
  • 网络slab
  1. 浅谈混凝土现浇板上层钢筋用量计算

    Calculation of the amount of upper tendons of cast-in-site concrete slab

  2. 泵送混凝土现浇板早期裂缝分析

    Analysis of Early Crack of Pump Concrete Cast - in - Site Slab

  3. 叠合板和现浇板试件破坏时,滞回曲线均呈Z形,有一定的捏缩现象。

    Both for composite slabs and cast-in-situ slabs , the hysteretic curves were developed to Z shape at ultimate state which indicates pinch phenomenon of hysteretic curves .

  4. 分析现浇板和传统预制板的特点和弱点,提出发展SP板和SP叠合板是住宅实现大开间、灵活隔断的有效途径之一,也是建筑施工实现现代化的重要内容之一。

    The characteristic and weakness of both traditional precast and cast in site floor are studied , the way to develop both sp precast slab and sp laminated slab is provided to meet the needs of residential building for large and nimble separated .

  5. 梁板相对刚度对现浇板弯矩影响的修正研究

    Study on Revising Slab 's Moment Influenced by Beam-to-Slab Relative Stiffness

  6. 泵送商品混凝土施工的现浇板裂缝控制

    Control of cracks in cast-in-place slab poured with pumped commercial concrete

  7. 住宅工程钢筋混凝土现浇板的裂缝原因与控制

    Crack cause and control of residential project reinforcement concrete cast-in-place floor

  8. 住宅现浇板板厚的合理选择

    How to determine the thickness of cast-in-situ slab of house rationally

  9. 浅析现浇板温度&收缩裂缝机理及抗裂措施

    Analysis on the cast-in-place floor temperature-shrinkage crack mechanism and anti-crack measures

  10. 建筑工程中现浇板裂缝原因分析及其控制

    Causes analysis for cracks of cast-in-place plate in engineering and its control

  11. 现浇板裂缝的原因和防治

    The Cause and Prevention of Fracture on Casting Concrete Plate

  12. 某工程混凝土现浇板裂缝事故分析与处理建议

    Analyzing and dealing for the accident of one structure board appearing crack

  13. 关于砖混结构墙体及现浇板裂缝的探讨

    Discuss of Cracks About Brick Mixing Structure Wall and Cast-in-place Concrete Floor

  14. 钢筋混凝土现浇板裂缝加固工程设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Crack Reinforcement Engineering in Cast-in-place Reinforced Concrete Plate

  15. 浅析钢筋砼现浇板裂缝的原因

    The Cause of the Fissure on Cast-in-situ Reinforced Concrete Slab

  16. 整体现浇板桥梁结构检测与加固技术

    Integral Cast In-situ Slab Bridge Structure Test and Strengthening Technology

  17. 现浇板裂缝的分析、防治和处理

    Analysis prevention and treatment of cracks in reinforced presently poured RC plank

  18. 冷轧扭钢筋在现浇板中的应用

    Application of cold-rolled and twisted bars in poured concrete slab

  19. 混凝土现浇板裂缝的原因及预防措施

    Causes and Preventive Measures of Cracks in Cast-in-place Concrete Slabs

  20. 商品混凝土用于现浇板产生早期裂缝的成因与控制

    The causation and control of forepart crack in prefabricated components of merchandise concrete

  21. 现浇板设计中的常见通病分析

    Analysis of Common Failing for the Design of Slab

  22. 商品住宅楼现浇板开裂分析

    Crack Analysis Of Cast - In - Place Board In Merchandise Residence Building

  23. 现浇板设计中易被忽视的几个问题

    Several problems ignored easily in design of cast-in-place plate

  24. 浅议现浇板的构造要求

    Construction requirements of cast - in - place floor

  25. 本文主要介绍钢筋桁架混凝土现浇板的施工技术。

    This paper presents the construction technology of steel bar truss concrete slab .

  26. 整体现浇板上整体式补强在某工业厂房改造中的应用

    Application of total compensation on Monolithic Pouring board in reform of industrial building

  27. 住宅楼现浇板裂缝产生的原因及加固补强方法

    Cracks ' Reason of Residential Building 's Cast-in-Place Concrete Floor and Its Strengthening Method

  28. 框架结构中保证现浇板施工质量的防控措施

    Prevention and control measures to ensure construction quality of cast-in-place slab in frame structure

  29. 预应力空心板与现浇板带相结合的施工方法

    The construction method of combining the prestress hollow core slab with the pour concrete lath

  30. 控制某工程混凝土现浇板温度收缩裂缝的措施

    On measures for controlling temperature shrinkage cracks on concrete poured concrete slab of some project