
  • 网络Internet censorship;censorship of the internet;censorship
  1. 其中,国务卿希拉里重申了美国在网络信息自由上的立场,并表示美国国务院计划与网络审查展开斗争。

    S. 's stance on freedom of information on the internet and unveiled a new State Department initiative to fight Internet censorship .

  2. 伊朗拥有世界上最广泛的网络审查体系。

    Iran has one of the most extensive systems of online censorship .

  3. 例如,最近在亚洲的所有地区,有一小段时间不能访问YouTube是因为巴基斯坦在其内部网络审查YouTube的方法上犯了一些错误。他们无意于在亚洲墙掉Youtube,但由于的协议工作方式,他们确实短时间内阻断了Youtube。

    So , for instance , in all of Asia recently , it was impossible to get YouTube for a little while because Pakistan made some mistakes in how it was censoring YouTube in its internal network . They didn 't intend to screw up Asia , but they did because of the way that the protocols work .

  4. 我们的网络审查员好不容易才筛除了一些粗俗用语。

    Our network censors have had a difficult time screening our some of the rough language .

  5. 然而世界上最大的网络审查系统也没能掩盖发生过的事情。

    Yet the world 's biggest censor has been unable to keep a lid on what happened .

  6. 网络审查包围社交媒体

    Web censors embrace social media

  7. 无论这一网络审查的具体原因是什么,反正人们的注意力很快就转向上述白宫网站。

    Whatever the exact cause of the censorship , attention quickly shifted to the White House website .

  8. 随着以用户生成内容为主的社会媒体快速发展壮大,网络审查体系日趋疲于应对。

    This system has been increasingly strained by the fast rise of social media dominated by user-generated content .

  9. 一位网民讽刺地说,现在就连“首席网络审查员”自己都被审查了。

    Some netizens noted with a touch of irony the fact that the chief censor was now being censored himself .

  10. 为规避网络审查规则,谷歌把其在中国内地的搜索站点转移到了境外,今年以来,该公司在中国的市场份额出现下降。

    The US group lost market share in China this year after moving its local service offshore to avoid online censorship rules .

  11. 上述判决加大了对中国互联网服务商的压力,它们被夹在网络审查部门的权威与法律中间。

    The verdict raises the pressure on Internet service providers as they get stuck between the authority of the censors and the law .

  12. 网络审查官在飞快地删除批判性的文章和微博;更多愤怒的中产阶级分子也飞快地加入了论战,再次发文进行申诉。

    As fast as internet censors delete critical articles and tweets , more angry middle-class people join the debate and start posting new complaints .

  13. 这些黑客攻击最初是被专门研究中国互联网审查制度的团体“中国的网络审查”(发现的,并已得到其他安全专家的证实。

    The attack was first identified by , a group that conducts research on Chinese internet censorship , and corroborated by other security experts .

  14. 但就在王惠赞扬社交媒体的时候,与洪灾有关、批评政府的微博不断消失,可能是被网络审查人员删除了。

    But even as she praised social media , flood-related posts that were critical of the government were disappearing online , the apparent victims of online censors .

  15. 在谷歌宣布由于网络审查等原因关闭谷歌中国网站的决定前后,引发了一系列反应和争端。

    Before and after Google announced to shut down its China web site because of such factors as internet review and so on , a series of reactions and debate is triggered .

  16. 有多少媒体、编辑或网络审查员意识到了照片不真实,是郭的赔偿要求中的一个重要决定因素。

    How much media , editors or online censors were aware of the photo 's lack of authenticity would be a crucial deciding factor in Guo 's quest for compensation , he said .

  17. 虽然这并非一项正式调查,而且碍于网络审查的限制,但是结果让人得以一窥逾6.68亿中国网友的想法。

    While not a formal survey , and subject to the limits of online censorship , the results are a snapshot into the thinking of China 's more than 668 million Internet users .

  18. 我们在2006年1月在中国推出了,因为我们相信为中国人拓展信息获取、加大互联网开放的裨益超过了我们因在网络审查上做出让步而带来的不悦。

    We launched in January 2006 in the belief that the benefits of increased access to information for people in China and a more open Internet outweighed our discomfort in agreeing to censor some results .

  19. 中国的网络审查部门没有删贴似乎表明,要么是中国饱受诟病的民主气氛比外界所想象的更为活跃,要么是政府尚未决定如何回应。

    The lack of action by internet censors suggests either that China 's much maligned democracy is more vibrant than it is often given credit for , or the government has yet to decide how to respond .

  20. 信息自由还会牵涉到对网络的审查制度,这又是一个让立法者头疼的雷区。

    Freedom of information also concerns censorship on the Web , another minefield for legislators to deal with .

  21. 他们表示,政府可能会利用该法案来对网络进行审查,并控制信息的流动。

    They say the government could use it to censor the Web and control the flow of information .

  22. 黑莓公司将软件发送至手机时,会经过手机网络的审查,而苹果公司可以随时对手机进行更新。

    BlackBerry 's software is reviewed by mobile networks before being sent to handsets , while Apple can push updates to its phones whenever it wants .

  23. 为了回应这起案件,本周器官网络在审查了政策后,公布了将儿童列在成人肺移植等待名单上的临时性进程。

    In response to her case , the organ network this week announced the temporary process for children to be placed on the list for adult lungs as it reviews its policies .

  24. 谷歌在2010年宣布关闭其网站,并在接连不断的网络攻击和审查之下将其在中国的搜索服务从大陆转到了香港。

    Google shut down its website in 2010 , moving its Chinese search service from mainland China to Hong Kong in a row over cyberattacks and censorship .

  25. 威廉姆斯在世界经济论坛(worldeconomicforum)上发表讲话时表示,他敬佩谷歌(google)最近决定在其服务受到网络攻击和审查问题上公开叫板中国,但表示twitter规模太小,无力采取类似立场。

    Mr Williams , speaking at the world economic forum , said he admired Google for its decision last month to confront China over censorship and cyber - attacks on its service , but said twitter was too small to take a similar stand .

  26. 但在中国,一个民权律师被投入监狱、网络言论遭到审查、微信(WeChat)等热门社交媒体应用受到监控以过滤政治敏感内容的国家,人们似乎没有这种担忧。

    However , in China , where civil rights lawyers are jailed , online postings censored and popular social networking apps such as WeChat monitored for politically sensitive content , citizens seem to have no such concerns .

  27. 这项行动冲破了对于中国严格的网络管理和审查制度的顾虑。

    The move comes despite concerns over China 's strict control and censorship of online content .

  28. 通过域名封锁整个网络更有信息审查之嫌。而且,这种封锁对真正想要下载的人不会起作用,他们很轻易就能绕过。

    They say that blocking entire websites via their domain name smacks of censorship , and that determined downloaders will anyway find the block easy to bypass .

  29. 在伦敦为期两天的国际互联网安全会议上,卡梅伦说,政府一定不能将网络安全作为审查的借口,或不给人民机会。

    Addressing a two-day international conference on Internet security in London , he said governments must not use cyber security as an excuse for censorship or to deny people opportunities .

  30. 不过,Twitter表示目前并无计划进入中国互联网市场。在中国,社交网络会受到政府审查,谷歌(Google)和Facebook等美国主要互联网企业都未在华开展业务。

    However , Twitter said it had no plans to enter the large and fast-growing Chinese internet market , where social networks are subject to government censorship and many major US internet companies such as Google and Facebook do not operate .