
xiàn rèn
  • incumbent;at present hold the office of;at present hold the position of
现任 [xiàn rèn]
  • [at present hold the position of] 现在担任

  • 他现任公司总经理

现任[xiàn rèn]
  1. 人们普遍认为她是现任领导的当然继任者。

    She is widely regarded as the current leader 's natural successor .

  2. 你的申请必须由现任成员推荐并得到他们的支持。

    Your application must be proposed and seconded by current members .

  3. 撤销机场对现任州长来说将是件丢脸的事情。

    To cancel the airport would mean a loss of face for the present governor

  4. 现任总统当选之后,政治暴力进入了一段暂时的平静期。

    There was a lull in political violence after the election of the current president .

  5. 现任领导层必须决定是否应退居二线,把重任移交给更为年轻的一代。

    The present leaders have to decide whether to stand down and hand over to a younger generation

  6. 现任元首,兰尼埃三世亲王于1949年5月9日继位。

    The present ruler , Prince Rainier III , succeeded to the throne on 9 May 1949 .

  7. 如果提案获得通过,现任总督可能被任命为临时总统。

    It is possible that the present Governor General will be made interim President , if the proposals go through

  8. 现任政府一直不善于抓经济工作。

    The economy has been poorly administered by the present government .

  9. 她现任公司经理。

    At present she holds the position of company manager .

  10. 布什是美国现任总统。

    Bush is the incumbent president of the United states .

  11. 选举者宣布拥护他们的现任议员。

    The electors declared for their present member of parliament .

  12. 现任邮局局长过去是邮递员。

    The present postmaster used to be a postman .

  13. 该市现任市长路易吉·布鲁加洛嘲笑了联合国教科文组织,让它少管闲事,同时他继续支持雇用了5000名威尼斯人的游轮行业。

    The city 's current mayor , Luigi Brugnaro , has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business , while continuing to support the cruise ship industry , which employs 5,000 Venice residents .

  14. 他以压倒多数票击败了现任州长。

    He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality .

  15. 通常现任官员有94%的几率会再次当选。

    In general , incumbents have a 94 percent chance of being reelected .

  16. 多数参与者(68%)报告称,他们和现任或上一任伴侣就是从朋友开始做起的。

    Most participants ( 68 % ) reported that their current or most recent romantic relationship began as a friendship .

  17. 在2009年的经济萧条期,雇主们普遍采用的新做法是给员工升职(比如给他们现任的职位增加更多责任或给他们新头衔)但是却不给员工相应的金钱补偿(没有加薪或额外津贴)。

    During the recession of 2009 , employers have embarked compensation for it ( e.g. no raise , no bonus ) .

  18. 此前,民主党人拉斐尔·沃尔纳克在1月5日击败现任共和党参议员凯利·洛夫勒,成为佐治亚州的第一位非裔参议员。

    Ossoff 's victory came after the win on Tuesday by Raphael Warnock over incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler to become Georgia 's first black senator .

  19. 单位有前款行为的,依照前款的规定处罚,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接现任人员处警告或者罚款。

    Units with the conduct of this article shall be punished in accordance with rules of this article ; and the person in charge with direct responsibility or other personnel with direct responsibility shall be disciplinary warning or penalty .

  20. makeadifference有区别,有很大关系不管所处的条件如何,你可以出人头地,特别是在你现任的工作中。

    Regardless of your circumstances , you can make a difference .

  21. 蒂姆-库克是苹果公司的现任CEO。

    Tim Cook is the present CEO of Apple .

  22. 拉里-埃里森是甲骨文公司的现任CEO。

    Larry Ellison is the present CEO of Oracle .

  23. 本文作者艾力克斯•陶西格现任高地资本合伙公司(HighlandCapitalPartners)负责人,投资早期科技公司。

    Alex Taussig is a principal with highland Capital Partners and invests in early stage technology companies .

  24. 他是CarbonWarRoom的现任董事和前CEO,这个组织致力于寻求降低碳排放的商业解决方案。

    He is a board member and former CEO of the carbon war room , an organization that finds business solutions to reducing carbon emissions .

  25. 麦格劳-希尔集团的现任CEO泰瑞•麦格劳已经是62岁的高龄,但集团目前尚未公布任何继任方案&甚至连推测也没有。

    No succession plan has been announced , or even speculated upon , for McGraw-Hill's62-year-old CEO Terry McGraw .

  26. 本文作者爱丽诺•布洛斯罕现任董事会咨询机构价值联盟和公司治理联盟(TheValueAllianceandCorporateGovernanceAlliance)(http://thevaluealliance.com)的首席执行官。

    Eleanor Bloxham is CEO of The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance ( http : / / thevaluealliance . com ), a board advisory firm .

  27. 但国大党(CongressParty)领导的现任政府2004年上台不久后,铸下大错。

    But soon after the current government , led by the Congress party , came to power in 2004 , it made a disastrous mistake .

  28. 他们还大声嘲笑了南非现任总统祖马(JacobZuma)。

    They also jeered the current South African president , Jacob Zuma .

  29. 如果这一规律再次奏效,至少现任CEO斯图亚特•格利佛能保住饭碗。

    If the trend holds , at least one HSBC employee will be sure to dodge the pink slip this time around .

  30. 现任美国哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)生涯发展心理学家的斯托丁格教授表示,真正的个人智慧包括五个要素,分别为:自我洞察力;

    True personal wisdom involves five elements , said Professor Staudinger , now a life span psychologist and professor at Columbia University . They are self-insight ;