
  1. 知识经济是市场经济高度发达的结果,市场经济具有生产力内涵。

    Knowledge economy is the result of marketing economy development . Marketing economy includes producing power content .

  2. 在知识经济和市场经济的时代中,品牌已成为企业决胜市场的战略工具。

    The famous brand has been the strategy tool for enterprise winning the market at the age of knowledge economy and market economy .

  3. 本文着重阐述了在知识经济和市场经济条件下,图书馆发展建设的取向问题,预示了现代化图书馆的必然发展趋势将实现产业化。

    This paper states the direction of library development and predicts that the modern library will realize industrialization in knowledge economy and market economy situation .

  4. 知识产权在市场经济中的作用日益凸显,给权利人带来利益的同时,也面临诸多侵权行为的挑战。

    Intellectual property has played an increasingly prominent role in the market economy . While bringing enormous benefits to right holders , it meanwhile faces many challenges of tort .

  5. 一方面,知识经济和市场经济时代带来了女性能力发展的福音,另一方面,现实中的女性能力发展又陷入困境。

    In the knowledge economy and market economy era , women 's ability development has a good chance on one hand , but on the other hand , women 's ability development in realistic gets into a difficult situation .

  6. 最后阐释马克思有关经济现象的法律逻辑思想的现实意义,充分发挥法律调整在知识经济与市场经济中重要推动作用。

    Finally , the author elaborates the implications of Marxian of legal logical ideas about economic phenomena on the current social issues , emphasizing the importance of the role of regulation of state laws in the socialist market economy .

  7. 基于协整方法的知识市场发育与中国经济增长关系研究

    Cointegration Analysis about the Relationship between Economic Growth and Knowledge Market in China

  8. 竞争法与知识产权法是市场经济的两个重要法律支柱。

    Competition law and intellectual property rights law are two important pillars for market economy .

  9. 21世纪是知识经济时代,市场经济渴望高素质人才。

    The 21st century is the times of knowledge economy , the market economy is short of talents of high quality .

  10. 知识经济时代,市场经济竞争越来越依赖企业的人力资源整合能力。

    With the age of the knowledge-based economy , the market economy depends more on the integration capability of human resources .

  11. 随着知识经济时代和市场经济全球化的来临,国内外市场竞争越演越烈。

    Along with the era of knowledge economy and market economy globalization coming , domestic and international market competition getting worse .

  12. 要在这个新时代里生存,我们首先要转变为知识密集型的市场经济,而人民的创新精神和创造力正是推动知识密集型市场经济发展的力量。

    To survive in this new era , we have to transform ourselves into knowledge-intensive market economies , which are propelled by the innovative spirit and creative energies of our people .

  13. 高职教育作为教育的重要组成部分,其经济功能主要表现为造就高素质技能型人才、传递和再生产科学技术、发展知识产业和营构市场经济软环境方面。

    Being an important part of education , higher vocational education has an economical function which includes : cultivating high quality skillful personnel , spreading and reproducing science and technology , developing knowledge industry and creating market economic environment .

  14. 知识经济是当今市场经济的发展趋势,随着知识经济时代的到来,知识产业开始了飞速的发展,软件行业、教育行业、咨询行业等等都出现了快速的增长。

    Knowledge economy is a trend of the development of market economy at the current stage . With the arrival of an era of knowledge economy , the knowledge industry including such trades as software , education and consultation has seen rapid growth .

  15. 第一章导论,主要从国际竞争、知识经济、社会主义市场经济三个方面,说明研究国家与个人关系问题的必要性及其意义,并对这一问题研究的国内外现状进行清理总结。

    Chapter one has discussed the necessity and its importance of studying the relationship between the state and the individual from three perspectives : international competition , intellectual economy and socialist market economy , and has also summed up the achievement about this topic in China and other countries .

  16. 知识经济时代,知识产权在市场经济中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    Knowledge-based economy ages , the intellectual property right plays a more and more important function in market economy .

  17. 知识产权自身以及知识产权交易市场的经济特征导致了交易中存在许多问题。

    IPRs itself and the economic characteristics of IP rights trading market triggered many problems .