
  • 网络modern browser
  1. 现在,您在大多数现代浏览器中具备了有用的Find功能。

    You now have a useful Find function on most modern browsers .

  2. 看起来,这种方式很低效,但实际上这一类的DOM更新在现代浏览器上非常迅速。

    Sounds inefficient , but as it turns out : these kinds of DOM updates are very fast on modern browsers .

  3. 微软基于谷歌Chrome开源代码的现代浏览器Edge近年来的受欢迎程度已经远超IE。

    Edge , Microsoft 's modern browser , is based on Google 's open source Chrome code , and has gained much more traction than IE in recent years .

  4. 2011年,试图复兴IE的微软终于推出了一款现代浏览器IE9。

    The company tried to revitalize IE : With Internet Explorer 9 in 2011 , Microsoft finally released a modern browser .

  5. 大多数现代浏览器要么拥有一个内置选项来禁用JavaScript,要么拥有一个可用插件。

    Most modern web browsers either have a built-in option to disable JavaScript or have a plug-in available .

  6. 2003年1月,苹果首次推出全新的现代浏览器Safari。

    Safari was introduced as an all-new , modern navigator in January 2003 .

  7. 了解有关jQuery框架的更多信息,该框架是在所有现代浏览器(包括移动浏览器)上进行JavaScript开发所必不可少的。

    Learn more about the jQuery framework , indispensable for JavaScript development on all modern browsers , including mobile browsers .

  8. 所有现代浏览器均支持JavaScript、CSS、绝对定位和在运行时对visibility属性这样的动态元素进行设置。

    All modern browsers support JavaScript , CSS , absolute positioning , and the setting of dynamic elements like the visibility attribute at runtime .

  9. 现代浏览器的访客和页面作者将完全受益于XHTML,而受InternetExplorer牵制的访客则仍然可获得大部分内容。

    Visitors and page authors using modern browsers will get the full benefit of XHTML , while visitors hobbled by Internet Explorer will still get most of the content .

  10. SnailBait拥有如此优秀的性能是因为,图10中的配置文件源自Chrome浏览器(26版,它像所有现代浏览器一样)对canvas元素进行了硬件加速。

    Snail Bait has such remarkable performance because the profile in Figure 10 was taken in the Chrome browser ( version 26 ) which like all modern browsers hardware-accelerates the canvas element .

  11. 通过执行P3P,如果你的网站采用了任何用户不同意的实践,使用现代浏览器的访问者可以自动得到警告。

    By implementing P3P , visitors to your site with modern browsers can be automatically warned if your site uses any practices which the user disagrees with .

  12. 过去导致内存泄漏的许多经典模式在现代浏览器中以不再导致泄漏内存。

    Many classic patterns that historically caused memory leaks no longer leak in modern browsers .

  13. 但是,现代浏览器和操作系统越来越多地支持本地拖放功能,这样做有利也有弊。

    However , modern browsers and operating systems increasingly support native drag-and-drop functions , which can be both useful and a problem .

  14. 现代浏览器使用一种同源策略,只允许将后续请求发送给发出页面的相同域。

    Modern browsers use a same origin policy that only permits subsequent requests to be issued to the same domain where the page originated .

  15. 大多数现代Web浏览器都为hidden提供了原生支持。

    Most modern web browsers support hidden natively .

  16. 现代Web浏览器和成熟的DocumentObjectModel(DOM)使为用户创建功能丰富的应用程序比以往任何时候都要容易。

    Modern Web browsers and a mature Document Object Model ( DOM ) make it easier than ever to create rich applications for users .

  17. 如果现代Web浏览器支持客户端Groovy,我就不会对JSON这么感兴趣。

    If modern Web browsers supported client-side Groovy , I 'd be far less interested in JSON .

  18. 某些更为现代的浏览器能感觉到这是一个Atom提要并能相应显示结果。

    Some of the more modern browsers detect that this is an Atom feed and display the results accordingly .

  19. Dojo于2004年创建,使开发DHTML和JavaScriptweb应用程序开发流程更为容易,隐藏了很多现代web浏览器中普遍存在的跨浏览器矛盾。

    Dojo was created in 2004 to make the process of developing DHTML and JavaScript web applications easier , hiding much of the cross-browser inconsistencies that are prevalent in modern web browsers .

  20. 但是在您锁定的这些更现代的浏览器上,它都是可用的。

    However , it is available on the more modern browsers that you are targeting here .

  21. 现代的浏览器不总是能完成任务,但是库设计者再次独自揽下重任,以简化我们的生活。

    Alas , today 's browsers aren 't always up to the task , but library designers have taken it upon themselves to simplify our lives once again .

  22. 出于安全性的考虑,现代的Web浏览器禁止不同域上的HTTP请求。

    For security reasons , modern Web browsers prohibit HTTP requests to different domains .

  23. 但是在移动平台上的调试工具却一直处于功能贫血状态;现代的桌面浏览器装备了功能强大的JavaScript和DOM调试器,以及性能剖析器。

    However , the tooling for debugging on mobile platforms is anemic ; modern desktop browsers come with full featured debuggers for Javascript and the DOM as well as profilers .

  24. 在这份“死亡声明”中,微软表示,IE浏览器速度太慢,已经不适用也不兼容于许多现代网络任务,也远不如现代浏览器安全。

    In its death announcement , Microsoft said Internet Explorer is slow , no longer practical for or compatible with many modern web tasks , and is far less secure than modern browsers .