
  • 网络created;Comsenz;thinker
  1. 通用电气公司(GeneralElectricCo.)的“绿色创想”(ecomagination)活动大肆宣传这家美国公司寻求“环境危机的创意解决方案”。

    General Electric Co. 's'ecomagination'campaign publicizes the U.S.company 's search for'innovative solutions to environmental challenges . '

  2. 施乐PARC施乐公司的帕洛奥图研究中心--常被叫做“施乐PARC”--成立于1970年,目的是为数字领域的创想提供成长环境。

    Xerox PARC The Xerox Corporation 's Palo Alto Research Center , known as Xerox PARC , had been established in 1970 to create a spawning ground for digital ideas .

  3. 虽然可能不像帕西瓦尔罗威尔那样富于创想的天文学家们所想象的存在智慧生物。

    if not the intelligent beingsthat colorful astronomers like Percival Lowell imagined .

  4. 这个伟大的创想在中关村复苏了。

    The great idea is coming to life in Zhongguancun .

  5. 文明汇聚,创想交融,迸发生机无限。

    Accumulated civilization and fused creativity burst into infinite spirit .

  6. 酒店餐盘的销售和酒店餐饮盘子设计的创想!

    Hotel sales and hospitality plate plates designed Imagination !

  7. 中文学位论文的服务创想

    Service Proposal for Chinese Degree Thesis

  8. 浅析现代招贴设计艺术的设计特征&《数缘中国》系列作品创想

    Analysis of the Modern Poster Design Art Features - " Number Fate-China " Series of Works Creativity

  9. 艺术家的创想变成了现实,当一个着陆装置降落在土星的巨大的卫星泰坦(土卫六)上。它降落在土卫六的表面。

    This artist 's impression turned into reality when a parachute landed on Titan , Saturn 's giant moon .

  10. 但是制造呼啦圈的公司并不能为这一古老创想申请专利。

    But the company that made them was not able to get a patent for such an ancient idea .

  11. 苹果表示:在新职位上,他将把精力完全投入到现有设计工程、新创想和未来项目中。

    In this new role , he will focus entirely on current design projects , new ideas and future initiatives , Apple said .

  12. 伊隆·马斯克的超级高铁创想——加压密封车厢以近于超音速的速度运送乘客——即将见证里程碑式的新突破。

    Elon Musk 's vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurised tubes at near-supersonic speeds is on track to hit a milestone .

  13. 太阳能发电机的交流也是一个通用电气的2010年绿色创想挑战,但这方面的竞争奖励资金,旨在提高能源利用项目的候选人。

    The AC Solar Generator is also a candidate for General Electric's2010 Ecomagination Challenge , a competition that awards funding to projects designed to improve energy use .

  14. 做个风筝飞飞我喜欢自己动手做,但是除了艺术创想节目中的尼尔布坎南,有人成功做好过风筝么?

    Make a kite and fly it Im all for DIY but has anyone ever made a kite successful , apart from Neil Buchanan on Art Attack ?

  15. 本次展览展出的是七位年轻艺术家的作品,这几位年轻艺术家都曾参加由今日美术馆主办的“青涩创想计划&全国艺术院校大学生年度提名展”并获奖。

    This exhibition includes artworks of seven young artists , who had participated the Green Hope Project-National Art Students Annual Exhibition in past years and won awards .

  16. 对于广告专业的学生来说,应该是集创想一研究一实战三位一体的创造性、研究型的实力选手,广告教育应该围绕着创意思维策略制定问题解决这三种核心专业特质来展开。

    Author claims that Ad education should be developed by focusing on three kind of core professional characteristics which includes creative thinking , strategy making and problem solving .

  17. 我们想真正实现那些创想,并保证它们是伟大的产品,能够对用户、对世界产生积极的作用。

    To make those things really real and to make sure they 're great products for people and they have real positive impact on people and the world .

  18. 2009年,青涩创想组委会又开设了大学生驻地创作工作室,并邀请这几位获奖艺术家来到组委会进行了长达半年的自由创作。

    In year of2009 , the committee of Green Hope Project initiated an artist-in-residence program and invited the awarded young artists to the studio for creative practice for half year .

  19. 今日美术馆将通过搭建“提名展”这一宽广舞台,为年轻艺术家插上翅膀,使广大学子的“青涩创想”成为现实。

    Through the platform of " Today Art Student Annual Awards ", Today Art Museum hopes that we can lend wings to the young artists and make their " Green Hope " come true .

  20. 笔者尝试创想小学生生活写作,将写作教学与生活教育、生活实践、生活中的交际与实用相结合,符合学生年龄特点,年级特性,写作思维发展规律。

    The author attempts to pupils ' writing , the writing teaching and life education , life practice , life in the communication and combination of practical , accord with students ' age characteristics , grade characteristics , development rules of writing thinking .

  21. 前者可能是个人或一群人,他们喜欢你以及你的创业想法,想帮你把这个创想带到一个新水平:试验你的创想、进行试水、打造你的软件等等。

    The former can be an individual or a group of people who like you and your idea and want to help you take it to the next level : to pilot your idea , to test the waters , to build out your software , or the like .