
  • 网络internet;network of network
  1. 一种局部网际网传输通信协议的研究分析

    Analysis of Datagram Delivery Protocol in Local Internet

  2. 指的是一群有相同需求的消费者,透过网际网路的平台聚集在一起进行采购,达成大量购买以提高议价能力,达到价格下降的目的。

    Group-buying means a group of people who have the same requirement with a product , they put together with Internet so that can make the amount to get discounts .

  3. 文中讨论了网际网的路由选择;路由表更新与维护;

    Routing , updating and maintaining of the table are discussed .

  4. 计算机局部网际网的路由协议

    Routing Protocols of Computer Local Internets

  5. 随著攻击技巧日新月異,已有许多新型态的攻击程式可以在极短时间内攻击整个网际网路,其中以零时差变形蠕虫的威胁最大。

    Due to the sophisticated hacking skills , nowadays , a lot of the modern malicious programs could cause global flooding attack in short period time .

  6. IP数据报的内容体现了网际互联层的网间协议的协议机制。

    IP datagram embodies the mechanism of internet protocol in IP layer .

  7. 网络也普遍存在科技之中,像是网际网路、电力网及运输系统等等。

    And networks pervade technology : the Internet , power grids and transportation systems are but a few examples .

  8. 作为北京晨报的网际延伸,晨报网在内容上、版面上与报纸媒体紧密配合,从而实现“报网”互动,这是报社长期以来遵循的办报方针。

    Extends as the Beijing morning paper internet , morning paper net oncontent , page layout with newspaper media close coordination , thusrealizes " the newspaper net " the interaction , this is the newspaperoffice follows since long ago publishes a newspaper the policy .