
  • 网络Modern service industry;modern service sectors
  1. 第三产业内部各行业就业增长弹性分化明显,高弹性组表现为以传统服务业为主、传统服务业与现代服务业相结合的特点。

    The trades inside the tertiary industry show obvious differentiation of employment elasticity . The high elasticity group is characterized by prior traditional service industry combined with modern service industry .

  2. 尽管我国第三产业发展过程中表现出一定的传统服务业向现代服务业的转轨特征,通过国际比较,第三产业传统服务业就业比重过低、新兴服务业就业比重不突出的特征明显。

    Despite the characteristic that the traditional service industry transfers to modern service industry , both our traditional service industry proportion and that of rising service industry are too low compared with other countries .

  3. Web服务组合是现代服务业与信息产业融合的产物,它由众多相对简单的Web元服务按照一定的业务流程逻辑组合而成。

    Web service composition is an integrated product of the information industry and modern service industry . It is formed by lots of relatively simple web services allocated by certain business process logic .

  4. 第四章,利用SWOT分析法对济南市现代服务业的优势、劣势、机遇和挑战进行了分析。

    The fourth chapter analyses the strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats of Jinan by the method of SWOT .

  5. 因此,北京CBD发挥其商务功能,发展现代服务业的紧迫性日益突出。

    Its increasingly urgent to exert its commercial function and develop modern service industry .

  6. CEPA条件下香港金融和物流业发展新趋势&兼论加快中国现代服务业全面发展的对策

    The New Development Trend of Hongkong 's Financial and Logistic Industry Under CEPA

  7. 现代服务业占GDP比重更是远低于全国平均水平,与发达地区的差距更大。

    The proportion of modern service sector in GDP is far smaller than the national average level and the gap to the developed areas is even much deeper .

  8. 最后,对重庆现代服务业进行了详细的SWOT分析,在此基础上,提出了促进重庆现代服务业发展的对策体系。

    Finally , makes the SWOT analysis of Chongqing modern service industry in detail , draw up the policy system to promote the development of modern service industry in Chongqing .

  9. 本文突破了风险投资只能与TMT行业结合的大众化思维,通过全文分析阐述了风险投资促进无锡现代服务业发展的作用机制和评估机制。

    The effect mechanism and evaluation mechanism of venture capital promoting the development of modern service industry in Wuxi are analyzed though the full text .

  10. 接着利用SWOT范式探讨了重庆发展现代服务业具有的五大优势和六项劣势,以及面临的三大机遇和四项挑战。

    The paper discussed the development of modern service industry in Chongqing , equipping the top five advantages and six disadvantages as well as three major opportunities and four items of challenges with the use of SWOT paradigm .

  11. IVR(互动语音响应平台)作为现代服务业的重要工具,主要承载呼叫中心的自助业务,许多企业会把公司重要业务放在这个平台上运行。

    Interactive voice response ( IVR platform ) as an important tool of modern service industry , the main bearing call center of self-help business , many enterprises will put in important business running on on the platform .

  12. 在本文最后,依托SWOT的定性和定量分析,提出大连市现代服务业集群的发展架构,从外部环境建设和内部环境建设两个方面总结大连市现代服务业集群的发展战略。

    In the end of the thesis , based on qualitative and quantitative SWOT analysis , It put forward the modern service industry cluster development framework in Dalian , from the external environment and internal environment to summarize two aspects of modern service industry in Dalian cluster development strategy .

  13. 当务之急,是要为现代服务业集聚区(MCBD)能源管理制订指导原则和评估体系,系统性、综合性地指引各现代服务业集聚区开展区域能源管理规划工作。

    Top priority is to provide modern services zones ( MCBD ) guidelines for energy management and evaluation system developed , systematic , integrated approach to the modern service area guidelines for regional energy management planning .

  14. 北京现代服务业的界定与发展研究

    Delimitation and Definition of Beijing Modern Service and Its Development Research

  15. 上海现代服务业集群发展研究

    The Study on Cluster Development of Shanghai 's Modern Service Industry

  16. 旅游业是国民经济和现代服务业的重要产业。

    Tourism is an important industry of national economy and modern service .

  17. 武汉市现代服务业投资环境研究

    A Study on Modern Service Industry Investment Environment of WuHan

  18. 借鉴经验,着力发展北京现代服务业核心产业群

    Development on Core Industry Group of Beijing Modern Service Industry

  19. 高新技术产业和现代服务业加速发展。

    High and new technology industries and modern services have gained speed .

  20. 现代服务业&宽带无线移动互联网新的蓝海

    Modern Service-The New Blue Ocean of Wideband Wireless Mobile Internet

  21. 大都市现代服务业集聚区理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Modern Service Industry Agglomeration District in Metropolitan Area

  22. 关于发展北京商务中心区现代服务业的思考

    Consideration of Development of Modern Service Industry in Beijings CBD

  23. 南京:如何依托都市圈发展现代服务业

    Nanjing : How to Develop Modern Service Industry Based on Metropolitan Region

  24. 基于综合交通枢纽的现代服务业集聚区建设的系统分析

    Modern Service Industry Cluster District on a Comprehensive Transportation Hub

  25. 旅游业是新疆现代服务业发展的动力

    Tourism Industry : A Engine of Xinjiang Modern Service Industry

  26. 全球现代服务业集聚区崛起及中国的对策

    The uprising of global modern service industry cluster and strategy for China

  27. 上海市旧城区现代服务业空间发展模式探讨

    Developing the Modern Service Industry in Shanghai 's Historic District

  28. 服务管理平台是现代服务业的基础支撑平台。

    Service Management Platform is the supporting platform of modern service industry .

  29. 总体上,现代服务业促进了成都经济的发展。

    Usually , modern service industry promotes the economy development in Chengdu .

  30. 现代服务业知识管理能力综合评价模型研究

    A Model Study of Modern Tertiary Industry Intellectual Management Ability