
sù mìnɡ lùn zhě
  • fatalist;necessitarian;predestinarian
  1. 我是宿命论者。

    I 'm a fatalist .

  2. 如果你是宿命论者,你对此能做什么?

    If you are a fatalist , what can you do about it ?

  3. 你迷信吗?我猜我是个宿命论者。

    Are you superstitious ? I guess I am a fatalist .

  4. 谁听说过一个乡下人是宿命论者?

    Who ever heard of a fatalistic farmer ?

  5. 但所有人都变成了得过且过的宿命论者。

    But all had a sense of fatalism .

  6. 这是我的人生,双子座其实从来都是宿命论者。

    IT IS MY LIFE . I just want to live while I am alive .

  7. 我猜我是个宿命论者。

    I guess I am a fatalist .

  8. 她是个死心塌地的宿命论者。

    She was a committed fatalist .

  9. 马克·吐温是一个宿命论者。然而他从未停止谴责人类。

    Mark Twain was a determinist . Yet he never ceased to scold the human race .

  10. 林肯是个宿命论者,我猜是出自《圣经》。

    Maybe it 's from the Bible , I think , because Lincoln is a fatalist .

  11. 而当人们认为组织权力结构变化无常且充满危险时,他们更倾向于成为宿命论者。

    But when people view power structures as capricious and dangerous , they tend to be fatalist .

  12. 第二章专门介绍了三篇认为哈代是一位宿命论者的文章的主要论点。

    Chapter Two deals specifically with the major arguments of the three articles that maintain that Thomas Hardy is a fatalist .

  13. 宿命论者认为水资源的供给和需求都无法控制,他们更倾向于承受和顺从这样的过程。

    Fatalist view that supply and demand of water resources can not control , they are likely to withstand and compliance this process .

  14. 这些拉比、骗子、青楼女子、落魄的知识分子、傻瓜、理性主义者、宿命论者以及无神论者常被(魔鬼、妄想等)迷住心窍。他们是边缘的,神秘的,甚至是远离尘世的。

    These rabbis , charlatans , whores , sorehead intellectuals , simpletons , rationalists , fatalists and atheists are obsessed , marginal , mysterious and even unworldly .

  15. 假定所有人都本性自私的实用主义宿命论者认为,在一个狗咬狗的世界中管理风险的最好办法就是风险置换。

    Pragmatic fatalists , who assume that everyone is inherently selfish , assume that the best way to manage risk in a dog-eat-dog world is to trade those risks .

  16. 但除此之外,如果人在很大程度上不能成为自己性格的构筑者,那么他就会沦为宿命论者,从而成为环境的失败造物。

    But these apart , if every man were not to be a great extent the architect of his own character , he would be a fatalist , and irresponsible creature of circumstances .

  17. 我们的“现代”社会可能没有我们告诉自己的那么善于预测风险,但这并不意味着我们应该成为“前现代”意义上的宿命论者。

    Our " modern " society might not be as good at predicting risk as we tell ourselves , but that does not mean we should be fatalist in a " pre-modern " sense .

  18. 我不是听天由命的宿命论者,但我担心,匆忙得出要改变财政政策的结论,可能让我们忽视其他未经尝试、具有更大胜算的政策。

    I am not a fatalist who thinks nothing can be done , but I worry that jumping to fiscal conclusions can distract us from other , untried , policies with a better chance of success .