
  • 网络vitreous opacity
  1. 玻璃体混浊局部药物治疗探讨

    Study of the local medication treatment on vitreous opacities

  2. 玻璃体混浊的特点是跟随眼球运动而活动。

    The distinctive feature of vitreous opacities is their actual movement on motion of the eye .

  3. 结果实验组1、3、5d玻璃体混浊及眼底增殖膜形成明显低于对照组(P<0.05)。

    Results In the experimental group , the formation of vitreous opacity and proliferative membrane were much milder than in the control group on the first , third and fifth day .

  4. 结果:随着PVR程度及玻璃体混浊(vitreousopac-ity)的加重、病程的延长,肝细胞生长因子含量增加,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。

    · RESULTS : With the worsening of PVR and vitreous opacity and prolonging of disease course , the content of hepatocyte growth factor increased ( P < 0.05 ), the difference being statistically significant .

  5. 25例术前激光视力为红光感,术后视力恢复为FC至0.5不等;6例能够辨别条纹的玻璃体混浊患者,5例术后恢复视力基本与激光干涉视力相符。

    25 eyes had red light perception at preoperation , and had postoperative visual acuity from FC to 0 . 5 . Six patients could distinguish interference fringes , the preoperative laser interferometry was consistent with postoperation visual acuity in five patients .

  6. 老年玻璃体混浊100例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of opacity of the vitreous body of senile people

  7. 玻璃体混浊6(5.88%)例;

    Cases ( 5.88 % ) at vitreous opacity ;

  8. 部分患者伴有轻度玻璃体混浊。

    Some patients presented with mild vitreous opacity .

  9. 目的:探索并发性白内障玻璃体混浊时准确测量眼轴的新方法。

    To explore a new means for axial eye length measurements when vitreous turbidity in intercurrent cataract .

  10. 目的观察应用尿激酶联合地塞米松局部注射治疗玻璃体混浊的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical therapeutic effects of local injection with Urokinase and Dexamethasone on vitreous opacities .

  11. 结论尿激酶联合地塞米松局部注射是治疗各型玻璃体混浊的一种安全有效而简便的方法。

    Conclusion Local injection with Urokinase and Dexamethasone is a safe , effective and simple treatment for various vitreous opacities .

  12. 合并玻璃体积血14例,玻璃体混浊8例及玻璃体增殖机化4例。

    In addition , 14 cases combined with vitreous hemorrhage , 8 cases had vitreous opacity and 4 cases vitreous proliferation .

  13. 后期用药(3天、5天)玻璃体混浊仍继续进展,与对照组比较无显著性差异。

    Vitreous clouding progressed in the later treatment groups ( 3,5 days ) after therapy and no significant difference compared with the control group .

  14. 葡萄膜炎、色素膜炎、玻璃体混浊,基本看不见东西,还有治吗?

    Grape film film of phlogistic , pigment phlogistic , vitreous body is muddy , lose sight of a thing basically , still have treat ?

  15. 术后并发症包括炎症反应、玻璃体混浊、视网膜脱离、晶体后囊混浊、人工晶体移位及角膜移植排斥反应等。

    The intraoperative and postoperative complications include inflammatory reaction , vitreous opacity , retinal detachment , secondary cataract , removal of IOL and graft rejection .

  16. 本文报告12例15眼白内障伴严重玻璃体混浊行玻璃体切除联合白内障摘出和人工晶状体植入的治疗体会。

    This article reports the experience on treatment of12 cases ( 15 eyes ) of cataract with serious vitreous opacity by vitrectomy with cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation .

  17. 早期视力下降的原因与术后角膜水肿,视网膜出血,玻璃体混浊、玻璃体腔内填充物等因素有关。

    Causes of vision decline at forepart had something to do with some factors , such as corneal edema , retinal hemorrhage , vitreous body turbidity , stuffing in Vitreous cavity .

  18. 可伴有弱视、青光眼、白内障、玻璃体混浊、视网膜脱离等多种并发症,是导致低视力及盲的重要遗传眼病之一。

    PM can cause many complications including amblyopia , glaucoma , cataract , vitreous opacification , Detachment of retina etc , and become a kind of severe hereditary ocular disease that can lead to blinding .

  19. 双眼羊脂状角膜后沉着、前房闪辉及细胞、玻璃体混浊、视盘水肿充血、后极部视网膜水肿,2例交感眼有渗出性视网膜脱离。

    Other clinical manifestations included binocular mutton-fat keratic precipitates , anterior chamber flare and cells , vitreous opacity , optic-disc edema and hyperaemia , and retinal edema at the posterior pole ; 2 sympathetic eyes had exudative retinal detachment .

  20. 方法14例(14只眼)严重急、慢性葡萄膜炎患者,其中合并重度玻璃体混浊6例(6只眼),白内障5例(5只眼),孔源性视网膜脱离5例(5只眼)。

    Methods Vitrectomy was performed on 14 patients ( 14 eyes ) with uveitis . In these 14 eyes , there were 6 eyes with severe opacity of vitreous , 5 eyes with cataract , 5 eyes with retinal detachment , and 3 eyes with poor response to medication .

  21. 结果:观察期间对照组2只兔眼玻璃体中度混浊、3只重度混浊,治疗组3只兔眼玻璃体轻度混浊、2只中度混浊。

    Results : Of the control group , moderate vitreous opacity was found in 2 eyes , and severe in 3 eyes , while of the treatment group , vitreous opacity was mild in 3 eyes and moderate in 2 eyes .

  22. 同时又具个性特征:RP-DX-002家系中患者视网膜骨细胞样色素沉着累及黄斑区和视乳头旁,多个患者伴有虹膜局限性前粘连、玻璃体烟灰样混浊。

    However , RP-DX-002 family had some characteristics : bone cell-like retinal pigmentation involved in macular and environment of papilla of optic nerve , many patients were with iris adhesion and soot-like vitreous opacity .

  23. Nd:YAG激光晶状体后囊切开联合前部玻璃体松解是治疗人工晶状体植入手术后前部玻璃体混浊的有效方法。

    Opening the opaque anterior vitreous with Nd : YAG vitreolysis is effective for the patients with the anterior vitreous opacity after implantation of intraocular lens .