
  • 网络Chen Xiao;showgirl
  1. CNN报道,中国女孩儿陈潇决定由网民来决定自己的生活。

    Chen Xiao had pretty much given up making her own decisions and so decided to throw open her life to the whims of China 's hundreds of millions of Internet users , known in China as netizens .

  2. 去年12月,23岁的陈潇(音译)正就读于威斯敏斯特大学英国文学专业。

    Chen Xiao , 23 , studied English literature at Westminster University in the UK last December .

  3. 在淘宝上搜索“陈潇的剩余人生店”,就能看到陈潇一张张漂亮的照片。

    By inputting'Chen Xiao 's online store of remaining life'on taobao . com , potential customers are greeted with impressive shots of beautiful Chen Xiao .

  4. 陈潇的成功给在金融寒冬下就业难的大学生一个很好的启示,没有创业资本、社会经验少,但是,年轻人最大的优点在于有梦想有激情有想法。

    Chen 's success give those grads a hint : Without money and social experience , the most distinguish advantage of young grads is their ideas as well as dreams .