
  • 网络Ischemic optic neuropathy;AION;NAION;ischemic optico-neuropathy
  1. 前部缺血性视神经病变星状神经节阻滞治疗临床观察

    Clinical treatment effect of AION by Satellite Ganglion Block

  2. 目的:观察葛芪汤对前部缺血性视神经病变临床治疗效果。

    Objective : to observe the clinical effectiveness of Decoction-Geqi for treating exudative AION .

  3. 非动脉性前部缺血性视神经病变患者白细胞内相对性线粒体DNA含量增多

    Increased relative mitochondrial DNA content in leucocytes of patients with NAION

  4. 缺血性视神经病变视网膜神经节细胞凋亡过程中c-fos基因改变

    Change of c-fos gene during the apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells of ischemic optic neuropathy

  5. 目的探讨眼前部缺血性视神经病变(anteriorischemicopticneuropathy,AION)患者球后注射扩血管药物的必要性。

    Objective To study the effect of retrobulbar injection with anisodamine on ocular blood velocity in anterior ischemic optic neuropathy ( AION ) .

  6. 超短波联合复方樟柳碱治疗前部缺血性视神经病变及MAPK信号通路调控的研究

    Study on Combination Use of Ultra-shortwave and Compound Anisodine in the Treatment of Anterior Ischemic Ophthalmopathy and the Regulation of MAPK Signal Pathways

  7. 目的观察前部缺血性视神经病变(anteriorischemicopticneuropathy,AION)患者24h动态血压、心率变化特征。

    Objective To observe the characteristics of changes of 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate of 50 patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy ( AION ) .

  8. 目的:探讨血浆内皮素-1(endothelin,ET-1)浓度与前部缺血性视神经病变(anteriorischemicpticneuropathy,AION)的关系。

    AIM : To explore the relationship between concentration of endothelin-1 ( ET-1 ) and anterior ischemic optic neuropathy ( AION ) .

  9. 中医辨证施治联合静脉给氧对前部缺血性视神经病变ERG和VEP的影响

    Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine plus Venous Oxygen Therapy on Electroretinogram and Visual Evoked Potential of Ischemic Disease of Anterior Optic Nerve

  10. 经视力、视野、眼底和荧光眼底血管造影(flouresceinfundusangiography,FFA)等检查确诊的前部缺血性视神经病变72例(80眼)的临床资料进行分析。

    Clinical data of 72 patients ( 80 eyes ) who had been diagnosed to have anterior ischemic optic neuropathy by view , visual field , fundus and FFA were analyzed .

  11. 小剂量维替泊芬联合光动力疗法治疗迁延性CSC维替泊芬光动力疗法诱导大鼠前部缺血性视神经病变模型研究

    Pilot study on photodynamic therapy with low dose verteporfin for chronic central serous chorioretinopathy A Rat Model of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Induced by Verteporfin and 689 nm Laser

  12. 目的探讨中医辨证施治联合静脉给氧对前部缺血性视神经病变视网膜电图(ERG)和视觉诱发电位(VEP)的影响。

    Objective To discuss the effect of traditional Chinese medicine plus venous oxygen therapy on electroretinogram ( ERG ) and visual evoked potential ( VEP ) of ischemic disease of anterior optic nerve .

  13. 报导了22例34眼前部缺血性视神经病变(AION)的眼底荧光血管造影所见。

    It is reported for the manifestations of fundus fluorescein angiography ( FFA ) in 34 eyes of 22 cases suffering from anterior ischemic optic neuropathy ( AION ) .

  14. 方法用FFA常规技术,随机抽取正常对照组28例,视盘血管炎12例,急性视神经炎12例,前部缺血性视神经病变27例进行统计学对照分析。

    Methods By routine FFA technique , 28 normal controls , 12 cases of optic disc disc angeitis , 12 cases of acute optic neuritis and 27 cases of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy were selected and a statistic contrastive analysis was made .

  15. 前部缺血性视神经病变(附14例报告)

    Ischemic optic ante & neuropathy :( report of 14 cases )

  16. 应用彩色多普勒血流成像技术对后部缺血性视神经病变的研究

    Research on posterior ischemic optic neuropathy using color Doppler flow imaging

  17. 中药治疗缺血性视神经病变的临床研究

    Clinical research of traditional chinese medicine treatment of ischemic optic neuropathy

  18. 复方樟柳碱注射液治疗缺血性视神经病变的系统评价

    Compound anisodine injection for ischemic optic neuropathy : a systematic review

  19. 缺血性视神经病变的中西医治疗进展

    Treatment development of ION with integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine

  20. 前部缺血性视神经病变31例临床观察

    Clinical observation of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in 31 cases

  21. 44例前部缺血性视神经病变的体外反搏治疗

    External Counterpulsation on 44 Cases of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

  22. 血压、眼压与前部缺血性视神经病变的关系

    Relation Between Blood Pressure , Eye Pressure and Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

  23. 高压氧治疗缺血性视神经病变38例

    Hyperbaric oxygen in the treatment of ischemic optic neuropathy in 38 cases

  24. 视盘外观能鉴别局部缺血性视神经病变与视神经炎吗?

    Does optic disc appearance distinguish ischemic optic neuropathy from optic neuritis ?

  25. 前部缺血性视神经病变图形视觉诱发电位分析

    The Analysis of Pattern-Reversal Visual Evoked Potential with Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuritis

  26. 计算机视野检查在前部缺血性视神经病变疗效评价中的作用

    Analysis value of computerized visual-field examination during treatment of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

  27. 前部缺血性视神经病变的临床诊断

    Clinical Diagnosis of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy

  28. 活血明目汤治疗前部缺血性视神经病变临床分析

    Clinical Analysis on Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Treated with Activating Blood and Improving Eyesight Decoction

  29. 维替泊芬光动力疗法诱导大鼠前部缺血性视神经病变模型研究

    A Rat Model of Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Induced by Verteporfin and 689 nm Laser

  30. 复方樟柳碱注射液通过调节及改善眼部血运,对缺血性视神经病变及外伤导致的视神经萎缩亦具有较好的疗效。

    Compound anisodine therapy ischemic optic neuropathy and traumatic optic atrophy in has good curative effect .