
quē qín
  • absence from duty;absence from duty(or work)
缺勤 [quē qín]
  • [absence from duty(or work)] 在规定时间内该上班而没有上班工作

  • 因病缺勤

缺勤[quē qín]
  1. 这一条条文禁止任何未经批准的缺勤。

    This clause provides against any unauthorized absence from duty .

  2. 这一条条文禁止任何未经批准的缺勤。未经批准擅自进口、出口精神药品的。

    This clause provides against any unauthorized absence from duty . those who import or export psychotropic drugs without authorization .

  3. 他假托生病缺勤。

    The ostensible reason for his absence was illness .

  4. 在我缺勤期间他代替了我。

    He took my place during my absence .

  5. 科学表明员工们长时间处于高压力与他们缺勤,生产力降低和高离职率之间有着明显的相关性。

    Science has shown a clear correlation between high stress levels in workers and absenteeism , reduced productivity , disengagement and high turnover .

  6. 老师:吉米,你上星期五没来上课(你很遗憾没来上课;miss缺勤;因为没有……而感到遗憾)

    TEACHER : Jimmy , you missed school last Friday .

  7. 结果玛丽亚经常缺勤。由此得“米罗耶”(mirage)的外号。

    As a result Mariah often missed school , bringing her the nickname " mirage " .

  8. 首席执行官兰迪·费瑟(RandyW.Fiser)说,该组织耗资约200万美元为办公空间配备设备,跟踪该设计的影响,并发现员工参与度有所提高,缺勤率有所降低。

    The organization , which spent about $ 2 million outfitting the space , tracked the impact of the design and found increased engagement and reduced absenteeism , Randy W. Fiser , the chief executive , said .

  9. 例如,美国大都会人寿保险(MetLife)2010年的报告称,员工照顾老人导致的生产效率下降、缺勤和因看护者不堪重负所产生的更高的医疗成本,每年为美国公司造成170亿至340亿美元的损失。

    A 2010 report from MetLife says , for instance , that caregiving costs U.S. businesses from $ 17 billion to $ 34 billion annually in lost productivity , absenteeism , and higher medical expenses for stressed-out caregivers .

  10. 但事实果真如此吗?最近,求职网站凯业必达(CareerBuilder)对2696名人力资源经理和4384名全球员工进行了调查,征询他们听说的、见过的或者自己用过的“最不同凡响”的缺勤理由。

    Or are there ? Job site CareerBuilder recently asked 2 , 696 human resources managers and 4 , 384 full-time employees for the " most unusual " reasons for absence that they had heard , seen , or perpetrated .

  11. 你从没缺勤过吗?

    You 've never run an errand on the clock before ?

  12. 我哥哥常因患病而缺勤。

    My brother is often absent from work because of illness .

  13. 劳动考勤制度是指考核职工出勤、缺勤情况的制度。

    Research of Employee Attendance System Based on Fingerprint Identification Technology ;

  14. 迟到三次视为缺勤一次。

    Late attendance for3 times is considered as one absence .

  15. 在前一个工作中你的缺勤情况如何?

    How much were you absent from work in your last job ?

  16. 她今天没上班因病缺勤。

    She 's not at her desk todayshe 's on the sick-list .

  17. 你打算如何解释你的长时间缺勤?

    How do you propose to explain your long absence ?

  18. 并且在之前的十次执勤任务中有三次缺勤。

    And he has missed three of his last ten duty shifts .

  19. 当我缺勤时,他可以评价我。

    She might criticize me when I am not present .

  20. 合理的缺勤不应被视作年假。

    Justified absences from work shall not be considered as annual leave .

  21. 对于我缺勤可能造成的不便,我深表歉意。

    I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause .

  22. 不上学、不到会、缺勤

    Be absent from school , a meeting , work

  23. 与饮酒有关的缺勤超过1700万个工作日。

    More than 17m working days are lost to alcohol - related absence .

  24. 十名工人因患流感而缺勤。

    Ten of the workers was absent with flu .

  25. 而学生们并非唯一的缺勤者。

    And students are not the only absentees .

  26. 你应该设定缺勤目标,在合适的时候进行返岗谈话。

    You should put absence targets in place and adopt return-to-work interviews where appropriate .

  27. 职员们的缺勤令老板大为恼火。

    Employees'absence from work made the boss angry .

  28. 工作知足度对员工的离职、缺勤、绩效和心理健康都发生一定的影响。

    Job satisfaction will influence workers'resignation , absence , efficiency and psychological health , etc.

  29. 对,我和他赌一学年从不缺勤

    I bet him I wouldn 't miss a day of school this year .

  30. 警方称,他来自另外一个军事基地,自7月初以来一直缺勤。

    Police say he 'd been absent from another army base since early July .