
  1. 本文采用单五次B一样条函数配点分析了薄板的压曲以及自由振动,用九次样条函数配点分析了几种薄壳的稳定问题。

    In this paper bucking and free vibration problems of thin plates are ana - lysed by using single B & Spline function of degree five collocation method . And stability problems of some thin shells are analysed by using spline function of degree nine .

  2. 九柱地滚球一种滚球游戏,用九根木柱做靶子。

    A bowling game in which nine wooden pins are the target .

  3. 用九分量折射波研究低降速带

    Study of low velocity layer via 9-component refraction survey

  4. 我们用九个月完成了我们的五年计划

    We hit our five-Year goal in nine months .

  5. 他们可以叫人用九尾鞭打你们。

    They could order you to be flogged with something called a cat-o ' - nine tails .

  6. 希腊政府表示,会用九个月的时间,将政府财政赤字在国内生产总值中所占比重从12.7%降到8.7%。

    Greece has said it would reduced the government budget deficit from 12.7 percent to 8.7 percent during the next nine months .

  7. 奥瑟罗我要用九年的时间慢慢地磨死她。一个高雅的女人!一个美貌的女人!一个温柔的女人!

    Othello . I would have him nine years a-killing . A fine woman ! a fair woman ! a sweet woman !

  8. 九柱地滚球一种滚球游戏,用九根木柱做靶子在直立的木柱上另钉一块横木构成的十字架。

    A bowling game in which nine wooden pins are the target . a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece .

  9. 他知道有多少学生来自外国,因此给予每一位学生参加期终口试的机会&用九种语言。

    Knowing how many of the students came from foreign countries , he offered everyone the chance to take the final exam orally & in nine languages .

  10. 制作软肥皂一个简单的方法是用九千克碳酸钾,还需要12千克脂肪,任何一种脂肪都可以,还有26升水。

    One simple way to make soft soap requires nine kilograms of potash . You also need twelve kilos of any kind of oil and twenty-six liters of water .

  11. 打着七彩八飘的丝带,用九分真诚,十分热情,装进无数祝福送给你,愿端午节好运。

    Floating ribbons waving discus with eight , nine points sincere , very enthusiastic , put them in countless wishes to you , let the Dragon Boat Festival good luck .

  12. 我们纪录司仍在用第九版。

    We are still using the ninth in the Records Department .

  13. 打电报整整用了九块七毛钱。

    The telegram cost fully nine yuan seventy .

  14. 用中心九点差分格式,将微分方程离散化后,所得的线性代数方程组用矩阵[L][u]分解直接求解。

    After discretization , the linear algebraic equations obtained were solved directly by triangulation .

  15. 上一个谜题你用了九个小时解开。这次给你八个小时。

    You solved my last puzzle in nine hours . This time you have eight .

  16. 上一个谜题你用了九个小时解开这次给你八个小时

    You solved my last puzzle in nine hours.This time you have eight . Great !

  17. 她会做豌豆布丁,烤面包,用黄花九轮草做樱桃白兰地。

    She cooked pease-pudding , and baked the bread and made cowslip wine and cherry-brandy .

  18. 权限是用下面九个字母公告的,这九个字母作为三组显示。

    The permissions are declared with the following nine letters , which are shown in groups of three .

  19. 美国文化的基本特征可以用这样九个方面共十八个相对应的文化侧面来说明:宗教文化与世俗文化的结合;

    The characteristic of American culture can be illustrated by nine aspects including eighteen corresponding cultural sides : the combination of religious culture and secular culture ;

  20. 我报考的科目有初级和高级德语、法语、拉丁文、英语、希腊语和古罗马史。几门考试总共用了九个小时。

    The subjects I offered were Elementary and Advanced German , French , Latin , English , and Greek and Roman history , making nine hours in all .

  21. 一座笔直站立的佛像高75英尺,从岩壁上雕刻而出,覆以灰泥,并用“九层楼”为它遮风挡雨。

    A 75-foot-tall Buddha stands bolt upright , carved from the rock face and covered in plaster , protected from the elements by the facade of the Nine-Story Temple .

  22. 仪器使用多种测量技术(硫属玻璃电极,差分脉冲溶出伏安法和光寻址电位传感器)联用测量九种重金属元素。

    Multiple measurement techniques ( chalcogenide ion selective electrode , differential pulse stripping voltammetry , light addressable potential sensor ) have been combined to detect nine kinds of heavy metal .

  23. 美国在伊拉克花费了巨额的财富,无数美国大兵在此洒下了鲜血,但伊拉克用了九个月时间只成立一个不稳定的政府,而且这个政府似乎更对伊朗的胃口。

    Iraq , where America has expended so much blood and treasure , took nine months to form a shaky government that looks more to Iran 's liking than America 's.

  24. 2010年她在那里买下了一个工作室,用了九个月就将贷款全部支付完毕.但是她每周会去三次上西区,捡一些免费的用品和食物。

    She lives in Harlem , where she bought a studio in 2010 and paid it off in nine months , but treks down to the Upper West Side three times a week for good , free food .

  25. 她住在纽约黑人居住集中的哈莱姆区。2010年她在那里买下了一个工作室,用了九个月就将贷款全部支付完毕。但是她每周会去三次上西区,捡一些免费的用品和食物。

    She lives in Harlem , where she bought a studio in 2010 and paid it off in nine months , but treks down to the Upper West Side three times a week for good , free food 。

  26. 这种控制方案能在有效的控制好电压和减少电力系统网损,同时与用传统九分区的控制策略相比,减少了变压器的分接头和并联电容器的调节次数。

    This control scheme can effectively control the voltage and reduce the power system network losses , compared with the control strategy with the traditional nine partitions , reducing the number of the regulation of the transformer taps and shunt capacitors .

  27. 当多伦多猛龙队在1997年的选秀大会上用第九顺位选中了来自于北卡罗来纳州蒙特锡安山基督学院的麦迪时,除了那些真正具有篮球头脑的人之外,几乎没有人知道他有哪些优劣势。

    So when the Toronto Raptors drafted a kid from Mount Zion Christian Academy in North Carolina with the ninth overall pick in the 1997 NBA Draft , nobody - outside of true hoop heads - knew a goddamn thing about him .

  28. 家蚕春用新品种九·华×春·早的育成

    Breading of Silkworm New Variety Jiu · Hua × Chun · Zao

  29. 在中国出版的地图上,中方用一条九段线把南中国海圈起来,延伸至越南、马来西亚和菲律宾的大段海岸。

    Chinese maps encircle the South China Sea with a line of nine dashes that runs up to large stretches of the Vietnamese , Malaysian and Philippine coasts .

  30. 此一章重要者,归纳出六宫之说不确,杂剧虽用宫调有九,然常用者四宫二调而已。

    This chapter is important , summed up the previous six gong is not correct . Although the Yuan Yuan drama use about nine , but also used only four gong two diao .