
  • 网络bourbon;Bourbon Whiskey;maker's mark;Bourbon Whisky
  1. 美国波本威士忌主要是由什么谷物蒸馏而成的?

    Bourbon is distilled primarily from what grain ?

  2. 我更喜欢波本威士忌

    I 'm more of a bourbon girl .

  3. 因此,这笔交易或许只是《广告狂人》(MadMen)所引发波本威士忌热潮的一次性反应(主角唐•德雷柏在剧中常饮波本威士忌)。

    So perhaps this is just a one-off , reflective of a Bourbon bubble that began inflating when don Draper started to sip on mad men .

  4. 俄勒冈州波特兰市的一个潮湿夜晚,诗人帕翠莎·洛克伍德(PatriciaLockwood)在拿起话筒之前干掉了一小杯廉价的波本威士忌。

    Just before she took the microphone one soggy night in Portland , Ore. , the poet Patricia Lockwood downed a shot of cheap bourbon .

  5. 这款威士忌据说是第一个酸麦芽波本威士忌,它叫什么名字?

    This whisky lays claim to being the first sour mash bourbon .

  6. 这是一种美国波本威士忌,采用玉米、麦和大麦芽酿造。

    Limited release bourbon made from corn , select rye and malted barley .

  7. 这款威士忌是精品木桶波本威士忌的第一品牌,它叫什么名字?

    This pioneering whiskey was the first brand to bottle a single barrel bourbon .

  8. 波本威士忌,桃子糖浆,鲜香橙,薄荷叶,洋甘菊茶。

    Bourbon whiskey , peach liqueur , Fresh orange , mint leaves and chamomile tea .

  9. 跟葡萄酒,苏格兰威士忌和波本威士忌不同的是,啤酒新鲜喝的话口味最佳。

    Unlike wine , scotch whiskey , and bourbon , beer tastes best when consumed fresh .

  10. 他第一次使用碳化的橡木桶来熟化波本威士忌。

    Reverend Elijah Craig is credited with being the first to age bourbon whiskey in charred casks .

  11. 这名“镇静”的男子在等待飞机起飞的时候,点了一份波本威士忌加苏打水。

    A " quiet " man , he ordered a bourbon and soda while waiting for takeoff .

  12. 这款不凡的波本威士忌是传承世代酿酒大师们酿制工艺的结晶。

    This extraordinary Bourbon is the result of generations of the master distiller 's fine art of distilling .

  13. 美国生产的波本威士忌最近在美国和欧洲的年轻饮酒者中再度流行。

    American-made bourbon whiskey has enjoyed a recent renaissance among younger drinkers , both in the U.S. and Europe .

  14. 谢谢你能来里克喝点什么咖啡波本威士忌还是加波本威士忌的咖啡

    Thanks for coming , Ric.You need something to drink ? Coffee ? Bourbon ? Bourbon in your coffee ?

  15. 它由全天然成分及石灰岩泉水制成,是肯塔基州所产的波本威士忌中真正的杰作之一。

    Made with all natural ingredients and pure limestone water , it is a true masterpiece among Kentucky 's finest Bourbons .

  16. 波本威士忌之于美国就如同香槟酒之于法国,也就是说,这些烈性酒的口味与它们的原产地一样鲜明。

    Bourbon is to America what champagne is to France & an alcoholic beverage defined as much by its originating geography as by its taste .

  17. 据他自己承认,他曾是一个傲慢、粗鲁的愣头青,整个青年时代充斥着啤酒和波本威士忌。

    By his own admission , he was a lippy , rowdy brat who coasted through his youth on ample amounts of beer and Bourbon .

  18. 为了使这些波本威士忌的香味和口感特性更显出众,我们给了它们更多年的陈化时间。

    The extra years that we allow these barrels to age , imparts flavor and taste characteristics not found among other bourbon and rye whiskeys .

  19. 这两种威士忌都采用橡木桶熟化,但由于使用内侧碳化的橡木桶陈酿波本威士忌,因此色泽比苏格兰威士忌深一些。

    As a result of being aged in wooden casks , the insides of which have been charred , bourbon are usually darker than Scotch whiskies .

  20. 产自波本威士忌的故乡,肯塔基州的波本镇,始于1795年,最初是因为玉米产量过大而不得不用来酿酒。

    Bourbon whiskey produced in the home town of Bourbon , Kentucky , began in1795 , initially because of excessive production of corn had to be used to wine .

  21. 以上两款波本威士忌都依照名为“小麦耳语”的传统配方酿制,以提供一个非常明晰,顺滑的口感。而其他大多数波本威士忌则普遍使用黑麦。

    These bourbons are made in accordance with the tradition of " Whisper of Wheat " to provide a very distinct , smooth flavor profile , whereas most other Bourbons use rye .

  22. 在摄像机倾斜的镜头前,他用灵活的双手,把安戈斯图拉苦汁滴到厚重玻璃杯底的方糖上,轻柔地倒了两指宽昂贵的波本威士忌,用银勺加冰。

    With practiced hands , before the camera 's leering lens , he drips Angostura bitters on a sugar cube at the bottom of a heavy glass , gently pours two fingers of exquisitely priced bourbon , adds ice with a silver spoon .

  23. 波本或者威士忌之类的

    Like a bourbon or a scotch or something like that ?