
  • 网络La Boheme;Bohemian;La Bohème;Freni&Raimondi
  1. 《波希米亚人》中的爱与死

    Love & Death of La Boheme

  2. 捷克人捷克斯洛伐克的本地人或居民,尤指波希米亚人、摩拉维亚人或西里西亚人接着波西亚请夏洛克出示双方所签的约定。

    A native or inhabitant of Czechoslovakia , especially a Bohemian , Moravian , or Silesian . Then , Portia asked Shylock to show her the bond that they had signed .

  3. 英语中,在“Czech”(捷克人)一词普遍使用之前,人们常常用“Bohemian”(波希米亚人)来表示捷克人或者捷克语。

    The word " Bohemian " used to denote the Czech people as well as the Czech language before the word " Czech " became prevalent in English .

  4. 不过这些东西都是Sally“认为”想要的,而她心目中时期希望有自己的伴侣是富有创造力、对金钱不关心的波希米亚人。

    These things , however , were what Sally 's head desired , but her heart actually longed for the company of creative , bohemian people who had little concern for gobs of cash .

  5. 格林威治村曾经是纽约的波希米亚人生活的中心。

    Greenwich Village was once the center of New York 's Bohemian life .

  6. 波德莱尔以来,拒绝者开创了文艺领域中的“波希米亚人”的流浪传统。

    Ever since Charles Baudelaire , abnegators have initiated a Bohemian-mannered vagrom tradition in the literary realm .

  7. 我们花了很多钱买波希米亚玻璃制品送人和自用。

    We splurged on Bohemian glass for gifts , and for ourselves .