
  • 网络modern China;contemporary China
  1. 10.ModernityinHongKong现代化的香港想看看现代中国和最前沿的亚洲吗?那么到香港旅行吧。

    See modern China - and Asia - at the cutting edge with a visit to Hong Kong .

  2. 《小皇帝和拜金女:现代中国的性和年轻人》(LittleEmperorsandMaterialGirls:SexandYouthinModernChina),耶米马•斯坦菲尔德(JemimahSteinfeld)著,I.B.Tauris出版社,建议零售价14.99英镑/19.95美元

    Little Emperors and Material Girls : Sex and Youth in Modern China , by Jemimah Steinfeld , I. B. Tauris ( RRP £ 14.99 , $ 19.95 )

  3. 书面汉语也成为现代中国与古代中国之间的重要链接。

    Written Chinese has also become an important method to connect China 's present with its past .

  4. 此次礼服设计团队成员贺阳教授说,“设计过程中需要考虑一个因素,制服应该以一种易于理解和识别的方式展示中国传统文化特征。我们需要在文化表述、礼仪和现代中国运动员精神之间取得平衡。”

    Professor He Yang , one of the designers behind the uniform , said that one of the considerations during the design process was that the uniform should display the traditional Chinese cultural character in an intelligible and the spirit of modern Chinese sportsmen , " said He .

  5. 中国学(ChinaStudies)是第二次世界大战以后首先在美国兴起的,主要运用社会科学主流学科的研究方法对近现代中国进行研究的学术工作。

    " China studies " rising after the Second World War in the United States , mainly studies Chinese academic work by using society research methods .

  6. 金石学在现代中国考古学中的表达

    Expression of Studies of Bronzes and Stones in Modern Chinese Archaeology

  7. 现代中国的社会变迁与就业弱势群体

    Social Changes in Contemporary China and the Disadvantaged Groups in Employment

  8. 雨果作品在近现代中国的译介

    Translation and Introduction of the Works of Hugo in Modern China

  9. 谈肌理在现代中国画中的表现

    On Skin texture in the Modern Chinese painting Performing Rhythm

  10. 传统公私观念与现代中国社会

    Traditional Concept about Public Interests and Private Interests and Modern Chinese Society

  11. 现代中国城市家庭结构变化研究

    A Study on the Changes of Urban Family Structure in Present China

  12. 现代中国文论中的马克思主义话语(1919~1949)

    Marxist Discourse in Modern Chinese Literary Theory ( 1919 ~ 1949 );

  13. 略论现代中国广义政治学范式的建立

    On the Establishment of the Paradigm for General Politics in Modern China

  14. 现代中国标志设计中的民俗观念

    Folk Custom Concept of Modern Logo Design in China

  15. 真诚善待用心感悟&刍议现代中国画现象

    Treating Sincerely , Feeling Intently & On the Phenomena of Modern Chinese Paintings

  16. 中国哲学的合法性与现代中国学术的意义基础

    The Legitimacy of Chinese Philosophy and The Signification Foundations of Modern Chinese Academy

  17. 果报小说在现代中国仍然具有一定的生命力。

    Retribution fictions are still meaningful in modem China .

  18. 近现代中国人爱国历程的文化透视

    A Cultural Perspective on Patriotism of Modern Chinese People

  19. 现代中国篮球运动的社会现象分析

    Analysis on sociology phenomenon of the modern Chinese basketball

  20. 现代中国舞龙运动的社会文化学研究

    Social Cultural Research on Modern Chinese Dragon Dance Sport

  21. 第二章,早期现代中国概念的演变与实践。

    The development and practical analysis of the conception of Early Modern China .

  22. 从贝聿铭的北京香山饭店设计谈现代中国建筑之路

    Design of Xiangshan Hotel-An Approach to Modern Chinese Architecture

  23. 上海被认作为现代中国的典型。

    Well , Shanghai has always been regarded as the epitome of modern China .

  24. 其在近现代中国的历史发展过程,是极其复杂而曲折的。

    It experienced a winding development in the con-temporary and modern history of China .

  25. 现代中国建筑师应具有入世的大乘精神,现实地为社会大众服务。

    The contemporary Chinese architects should have the worldly spirit and serve the public .

  26. 现代中国知识分子的悲剧:以挽留蔡元培为中心

    Tragedy of Intellectuals in Modern China : focusing on " retaining Cai Yuanpei "

  27. 现代中国人面临的道德困境及其补救

    Moral Dilemma of Modern Chinese and Its Remedy

  28. 传统中国画与现代中国画的不同特点与欣赏;

    Third , the differences between traditional and contemporary Chinese Painting and their appreciation ;

  29. 文化生态学:现代中国文学史研究的新理路

    Cultural Bionomics : A New Idea of the Study about Modern Chinese Literary History

  30. 北京大学法科是现代中国法学的发源地。

    Law Department of Peking University is an original place of Chinese modern jurisprudence .