
  • 网络suburbs
  1. 战斗发生在城市近郊。

    The action took place in the nearby suburbs of the city .

  2. 最近几年,农家乐这种休闲方式开始在城市近郊兴起。

    In recent years , farm tour as a way of leisure has sprung up in the suburbs of Beijing .

  3. 通过中国北方某城市近郊土壤环境质量的系统调查发现,本区土壤中重金属污染物的化学组成主要为Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn、Se、Cd等;

    Based on a systematic investigation into the environmental quality of soils on the outskirts of a city , it has been found that the pollution of heavy metals in soils in the study area is mainly composed of Hg , Cu , Pb , Zn , Sn and Cd .

  4. 城市近郊的山头上,到处可以看到样子丑陋的坟墓。

    Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs .

  5. 城市近郊蔬菜基地环境影响评价

    E City Environmental Impact Assessment on Vegetable Base in Suburb

  6. 长春城市近郊发展战略研究

    A Study on Development Strategy for Suburb in Changchun City

  7. 城市近郊农村生态环境问题浅析

    Analysis on the Problems of Eco-environment in the Suburban Country

  8. 城市近郊老旅游地资源开发探讨

    The innovative strategy of developing the outdated tour destinations in urban outskirts

  9. 在这一过程中,城市近郊的土地首当其冲。

    During this course , the land near cities stands in the breach .

  10. 这个城市近郊的一家铝厂去年倒闭。

    An aluminum plant on the outskirts of the city closed last year .

  11. 城市近郊风景区规划分析与控制方法研究

    A Thoughtway on Planning Analysis and Control Methods for Scenic Zones in City Outskirts

  12. 城市近郊低洼地利用&以山东省聊城市为例

    Utilization of Lowland in City Outskirts & A Case of Liaocheng , Shandong Province

  13. 城市近郊菜地不同耕作模式对土壤养分的影响

    Effects of Different Cultivation Mode on Soil Nutrition in Vegetable Field in Suburban Areas

  14. 城市近郊餐饮业发展探析

    A Probe into the Development of Food and Beverage Industry in the Outskirts of Cities

  15. 所谓城市近郊,是指城市的郊区或接近郊区的农村部分。

    The city outskirts refer to the rural parts of city outskirts or near outskirts .

  16. 在经济发展水平一般的中部城市近郊地区可以试行股份合作制;

    To try share cooperation in the middle part where the economic development level is general ;

  17. 但是,各个城市近郊区域土地管理所依据的资料,仍为按八十年代国家土地资源调查规程调查的土地利用现状资料,这已远远不能满足当前城乡土地统一管理的需要。

    They far from can not meet the need of urban and rural land united management .

  18. 因为这些新购置的土地大多在城市近郊,面积大,而且大部分是农田。

    Because these new purchased land mostly in the outskirts of the city , area , mostly farmland .

  19. 考虑到经济方面的因素,这对于城市近郊和观光旅游区的大型连栋温室更具有实际意义。

    Given the economic reasons , it has actual sense of large Greenhouse in the suburban and sightseeing areas .

  20. 在此过程中梳理出了中心城市近郊型住宅市场营销战略制定的基本流程及步骤。

    In this process comb a central city suburban housing market marketing strategy formulation of the basic process and procedure .

  21. 城市近郊风景区作为城市游憩的重要载体,是市民生活的重要场所之一。

    As an important vehicle of suburban recreation , suburban scenic spot is also an important place for the citizens .

  22. 本论文是关于大中型城市近郊片区居住建筑的发展和控制方面问题的一篇城市设计论文。

    This thesis is a comprehensive urban design analysis thesis about the development and control of the suburban residence buildings .

  23. 上海·武汉和成都城市近郊型农家乐存在问题实证调查研究

    Study on Positive Investigation of Existed Problems of " Nongjiale " Near the Suburban of Shanghai , Wuhan and Chengdu

  24. 城市近郊休闲空间整合的新理念&杭州十里梅坞休闲空间规划实践

    New Idea of Integrating Leisure Space in Outskirts of City : Practice on Leisure Space Planning for Hangzhou " Shili Meiwu "

  25. 广西旅游业在城市近郊旅游方面有着巨大的发展前景,但也存在着很多问题。

    Guangxi tourism in the city suburbs of the tourism industry has tremendous prospects for development , but there are also many problems .

  26. 大城市近郊区耕地流失的驱动机制与保护策略&以北京市丰台区为例

    The Driving Forces of the Loss of Cultivated Land and its Protecting Measures in Urban Fringe & A Case of Fengtai District of Beijing

  27. 城市近郊区是城市行政区内,城市中心区以外的地域。

    The outskirts of large cities is the area which is in the city administrative region , but is out of the city centre .

  28. 惠济区属于郑州市北部的城市近郊区,辖区内70%的面积是农村,有75%的居民是农民。

    Huiji District lies in the suburb of the Northern Zhengzhou , 70 percent of which is rural area , 75 per cent of the population are farmers .

  29. 结果表明,紫色土区已存在重金属污染问题,尤以矿区和大城市近郊最为明显。

    The result showed that the heavy metal pollution have existed in purple soil area , and it was most obviously at the mining areas and big city suburbs .

  30. 因而,在进行实证分析时,案例选择在城市近郊的城乡结合部,即可能发展成为城市用地的区域。

    Therefore , while analyzing the real example , the case is chosen in the fringe area of suburbs in the city , namely may develop into urban land .