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  1. 他认为,全球化过程包括全球范围内文明中心的兴起、地区文明的兴起与相互联系、全球一体化与全球性问题的产生三个环节。

    In his vision , the process of globalization included three links : the rise of worldwide civilization centers , the rise and interaction of regional civilizations , the emergence of globalization and global problems .

  2. 拜拜了您内西方文明,敬请安息吧。

    Goodbye , western civilisation , sleep in peace .

  3. 西方发达国家已将生态保护提升到全新的高度,全世界范围内生态文明发展到了一个新的阶段。

    Western developed countries elevated ecological protection to a new level , and ecological civilization has developed to a new stage worldwide .

  4. 希腊最大的岛屿,位于地中海内;克里特文明发祥地,在公元前年达到其文明的颠峰。

    The largest Greek island in the Mediterranean ; site of the Minoan civilization that reached its peak in 1600 BC .

  5. 康乾时代在世界范围内是农业文明的最后光辉与资本主义的始发阶段相对峙,而农业文明还占上风的时代,乾隆的作为不可能超越历史所提供的条件;

    The time of Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong were confronted with both the last glory of agricultural civilization and the early stage of capitalism in the scope of the world .

  6. 经过全院职工的积极努力,使院内管理、精神文明建设、服务功能与质量、科室设置、基础设备、院容院貌都有了长足的发展。

    The spiritual civilization building and service function and service quality were distinctly improved in the hospital .

  7. 德雷克方程式是用来估计银河系内拥有高度发展文明的星球数量的。

    The Drake equation is used to estimate the number of highly evolved civilizations that might exist in our galaxy .

  8. 在公司内,不讲文明礼貌,举止粗鲁,行为不检或辱骂他人的。

    Act a rude behavior , not be on one 's good behavior in or abuse others in the company .

  9. 正因如此,我相信,我们在全球范围内将见证不同文明的融合,而非不同文明的冲突。

    This is why I believe that we are witnessing globally a fusion of civilisations , not a clash of civilisations .