
  • 网络Realism School;realist school
  1. 作为现实主义学派权力政治学说的代表,汉斯·摩根索有着非常浓重的欧洲国际社会情结。从汉斯J。

    As the leading exponent of power politics in the realism school , Hans J. Morgenthau has the strong European international society complex . Based on the relevant western translation theories such as Hans J.

  2. 摘要现实主义学派是国际政治学的主流学派。

    The realism is one of the main schools in international politics .

  3. 以摩根索为代表的现实主义学派所主张的国家利益观念,在二战后的国际政治发展中具有很大的影响力。

    The concept of national interests argued by the realistic school that represented by Morgenthau had remarkable influence in international political development since the end of World War Two .

  4. 传统现实主义学派从联盟行为主义理论、势力均衡理论和地缘联盟理论等领域对联盟的建立、联盟的巩固、联盟在美国国家利益实现中的作用等方面进行了深入的研究。

    Traditional Realism studies the alliance problem from the theory of Alliance Activism , a Power Balance and the formation of the alliance , Geographic Strategy and the enhancement of the alliance .

  5. 现实主义系统-历史学派是当代俄罗斯国际关系学中主流学派之一,然而,国内外学界对此研究十分薄弱。

    Realistic system-history school is one of main schools among contemporary Russian international relations . However , the study of realistic system-history school among educational circles at home and abroad lacks profundity .

  6. 再现现实:现象学现实主义&电影纪实学派理论评析

    Representing Reality : Phenomenological Realism & On Film Theory of the Realistic School

  7. 依赖模型的现实主义使现实主义和反现实主义的思想学派之间所有这类争议变得毫无意义。

    Model-dependent realism short-circuits all this argument and discussion between the realist and anti-realist schools of thought .