
  • 网络Urban road traffic
  1. 基于Agent的城市道路交通信号控制方法

    Urban Road Traffic Signal Control Method Based on Agent

  2. 本研究以组件式GIS的二次开发为基础研制了基于GIS的城市道路交通噪声预测系统。

    This research develops a GIS based urban road traffic noise prediction system by using GIS control .

  3. 基于GIS城市道路交通噪声环境管理系统的构架与实现

    The structure of urban traffic noise environment management system base on GIS

  4. PLC在城市道路交通信号控制中的应用

    The Application of PLC in Controlling Traffic Signals in Urban Roads

  5. 城市道路交通状况的F①-评价及其实例研究

    Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation of the Urban Street Traffic Condition

  6. 基于AHP法的城市道路交通安全模糊评价研究

    Study of fuzzy evaluation for urban road traffic safety based on AHP method

  7. 采用GIS作支持已成为城市道路交通安全管理先进有效的技术手段。

    Adopting Geographic Information System ( GIS ) as a support in urban road safety management had been an advanced and effective method .

  8. 能否准确地对城市道路交通流进行预测,便成为智能交通系统(IntelligentTransportationsystem,1TS)关键解决的问题之一。

    One critical problem of the intelligent transportation system ( ITS ) is whether or not to predict traffic flow of urban roads accurately .

  9. 建立城市道路交通安全评价体系,运用MATLAB软件进行编程,实现模型的运算,并得到评价结果。

    Establish the evaluation system of urban road traffic safety . Finally , computing implementation model and obtaining the evaluation results with MATLAB software programming .

  10. 基于Logit模型的城市道路交通事件检测仿真

    Simulation of Logit-based Traffic Incident Detection for Urban Road

  11. 为了解决交通中存在的这些问题,就必须做好城市道路交通规划,加强城市交通监管和交通规划,而城市交通规划和交通监管的重要前提则是分析道路交通现状的OD矩阵。

    In order to solve these problems existing in traffic , we must prepare the urban road traffic planning , strengthen urban traffic regulation .

  12. 利用灰色关联分析法分析,发现城市道路交通噪声与道路行车线长度和居住人口数的关联度最大,和GDP的关联度最小。

    The gray relational analysis indicated that the length of urban road traffic noise had maximum correlation degree with road traffic lanes and residential population , whereas had minimum correlation degree with GDP .

  13. 以Logit模型为基础,利用效用函数与概率的概念,建立分时段的城市道路交通事件检测算法。

    Based on logit model and concepts of utility and probability , a traffic incident detection algorithm was established for urban road with time slot .

  14. 根据武汉市1998~2002年城市道路交通噪声检测数据以及相关的数据,分析相关因素的选取对GM(1,N)灰色模型的预测精度的影响。

    Based on the monitored data and relative data of Wuhan road traffic noise condition in the period of 1998-2002 , this paper analyses the influence of the use of relative factors on the predicting precision of GM ( 1 , N ) .

  15. 智能交通是城市道路交通系统的重要发展方向,车联网(IOV,InternetofVehicles)作为智能交通的具体实践,已得到各国的大力支持和研究。

    Intelligent Transportation is an important development direction of urban road traffic system , vehicle networking ( IOV , Internet of Vehicles ) as the concrete practice of intelligent transportation , has received strong support and research countries .

  16. 以郑州1991~1996年城市道路交通噪声监测的数据,运用灰色系统理论,建立了常规GM(1,1)和新陈代谢GM(1,1)预测模型。

    This paper establishes an ordinary GM ( 1,1 ) model and information renewal GM ( 1,1 ) predicting model on the grey theory , using the data drawn from the 1991 ~ 1996 city road traffic noise of Zhengzhou , Henan province .

  17. 城市道路交通系统是一个离散和连续相结合的混合动态系统,具有动态、并发及同步等特征,混合Petri网可以很好地描述城市道路交通网的静态属性及动态行为。

    Urban traffic system , which is characterized by dynamics , concurrence and synchronization , is a Hybrid dynamic system involving discrete and continuous behaviors . The static attribute and the dynamic actions of urban traffic system can be modeled through Hybrid Petri Net .

  18. 本论文完成了基于无线通信的城市道路交通信号控制系统的交通信号控制器样机设计与研制工作,GPRS无线MODEM的样机设计与开发;完成了服务器软件的基本功能;

    This thesis has finished prototype design and development of Traffic Signal Control Device of the Traffic Light Control System of Urban Road based on Wireless Telecommunication , the prototype design and development of GPRS Wireless MODEM and the basic function of the server software .

  19. 目前中国城市道路交通控制系统基本上是引用SCOOT、SCAT等国外开发的系统,这些系统皆是建立在机动车为主的道路交通条件基础之上的被动型控制系统。

    At present , our city 's traffic control system are always using some foreign developed system , like SCOOT , SCAT etc. , which are all developed on the base of vehicle-centered traffic condition .

  20. 城市道路交通噪声影响因素与传播规律分析

    The Urban Road Traffic Noise Impact Factor and Spreading Regularity Analysis

  21. 城市道路交通环境污染与防治

    The Brief Discussion on the Pollution and Prevention of Traffic Environment

  22. 中国城市道路交通实时自适应控制与管理系统研究

    Research on Advanced Urban Traffic Control and Management System for China

  23. 城市道路交通拥挤状态识别关键技术研究

    Research on the Key Techniques of Urban Road Traffic Congestion Identification

  24. 适于动态导航系统的城市道路交通状态判别

    Identification Method of Urban Road Traffic State for Dynamic Navigation System

  25. 基于模糊支持向量机的城市道路交通状态分类

    Urban road traffic status classification based on fuzzy support vector machines

  26. 太原市城市道路交通可持续发展探讨

    The Discussion of the Sustainable Development of Taiyuan Urban Road Transport

  27. 城市道路交通噪声简易模型

    A Simple Model of Traffic Noise Level for the Urban Road

  28. 城市道路交通发展规划的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of the Program for City Road Traffic Development

  29. 城市道路交通系统抗震可靠性研究及应用

    Research and Application on Seismic Reliability for Urban Transportation System

  30. 优化人口分布以减少城市道路交通需求

    Control of urban road traffic demand by optimizing population distribution