongqing-Guizhou Expressway

  2. 渝黔高速公路天坪丘隧道稳定性分析

    Stability Study on Tian-ping-qiu Tunnel in Expressway from Chongqing to Guiyang

  3. 渝黔高速公路某边坡病害成因分析与处治措施研究

    Analysis and Research of Slope Diseases and Slope Treatment of Chongqing-Guizhou Expressway

  4. 渝黔高速公路路堤填筑料为暗紫红色无粘性土石混合料。

    The road bed filling element of Yu Qian highway is dark aubergine incohesive earth and rock mixture .

  5. 以及在渝黔高速公路水泥混凝土路面裂缝处治工程的应用和效果。

    The result of this joint filler used in crack treatment of cement concrete pavement of Chongqing-Guizhou Expressway is also introduced .

  6. 结合渝黔高速公路西山沟Ⅰ号特大桥工程,阐述了混凝土梁桥悬臂施工中挂篮技术的应用。

    On the basis of the project of western valley 1 # super major bridge on Chongqing-Guiyang expressway , set forth are the application of cradle technology in cast-in-place cantilever construction of concrete beam bridges .

  7. 对渝黔高速公路衡重式高路堤挡墙因设计参数取用不当造成的安全隐患进行了计算分析,并提出了加固处治措施。

    This paper calculates and analyzes the hidden safety troubles resulted from the incorrect design parameters used for the high gravity retaining wall with balancing platform in Chongqing-Guizhou Expressway , and puts forward the strengthening measures .