
  • 网络Cancellation;Flight cancellation;flight cancelled
  1. 退款被认为应在航班取消后7天内支付。

    Refunds are considered due within seven days of flight cancellation .

  2. 由于类似的信息不足的原因,7月14日上海机场出现大面积航班取消的情况后外界也是议论纷纷。一些网友猜测,空域关闭是因为有政府高官试图逃跑。

    A similar lack of information paved the way for rumor-mongering in the wake of another mass flight cancellation in Shanghai on July 14 , with some Internet users speculating that airspace had been shut down because a high-level government official was trying to flee the country .

  3. 海上起风浪会导致渡轮航班取消。

    Heavy seas can cause cancellation of ferry services .

  4. 他们通知该航班取消了。

    They announced that the flight was cancelled .

  5. 长春龙嘉国际机场关闭,截至11月19日下午3点,126个航班取消,17个航班延误。

    The Changchun Longjia International Airport has been closed , with a total of 126 flights canceled and 17 flights delayed as of 3 pm .

  6. 当地政府表示,黑龙江省暴雪已导致100多个航班取消,高速路和学校也被迫关闭。

    Snowstorms in China 's northernmost province of Heilongjiang have grounded more than 100 flights and forced expressways and schools to be closed , local authorities said .

  7. 布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会里参与起草这些法规的政策官员弗兰克•劳伦特(FrankLaurent)说:航班取消对乘客的影响一般比航班延误更大。

    ' Cancellations are always worse for the passenger than delay , ' says Frank Laurent , a policy officer for the European Commission in Brussels who helped draft the rules .

  8. 完成旅途后,航班取消了他回家的班机,推迟了一天回家,但是Loken很高兴回到奥斯陆(挪威首都)父母的家里。

    Loken was happy to return to his parents'home in Oslo , after an airline strike canceled his homecoming flight , postponing his return by a day .

  9. 航空部门表示台风导致超过200班航班取消。

    Aviation authorities say more than 200 flights have been canceled .

  10. 如果这次航班取消了,我不会感到意外的。

    I shouldn 't be surprised if the flight 's cancelled .

  11. 您能否告诉我为什么我们的航班取消了?

    Could you tell me why our flight has been cancelled ?

  12. 所以,这就是许多航班取消的原因。

    So , that 's why there are so many cancellations .

  13. 我们曾要求航空公司将航班取消对乘客更加灵活;

    We 've required airlines to grant travelers more flexibility on cancellations ;

  14. 航空公司方面表示,如果航班取消,会全额退款。

    The company says it will offer refunds if flights are canceled .

  15. 本周初,这两个机场已经有航班取消。

    Both had already seen flight cancellations earlier this week .

  16. 由于天气的原因我们的航班取消了。

    The flight has been canceled due to bad weather .

  17. 由于暴雨,我们的航班取消了。

    Our flight has been canceled due to the storm .

  18. 由于地面大雾,所有航班取消。

    For the thick ground fog , all the flight have been cancelled .

  19. 请问是哪一个航班取消了?

    Excuse me , which flight has been cancelled ?

  20. 洛克:哪个航班取消了?

    Lok : Which flight has been cancelled ?

  21. 由于大雾,航班取消。

    The flight was cancelled to the fog .

  22. 维多利亚:对不起,请问是哪一个航班取消了?

    Victoria : Excuse me , could you tell me which flight has been cancelled ?

  23. 飞行员在安全检查点的航线,航班取消。

    The flyers are finding long long lines at security check points and canceled flights .

  24. 亲爱的!我本想去巴厘看你妈妈,可航班取消了。

    Darling ! I was meeting your mother in bali , and they cancelled the flight .

  25. 多个州的商店和学校被迫关闭,上百架航班取消。

    Businesses and schools were shut down in multiple states and hundreds of flights were canceled .

  26. 截止今天中午,首都国际机场共有50多个航班取消。

    More than 50 flights were canceled at the Beijing Capital International Airport as of Friday midday .

  27. 由于飞机载客太满,当航班取消之后,航空公司为乘客重新订票的备用票源非常有限。

    With planes so full , airlines have limited reserve capacity to rebook customers after flights get canceled .

  28. 台风来袭时,所有的道路封闭,航班取消,公交车服务暂停。

    When the storm hit , roads were closed , flights were cancelled , and bus service 's suspended .

  29. 由于台风森姆袭港,较早前有六班航班取消,另有六班航班需转飞其它地方。

    Typhoon Sam had forced six flights to be cancelled and six others to be diverted earlier in the day .

  30. 雅典国际机场的空中交管人员决定举行12小时罢工,导致逾150架次航班取消和延误。

    Air traffic controllers at Athens International Airport staged a 12-hour walkout , causing more than 150 flight cancellations and delays .