
  • 网络The Future for Investors
  1. 观察人士说,协议的达成只能提供短期保证,但并不太能解决投资者的未来担忧。

    Observers say the deal will provide short-term certainty , but will not do much to address investor concerns about the future .

  2. 更多不详的预兆还在笼罩着这个行业上空,除了受到损失的投资者的未来信心不足以外,还包括他们所购买的公司。

    Yet a more ominous pall hangs over the industry , and the firms they have bought , than the prospect of investors losing some of their money .

  3. 投资者相信的是未来的汽车技术,而不是当前的汽车制造商将会盈利。

    Investors believe in future car technologies , but not that the current carmakers will profit .

  4. 期权市场(在这个市场上,投资者交易的是未来某个特定日期买卖某种货币的权利、而非义务)也发生了重大转变。

    But there has also been a significant shift in the options markets ( where investors trade the right , but not the obligation , to buy or to sell a currency at a specified date in the future ) .

  5. 同时,机构投资者的持股加速了未来盈余信息在股价中的反映速度。

    Meanwhile , the extent to which stock prices reflect future earnings is positively related to the percentage of institutional ownership .

  6. 这意味着投资者正为特斯拉的未来前景投下重注,出价要远远高于对其他豪车厂商实际表现的评估。

    In other words , investors are paying far more for Tesla 's future promises than today 's performance by other luxury car manufacturers .

  7. 因此,是的,伯克希尔的公司治理问题已经说得很明白了,但投资者的问题是关于未来。

    So yes , the governance issues at Berkshire are clearly spelled out , but the question for investors should be about the future .

  8. 研讨会的目的是想让所有的利益相关人士利用这个机会,就发展中国机构投资者的现存问题和未来走向展开讨论。

    The workshop is intended to bring together all stakeholders involved to discuss current issues and future directions in promoting institutional investors in China .