
  • 网络User generated content;user-generated content;User Generate Content;ugc
  1. 据调查统计在微博用户生成内容中,40%的信息都是和旅游相关的,微博已然成为旅游者出行所要关注的一个重要信息源。

    According to investigation statistics in micro-blog user generated content , 40 % of the information is related to tourism . Micro-blog has become one of the most important source of information for tourist .

  2. 这一新颁布的司法解释的实施可能对我们平台的流量产生重大不利影响,不利于用户生成内容的创造,这反过来可能影响到我们的经营表现,并最终影响我们的美国存托股票的交易价格。

    The implementation of this newly promulgated judicial interpretation may have a significant and adverse effect on the traffic of our platform and discourage the creation of user generated content , which in turn may impact the results of our operations and ultimately the trading price of our ADSs .

  3. Web2.0的故事就是用户生成内容的故事。

    The story of Web2.0 is the story of user-generated content .

  4. 各大品牌对Youtube的用户生成内容持谨慎态度。

    Brands are wary of YouTube 's user-generated content .

  5. 从想要完成家庭作业的学生,到希望利用用户生成内容的Web开发人员等等,都可以通过Wikipedia满足需求。

    Everyone from kids looking to get a leg up on homework to Web developers tapping the power of user-generated content makes Wikipedia the first stop .

  6. 用户生成内容(UGC)与虚拟社区的经济价值

    Users generate content and the economic value of virtual community

  7. 一项新的研究发现,youtube和myspace等由用户生成内容的视频网站所能获得的广告预算,将只占更专业在线节目广告预算的一小部分。

    User-generated video sites such as youtube and MySpace will earn only a fraction of the advertising budgets available for more professional online programming , according to a new study .

  8. 本文一共分为四个章节:第一章节对用户生成内容(UGC)及UGC网站进行了概括性介绍。

    This article is divided into a total of four sections : The first chapter is the general introduction of User-Generated Content ( UGC ) and UGC sites .

  9. 与此同时,基于用户生成内容(UGC)而发展壮大的UGC网络平台也成为了互联网产业乃至所有行业领域中必不可少的组成部分。

    At the same time , based on the UGC , the emerging UGC platforms have become an integral part in the Internet industry and even all industries .

  10. 那么如何摆脱烧钱的噩梦呢?很多业内人士给出的答案是用户生成内容(UGC)和网络自制。

    How to get rid of the money-losing nightmare ? The answer given by people in online video industry is user-generated content ( UGC ) and the network self-made .

  11. 用户生成内容(UGC)是Web2.0环境下一种新兴的网络信息资源创作与组织模式,倡导为用户创建一个参与表达、创造、沟通和分享的环境。

    User-Generated Content ( UGC ) is an emerging mode for the creating and organizing of web information resources , and it attempts to incubate an internet mediated social participation , communication , and collaboration environment .

  12. 对于用户生成内容站点的开发人员来说,以上描述中的一些概念非常易于理解

    Some concepts from this description are immediate lessons for developers of user-generated content sites

  13. 随着以用户生成内容为主的社会媒体快速发展壮大,网络审查体系日趋疲于应对。

    This system has been increasingly strained by the fast rise of social media dominated by user-generated content .

  14. 作为网络中资源的组织与创作新模式,用户生成内容近年来已经成为学术界关注的焦点。

    User-generated content is a new way of compiling and creating online information , which becomes the focus of the academic world .

  15. 事实上,基于在线品牌社群的用户生成内容,提供给消费者的互动价值越大,对消费者品牌态度的影响也越显著。

    In fact , The more interactive value provided by User-generated content based on online brand community , the more influence it will occur .

  16. 用户生成内容的互动效用,不仅仅包括工具效用、娱乐效用,还包括维持人际关系、社会增强在内的社会效用。

    The interactive utility of User-generated content contains not only instrumental utility and entertainment utility , but also social utility which including maintain personnel relationship and social enhancement .

  17. 社交网络区别于传统媒体最最重要特征就是:用户自生成内容(UGC,usergeneratedcontent)。

    Comparing with the traditional media , the most significant feature of SNS is user generated content ( UGC ) .

  18. 它们还来自Facebook,还有各种博客,来自所有用户生成的内容,还有所有爆炸式出现的所有小网站。

    It 's coming from Facebook . It 's coming from all the blogs , You Tube all the user-generated content , the You Tubes of the world , all the little websites that have exploded .

  19. 它们的成功来自于巧妙的软件部署,特别是“基于云”的软件,以及(就Facebook、LinkedIn、Twitter以及谷歌的YouTube服务而言)组织和整理用户生成的内容。

    They have thrived from the artful deployment of software , in particular the " cloud based " variant , and - for Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter ( and Google 's YouTube service ) - organising and collating the contributions of their users .

  20. Wikipedia就是一个很好的例子,它成功制造了这种效应,通过本文您将了解构成Wikipedia架构的元素,可以通过它们利用用户生成的内容开发自己的站点。

    Wikipedia is a great example of a site that has succeeded in generating such an effect , and in this article you will learn elements of Wikipedia 's architecture that you can use to grow your own site with user-generated content .

  21. 而近年来,用户生成的内容也增长了15倍。

    And this is in addition to the burgeoning amount of user-generated content .

  22. 这都是缘于用户生成的内容,如照片分享、视频上传、推特和文章。

    It 's all thanks to user-generated content , such as photo shares , video uploads , tweets and articles .

  23. 由于用户生成的内容对于任何社交软件工作的成功都至关重要,因此您需要通过一个坚固的计划来吸引用户的兴趣。

    Because user-generated content is crucial to the success of any social software endeavor , you need a solid plan to get your users interested .

  24. 然而与此同时,在用户生成的侵权内容方面(比如盗版电影、照片或音乐),电子前沿基金会的态度通常与谷歌和Facebook是一致的,都不赞成版权所有人向传播方追究连带责任。

    At the same time , the eff is often an ally of Google and Facebook when it comes to staving off liability to rights holders over user-generated infringing content , like pirated movies , photos , or music .

  25. 它具有一套完整的体系鼓励用户进行协作来生成内容。

    It has an overall setup that encourages people to collaborate to generate content .

  26. 在平台中,用户数据分为用户个人数据、社会关系数据、用户生成内容和用户行为数据,其中数据量最丰富、更新频率最快的就是用户生成内容和用户行为数据。

    In the platform , user data is divided into four aspects : user personal data , social relationship data , UGC ( users generate content ), and user behavioral data .