
  • 网络boron deficiency
  1. 缺硼增强叶片和根中POD活性。

    Boron deficiency increased POD activity both in leaves and in roots .

  2. 缺硼对棉花不同品种苗期叶片POD、SOD同工酶的影响

    Influence of boron deficiency on POD and SOD isozymes in leaves of cotton cultivars at seedling stage

  3. 许多植物的其它不能解释的非寄生性病害均表明为缺硼所致。

    Many other unexplained nonparasitic disease of different plant species were shown to result from born deficiency .

  4. 缺硼反应不同的棉花品种苗期对B、P、K、Ca、Mg的吸收和分配

    Uptake and Distribution of B , P , K , Ca , Mg in Cotton Cultivars Responding Differently to B Deficiency

  5. 营养液培养条件下研究缺硼反应不同的棉花品种苗期对B、P、K、Ca、Mg吸收和分配的差异。

    The differences of the uptake and distribution of B , P , K , Ca and Mg between two cotton cultivars responding differently to B deficiency were studied during seedling period in the solution culture .

  6. 以绿豆为指示作物,研究缺硼对侧芽生长及3H-吲哚乙酸(IAA)在完整植株体内运输的影响。

    With intact Phaseolus aureus plant as test material , this paper studied the effects of boron deficiency on its axillary bud growth and polar auxin transportation .

  7. 结果表明,豫北地区果园土壤pH值范围在7.31~8.23,平均为7.77,其值偏碱性;土壤中有效硼含量在0.270~0.463mg/kg,平均为0.390mg/kg,属潜在性缺硼土壤。

    The result showed that the average boron content in the orchard soil was 0.390mg / kg , ranging from 0.270mg/kg to 0.463mg/kg and the average pH was 7.77 , ranging from 7.31 to 8.23.There were significant relationship between pH and available boron content .

  8. 缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。

    The boron deficiency plant appears inter-venial chlorosis , thickening , crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio ( LWR ) .

  9. 喷施外源腐胺和亚精胺可以提高油菜叶片SOD、CAT活性,增加细胞膜的稳定性,亚精胺作用效果优于腐胺,缺硼条件下比正常供硼时表现更明显。

    The activity of SOD and CAT in rapeseed leaves was enhanced , the stability of cell membrane was improved by exogenous putrescine ( Put ) and spermidine ( Spd ), especially in the condition of boron deficiency . Moreover , the effect of Spd exceeded Put .

  10. 以五刻钟阴影而命名的疾病至少部分是由于缺硼导致(MAFF,1976)。

    A disease known as '5 o'clock shadow'is at least partially due to boron deficiency ( MAFF , 1976 ) .

  11. 基肥未施硼肥,中后期667m2根外喷施02-04kg硼肥,可明显降低缺硼对油菜的影响;

    Without any base fertilizer but 0.2-0.4kg/667m 2 of boron fertilizer was sprayed on rape plants in the middle and later stage , the influences of lacking of boron on rape would be lessened .

  12. 缺硼对向日葵叶组织及花粉结构的影响

    Effect of boron deficiency on leaf and pollen structure of sunflower

  13. 不同拟南芥生态型对缺硼反应的初步研究

    Study on the Response of Various Arabidopsis Ecotypes to Boron Deficiency

  14. 缺硼豌豆植株侧芽生长机理的研究

    Study on the mechanism of lateral bud growth of boron deficient pea

  15. 油菜缺硼花而不实原因的探讨

    Study on reason of floral sterility of rape under boron deficient condition

  16. 缺硼导致小麦不结实。

    Boron deficiency could cause spring wheat did not seed .

  17. 杉木缺硼症的组织学和生理生化特性研究

    Histology and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Boron Deficiency in Chinese Fir

  18. 对缺硼反应不同的油菜品种根系生长特性研究

    Root growth characteristics of rape cultivars responding to B deficiency

  19. 菠萝缺硼对叶片超微结构及功能的影响

    Effects of boron deficiency on the leaves ultrastructure and function

  20. 两种生态型拟南芥对缺硼反应差异的初步研究

    Study on the responses to boron deficiency of two ecotypes Arabidopsis thaliana

  21. 结荚与种子上症状。注释:缺硼叶可以造成茎萎蔫。

    Note : Boron deficiency can also cause stem collapse .

  22. 缺硼对杉木幼苗下胚轴伸长的影响

    Effects of boron deficiency on the elongation of hypocotyls of Chinese fir seedlings

  23. 棉花品种对缺硼的敏感性及其硼效率的研究

    A study on the B-UTILIZING efficiency and B-deficiency susceptibility of Different Cotton Cultivars

  24. 土壤缺硼对桑叶光合作用和呼吸作用的影响

    Effect of Soil Lacking Boron on the Photosynthesis and Breathing in Mulberry Leaf

  25. 缺硼与低温对黄瓜幼苗&些生理反应的影响

    Effects of Boron-Deficiency and Low Temperature on Some Physiological Responses of Cucumber Seedlings

  26. 黄瓜缺硼症状与激素变化关系的研究

    Study on relationship between B-deficiency symptoms of cucumber and changes of endogenous hormone

  27. 缺硼对棉花、黄瓜和油菜乙烯释放的影响

    Effect of boron deficiency on ethylene release of cotton , cucumber and rape

  28. 棉花缺硼的初步研究

    A preliminary study on boron deficiency in cotton

  29. 缺硼对大豆根瘤结构和功能的影响

    Effect of boron deficiency on structure and nitrogenase activity of nodules in soybean plants

  30. 硼砂是矫正土壤缺硼的常用硼化合物。

    Borax is the compound commonly applied to the soil to correct boron deficiency .