
  1. 基于用地多样性评价的城市用地布局规划研究

    Research on Urban Land Layout Based on Evaluation of Urban Land-use Diversity

  2. 生态型城市用地布局的优化

    Optimal Land Arrangement in Ecological City

  3. 洪涝安全视角下的山地城市用地布局规划研究&以福建省连城县城为例

    Mountainous City Land Use Plan for Flood Safety : The Liancheng County of Fujian Province Example

  4. 阐述了交通拥堵对交通能耗增加、交通污染恶化的贡献,并说明城市用地布局的调整对交通能耗削减和交通污染控制有至关重要的作用。

    The layout of urban land use has a crucial role in the deterioration of traffic pollution and transport energy consumption reduction .

  5. 分析中发现城市用地布局及空间形态变化过程中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的办法。

    It also indicates that there are certain issues in the process of evolution of urban land layout and spatial form , and proposes some solutions to them .

  6. 在经验研究基础上,建立全新的一套交通拥堵水平指标和城市用地布局特征指标。

    At the same time a numerical simulation is executed for different parameter settings . ( 3 ) On the basis of empirical researches , establishes new index of traffic congestion and urban land layout characteristic .

  7. 城市用地布局是城市交通产生的源,而我国现阶段城市交通规划仅是在已有城市布局的基础上对城市交通进行规划组织,没有与城市用地布局规划很好结合。

    Urban land-use layout is the source of urban trip generation ; However , current urban transportation planning only is made out and organized on base of the existing urban land-use layout , which has not combined with the future urban land-use layout very well .

  8. 该文介绍了国外城市用地布局和交通系统特别是公交系统建设的相互影响的研究,以及在倡导公交导向的土地开发方面的策略及其应用。

    The article introduces the study of the inter-influence of the land distribution and the traffic system building , especially the public traffic system in the foreign cities , and the tactics initiated in the land development of the public traffic guidance and its application .

  9. 分析了不同交通方式对城市用地布局及密度的影响,同时对城市用地拓展模式和城市交通模式,以及对城市空间形式与处理交通问题的几种战略方式开展了研究。

    Through the different modes of transportation of urban land layout and density , and of the influence of urban land expansion model and city traffic pattern analysis , including of urban spatial form and dealing with traffic problems of several strategic way of research .

  10. 城市用地规划布局对中小流域水生态的影响与对策探讨

    The Effect of Urban Layout on River Valley Ecology

  11. 伴随着我国社会经济的发展,土地问题日益严峻:土地供应短缺、耕地资源不足以及城市在用地布局上的非理性膨胀等问题层出不穷。

    With the social and economic development of china , problems concerning land are becoming more and more serious . Among these problems are the shortage of land , the lack of arable land and the non-rational expansion of urban layout .

  12. 它影响和制约着城市用地大小、布局形式、生活服务设施,以及城市交通方式和道路网络结构等,关系到城市本身建设发展的经济效果问题。

    It influences and restricts the size of land , layout , service facilities and the city , city transportation way and the road network structure , related to the city construction development and economic effect .

  13. 以绿地为核心,建立一种对城市用地及空间布局具有先导作用的生态系统,是在当前城市化背景条件下实施城市可持续发展战略的迫切需要。

    Setting up an ecological system with the urban green plots as the core that has a leading effect on the urban land use and spatial arrangement is a urgent need to implement the urban sustainable development strategy under the present background condition of urbanization .

  14. 城市生态用地的规划布局是城市规划的难点之一,也是急待解决的问题。

    Urban ecological land planning is a difficult and urgent task in city layout .

  15. 此时,在土地利用规划的基础上研究天水市城市用地规模和空间布局,对保障土地资源的可持续利用以及加强生态环境建设具有重要的战略意义。

    Therefore , to do a research about city land size and layout based on land use planning makes important significance of ensuring the sustainable utilization of land resources and strengthening the ecological environment construction .

  16. 第四章首先分析了传统城市土地使用制度在城市用地效率,功能布局以及环境品质方面对城市发展的影响。

    In chapter 4 , the author analyzes the impact of urban land use efficiency ; functional zoning and environment quality affected by the traditional urban land use system on urban development .

  17. 为了适应信息时代城市经济、社会结构的变化,城市用地布局、居住模式、交通方式等发生相应的变化,由此带来城市整体空间结构的发展和演变。

    In order to fit in with the change in this regard , the urban land-use distribution , residential mode , traffic pattern and so on should be changed correspondingly . Therefore , this change will lead to the development and evolution of whole urban spatial structure .

  18. 开发区建设泛滥,城市土地闲置浪费严重;城市用地结构和布局不合理,土地利用效率低是当前我国城市土地利用存在的主要问题。

    Analyze the current status on the utilization of urban land and suggest that the main problems which are existing in urban land utilization are excessive expansion of urban scale , too much idle land in development areas , unreasonable structure of land utilization and low utilization ratio .

  19. 轨道交通由于具有大运量、快速度、高效率等一系列优点,已成为缓解城市交通压力、引导城市空间发展、优化城市用地布局、改善城市环境质量的一种最有效的交通方式。

    For its large capacity , high speed and high efficiency , the rail transit has been the most effective transport mode to release the traffic pressure , guide the development of city space , optimize the layout of urban land and improve the quality of city environment .

  20. 延吉市今后应该充分发挥政策与城市规划的引导作用,保护生态环境,确保延吉市生态安全,以解决城市过快蔓延、城市紧凑度不够、城市用地布局不合理。

    Next we should give full play to Yanji city planning and policy guide and protect the ecological environment , to ensure that , in order to solve the ecological security Yanji city too fast spreading , city enough and compactness of urban land layout is not reasonable .

  21. 城市轨道交通由于具有方便、快捷、舒适、运量大等优势,能够有效缓解城市交通压力、引导城市空间发展、优化城市用地布局。

    Having the advantages of convenient , fast , comfortable and large volume , Urban Rail Transit ( URL ) can effectively alleviate the urban traffic pressure , guide the development of urban space and optimize the layout of urban land .

  22. 城市绿地是关系着城市可持续发展的重要环境因素,科学合理的城市绿地景观布局能够提升城市绿地系统经营管理水平,引导城市用地布局朝着健康、持续的人居环境发展。

    Urban green is an important environment factor on urban sustainable development , scientific green land planning can leads city develops more healthy and sustainable .

  23. 城市产业是在城市产业结构转型和城市用地演化的相互作用中实现的,城市的产业结构转型是一个从量变到质变的过程,而城市用地形态和布局的发展却具有相对滞后性。

    Urban industry realizes in the interaction process of urban industrial restructuring and the urban land evolution . Urban industrial structure transformation is a change process from quantitative to qualitative , while the development of urban land morphology and layout is relatively lagging behind .