
  1. 保险业的基本职能在于分散危险促进社会再生产顺利进行,但保险业的另一重要职能即投资职能常常被人们忽视。

    The basic function of insurance is to disperse dangers and accelerate social reproduction .

  2. 合理界定政府投资职能,加强政府投资管理,建立政府投资责任追究制度;

    Another objective is to rationally define the government 's investment functions , improve the management of government investment and establish an accountability mechanism for government investment .

  3. 第一节首先对我国地方政府需承担的投资职能和财权事权责任范围进行简要的介绍。

    The first section , there is a brief introduction to the powers ' scope of responsibility and the investment functions which should be assumed by local governments .

  4. 其次要明确政府在农村牧区人力资本投资的职能定位。

    Second , we must clear the government human capital investment in the rural pastoral functions of orientation .

  5. 本文从城乡之间基础设施存在的差别以及政府公共投资的职能等方面,阐述了政府公共投资在农村基础设施建设投资中应发挥的作用,并提出若干建议。

    The essay analyzes the difference of basic construction between town and country and explains the functions of governmental public investment in basic rural construction , then , it puts forward some practical suggestions .

  6. 第六章呼应第四章部分规律的理论分析,通过对长江三角洲地区47家跨国公司RD机构调研数据的统计分析,验证了在华RD机构的投资动机、职能与外溢途径等一般规律。

    Chapter 6 is parallel with Chapter 4 . By Statistical Analyzing the date of 47 TNCs ' RD centers in Yangtze River Delta , validate the general rule , such as its motive , function and spillover channel .

  7. 对于非经营性城市基础设施项目,政府要担当起投资主体的职能。

    As for non-operational items , the government should act as investment main body .

  8. 政府在风险投资中的职能分析

    Analysis of the Government Functions in Venture Investment

  9. 从国际经验看政府在风险投资中的职能和作用

    Analysis of Function and Role of Government in Venture Capital Investment Based on International Experience

  10. 从制度经济学的视角看,人力资本产权交易障碍和人力资本投资中政府职能的错位是导致我国人力资本投资不足的主要因素。

    Owing to the distinct insufficiency and the inequity of China 's human capital investment , it is necessary to implement the reform on governmental functions .

  11. 即人民币真正履行国际货币的全部功能,即在国际金融市场上承担了计价、结算、交易、投资、储备职能。

    Namely RMB can truly perform all functions of international currency , i.e.assume valuation , settlement , trade , investment and reserve functions in international financial market .

  12. 通过对财政投资评审的职能进行分析,明确评审职能之后提出对财政投资评审工作发展具有建设性的建议。

    To analyze the functions of the financial and investment review , after a clear assessment functions put forward constructive suggestions on the development of financial investments assessment .

  13. 第四,系统分析了河北省小城镇建设中存在的基础设施投资、政府职能改革、财政管理体制以及建设规划等方面的制约因素;

    The fourth , the restriction factor in infrastructure investment , function reforming , financial management system and construction plan of government etc. existing in the construction of the small cities and towns of Hebei province of network analysis ;

  14. 信托的基本职能是财务管理,即理财,由理财活动可以延伸出融通资金、沟通和协调经济关系、提供信任、信息与咨询和社会投资等多种职能。

    The basic function of Trust is financial management which is just financing . It can stretch to other functions such as financing , communication , economic relationship cooperation , trust , information and inquiry offering and social investment .

  15. 造价工程师在工程建设项目投资控制上的职能和作用

    Cost Engineer 's Duty and Role to Contorl Investment of Construction Project

  16. 虽然国家投资经营承担多种职能,但调节经济是其主要功能。

    Although state investment and management is committed to various functions , regulation is the primary function .

  17. 投资银行作为交易职能分工的产物,它可利用专业化分工为企业并购节约信息搜寻成本、合同成本以及多种风险成本。

    As the offspring of division of dealing function , investment banking can decrease cost of information , contracting cost and other cost of insurance for acquiring firm and target firm .

  18. 投资银行的主要职能是:沟通资金供求,优化资源配置,提高资本市场运行效率,推动企业并购、促进产业升级。

    The investment bank main function is : The communication between fund supply and demand , the optimized resources of disposition , enhances the capital market operating efficiency , impels merge , and promotes industry update .

  19. 分析财政投资评审在政府职能不变的情况下,如何最大程度地实现对政府投资项目资金运用和财务活动的有效监管,最大限度地发挥政府投资效益。

    Analysis in the case of the same functions of the government , financial investment review , how to maximize the effective regulation of the use of funds and financial activities of government investment projects to maximize government investment .

  20. 并且从人力资本投资,转变政府职能,引导农业产业化主体的重新构建,加快农村环境建设等方面,对如何构建我国现代农业主体提出了具体的措施。

    Moreover , some specific measurements are recommended on how to reconstruct the subjects of China 's modern agriculture from the angles of investing human capital , transforming of government functions , guiding the reconstruction of the subjects of agricultural industrialization , accelerating the building of countryside environment etc.

  21. 提高政府投资效益的途径如下:(1)明确政府投资职能和范围;

    The ways to enhance the efficiency and profit of the government investment are : ( 1 ) clearly defining the function and scope of the government investment ;

  22. 揭示了三大因素对企业投资策略的影响的作用点是企业投资策略的战略职能;

    The point that the three main factors act on enterprise investment strategy at is the strategic function of the enterprise investment strategy ;

  23. 虽然市场上也不断涌现形式多样的类似的准房地产投资信托基金,但是目前国内这些准REITs基本上还停留在贷款融资层面上,而没有实现REITs的本质特色&专业的投资管理职能。

    Though there is various similar REITs in the market of China , these just remain in the surface of loan and finance , not realize REITs ' essential feature & the functions of professional investment and management .