
  • 网络knowledge transaction
  1. 知识交易过程存在着交易双方信息不对称的现象,卖方向买方披露信息消除这一信息不对称,会引发买方的搭便车行为。

    An asymmetry of information exists between bargaining parties in knowledge transaction .

  2. 知识交易成本与我国虚拟企业发展。

    Chapter five : knowledge transaction cost and virtual enterprise development in China .

  3. 将企业内部的知识交易划分为管理不参与交易、管理直接交易和管理参与交易3种方式,并运用Holstrom和Milgrom模型对3种交易方式进行了分析。

    The knowledge exchange in the enterprise can be divided into three types , management nonparticipation , management participation and management-directly-exchange . Three kinds of knowledge exchange mode are analyzed based on the Holstrom and Milgrom model in the paper .

  4. 外币交易业务汇兑损益会计处理方法的探讨知识交易

    A talk about accountant dealing with means of foreign currency trade operation exchange Knowledge Transaction

  5. 知识交易

    Knowledge Transaction A Discrimination of Fairness

  6. 在和一般商品交易的对比分析中提出知识交易的八大特征,这是研究知识交易定价问题的基础。

    This paper offers eight characters of knowledge transaction through the comparison analysis between general merchandise transaction and knowledge transaction .

  7. 第二部分证明供应链联盟是一种知识交易的治理结构。

    The point that supply chain alliance is a kind of governance structure of knowledge trade is proved in the second part .

  8. 研究结果为供应链企业间知识交易的契约机制设计提供了理论依据和指导。

    The results can provide a theoretical basis and guidance for designing contract mechanisms of knowledge trading among members in supply chain .

  9. 最后,论文提出了基于知识交易的供应链企业间知识共享策略。

    Finally , the strategies of improving the knowledge sharing level of enterprises in supply chain are figured out on the base of knowledge trading .

  10. 知识交易成本理论、核心竞争力理论以及战略缺口理论,为知识联盟型虚拟企业跨组织界面的知识共享提供了理论基础和实现必要性。

    Knowledge transaction cost theory , core competence theory and strategy gap theory provide theoretical foundation and completion necessity of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in knowledge-linked virtual enterprise .

  11. 为推动企业内部的知识交易顺利地进行,企业应解决知识地图、企业文化和激励机制等问题以促进交易并最终形成知识共享。

    The Enterprise should make the exchange more favorably through setting up knowledge map , enterprise culture and inspiration mechanism , which forms the knowledge sharing eventually .

  12. 随着信息技术的发展以及知识交易效率的低下,企业正在构建基于核心能力的无边界企业,企业边界正趋于无穷。

    Because the development of information and the inefficient knowledge trade , the firm is set up with the core competency of the no-boundary firm , the boundary of firm is in everlasting .

  13. 但是,由于受多方面因素的制约,企业内员工在知识交易中缺乏明显的动力,导致企业隐性知识交易意愿度下降,影响了企业内隐性知识交易的行为。

    While for the restricting from different factors , the enterprise employee lack of the momentum in knowledge trading which results in the wishes of tacit knowledge trading decreasing , further more , affects the knowledge trading in enterprise .

  14. 组织是内部知识交易的最大受益者,组织应该作为第三方对知识供应者进行支付,而最有效的支付方式是在组织内部设立知识经纪人,并由其运作相关支付事宜。

    The organizations benefit from the knowledge exchange within it , so that the organizations as the third party should pay for knowledge supplier , and then the most efficient payment mode is that the organization appoint the knowledge broker and pay for them .

  15. 知识产权交易包含了知识产权以及随后的产品和服务。

    IPRs transactions include IPRs and the subsequent products and services .

  16. 服务体系的建立将使得知识产权交易更加便捷。

    The service system will make IPRs transactions more convenient .

  17. 信息化进程中知识商品交易价格问题研究

    Study on the Dealing Price of Intellectual Commodity in the Process of Informationization

  18. 我们凭借刚学来的新知识开始交易;

    We begin to trade with our new knowledge .

  19. 知识商品交易价格理论研究

    Study on Price Theory of Intellectual Merchandise Transaction

  20. 组织内部知识市场交易博弈模型及其实证分析

    A Game Model of Internal Knowledge Markets within an Organization and Its Empirical Analysis

  21. 知识是交易的阻碍么?

    Is Knowledge a Barrier to Trade ?

  22. 进而探讨组织间知识产权交易的市场结构、交易的监管等问题。

    Further explores the inter-organization transactions , market structure , trade regulation and other issues .

  23. 企业和市场对于知识的交易和共享的处理缺乏有效性是企业网络知识共享机制形成的推动力;

    Lack of validity about enterprise and market 's dealing with knowledge exchange and sharing is the forming impetus ;

  24. 其次,对知识产权交易过程中的知识产权资产价值评估问题进行了深入讨论,分析了多种模型的使用与改进。

    Second , the paper discusses the issue of IPRs assets valuation , analysis the improvement and use of multiple models .

  25. 为了使得知识产权交易得以有效进行,必须把实际社会经济环境对知识产权交易的影响纳入考虑范围之中。

    In order to make IPRs transactions to be effective , the impact of actual socio-economic environment must be incorporated into consideration .

  26. 本项目通过介绍金融投资基本理论知识及交易规则,帮助投资者深入理解金融衍生产品的专业知识;

    By introducing investment theories and trade policy , the program is aimed to help investors to get a thorough understanding of derivative products ;

  27. 信息始终不可能对等存在,但了解信息不对称产生的原因、知识产权交易扩散机制以及它们之间的作用机制有很重要的意义。

    The existence of information cannot symmetric , but it makes sense to understand the causes , mechanisms and IPRs transactions diffusion mechanism between them .

  28. 另一方面,垂直一体化企业的组织结构也在不断松散,并且以知识和交易等意识能力要素所决定的价值生产方式越来越成为经济发展的主导。

    So , the style of value production determined by the capability essence , such as knowledge and transaction , is becoming the leading of economic development .

  29. 我打算把公司现有的知识产权交易和调查研究等业务同咨询业务结合起来,从而帮助顾客进入海外市场。

    I would like to combine the company 's current service of intellectual property transactions and research with a consulting service to help clients enter foreign markets .

  30. 随着知识产权交易市场的形成和知识产权贸易的发展,注册商标转让已屡见不鲜,尤其是在企业合资、合营、兼并、股份制改制、重组过程中,商标权转让、拍卖日益频繁。

    With the development of intellectual property exchange markets and intellectual property trade , there are more and more trademark assignments especially in the joint ventures , the joint managements , mergers , reform of shareholding system , amalgamation , an increasing frequency , is trademark assignments .