
zhī bò dì huánɡ wán
  • Zhibai Dihuang Pill;Pill of Anemarrhena,Phellodendron and Rehmannia
  1. 影象学资料显示:补肾固齿丸和知柏地黄丸均能促进牙槽骨密度增加(P<0.01),但两者组间比较差异无统计学意义。

    The data of imageology showed that both of them could increase the density of alveolar bone ( P < 0.01 ) , but there is no statistical significance between two groups .

  2. 结论:知柏地黄丸能有效地治疗UU前列腺炎并能够使合并精子活力低下患者的精子活力提高。

    Conclusions : ZBDHW can threat UU prostatitis effectively , and improve the sperm activities of UU prostatitis complicated with low sperm activity .

  3. 前期研究表明,知柏地黄丸能有效抑制UU生长;能下调生精细胞凋亡;具有抗感染和免疫调节功能。

    Previous studies have shown that , Zhibai Dihuang pill ( ZBDHP ) can effectively inhibit the growth of UU ; can be reduced the apoptosis of spermatogenic cells ; anti infection and immune regulation function .

  4. 知柏地黄丸对抑那通诱导特发性性早熟小鼠模型的干预作用

    Influence of " Zhibai Dihuang Pill " on Idiopathic Central Precocious Puberty Induced by Enantone in Mice

  5. 知柏地黄丸微生物限度检查细菌计数方法验证简析

    Analysis on Verification of Bacterial Colony Counting in Microbial Limit Test of Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan

  6. 知柏地黄丸降低三苯氧胺治疗乳腺癌产生的毒副作用临床研究

    Clinical Study of Toxic and Side Effect of Zhibai Dihuang Wan Decrease the Tamoxifen in Treating breast cancer

  7. 知柏地黄丸对甲状腺功能亢进症患者抵抗素、脂联素及瘦素的影响

    Effect of Zhibai Dihuang Pill on serum level of resistin , adiponectin , leptin in patients with hyperthyroidism

  8. 明目地黄丸知柏地黄丸和六味地黄丸指纹图谱双指标等级序列模式识别研究

    Study of Dual Index Grade Sequence Pattern Recognition of Mingmu Dihuang Pills Zhibo Dihuang Pills and Liuwei Dihuang Pills

  9. 肾虚肝旺证,治法:滋肾平肝,主方:知柏地黄丸加减。

    Kidney deficiency liver Wang pattern , therapy : nourishing the kidney and smooth the liver . The main decoction : Zhibai Dihuang Wan .

  10. 知柏地黄丸浸液对大鼠嗜铬细胞内钙的作用

    The Effects of Extract of Zhi Bo Di Huang Wan on the [ Ca ~ ( 2 + ) ] _i of Rat Chromaffin Cell

  11. 初步验证了该专家系统的实用性,同时为知柏地黄丸、甜瓜蒂和三七质量控制提供了新方法。

    This study preliminary validated the practicability of the constructed expert system and provided new methods for quality control of Zhibai Dihuang Pill , Pedicellus Melo and Radix et Rhizoma Notoginseng . 1 .

  12. 知柏地黄口服液及丸的药效学和急性毒性翼首草的抗炎作用与急毒实验研究

    Pharmacodynamic and Acute Toxicity Test of Zhibai Dihuang Koufuye and Zhibai Dihuang Wan Anti-inflammatory Effects of and Acute Toxicity Test with Pterocephalus Hookeri