
tóu shí jī
  • stone catapult
  1. 城墙上的投石机撕裂了前进的军队。

    Ballistae on the outer walls tore through the advancing cavalry .

  2. 曼宁建议我务必不要错过下午4:30举行的火焰投石机表演。

    I am advised not to miss the flaming trebuchet at 4.30pm .

  3. 投石机:古代投掷物体之发射器,用作发射长箭或重型球状物。

    Ballista : Ancient missile launcher designed to hurl long arrows or heavy Balls .

  4. 上次游戏他太早放她出来结果把她输给了一个投石机。

    Last game he had brought her out too soon and lost her to a trebuchet .

  5. 从投石机的彼端传来一声不太清晰的盘问:是谁?

    On the far side of the catapult , a muffled voice called out a challenge . Who goes there ?

  6. 康塞尔拿起我的枪,对准在十米外挥动投石机的一个土人,就要打。

    Conseil pounced on his rifle and aimed at a savage swinging a sling just ten meters away from him .

  7. 因为投石机也能直接攻击单位,它们算得上是攻城利器,直到加农炮发明才会被替代。

    Since the trebuchets can also attack units directly , they 're the star city raider until the discovery of cannons .

  8. 他走过一台高如城墙的庞大投石机,它的底座深深地陷入长城,

    He passed a massive catapult , as tall as a city wall , its base sunk deep into the Wall .

  9. 在攻城战中,随着游戏的进行,攻击者将会开发出小型投石机,渐渐的就出现了越来越大的大炮。

    In siege warfare , as the game progresses , the attackers will develop trebuchets and progressively bigger and better cannon .

  10. 依照指令继续他的永不结束的猎食来发射破坏,这个好战的怪兽架设了架地狱般的投石机在他的稳固的壳上。

    In order to still his never ending hunger for utter destruction , this warmongering beast mounted a hell slinging catapult on top of his impenetrable shell .

  11. 与笨重的大型投石机或石弩相比,旋风炮占尽优势。尽管前者威力更大,但操作起来要耗费相当的时间和人力。

    This gave them a strategic advantage over heavier catapults and trebuchets which , while much more destructive with a single shot , took time and manpower to maneuver into position .

  12. 圆形突出于外墙的鼓楼和半月形突出于城墙的塔楼更有利于防御投石机的攻击,因为弧形能更有效的反射飞石,但是显然鸦树城比建筑师积累起这条特殊智慧的年代更为久远。

    Drum towers and half-moons held up better against catapults , since thrown stones were more apt to deflect off a curved wall , but Raventree predated that particular bit of builder 's wisdom .