
  • 网络modern artist
  1. 你对这位现代艺术家的画有何评价?

    How do you react to this modern artist 's paintings ?

  2. 现代艺术家创造形象的方式。

    The way in which the modern artist constitutes his images .

  3. 昆斯投身于商界,那是一个大部分现代艺术家所不齿的圈子。

    Koons has engrossed himself in a world of commercialism that most modern artists disdain .

  4. C意大利艺术家的作品都很难理解,D一般大众都认为现代艺术家很怪异,均未在对话中提及。

    C ) Italian artists " works are difficult to understand . D ) Modern artists are generally considered weird .

  5. 现代艺术家可以参加博物馆的在校艺术家计划。

    Modern artists can take part in the museum 's artist-in-residence program .

  6. 现代艺术家向儿童艺术借鉴的形与法

    The Form and Method Learned From the Child Art by Modern Artists

  7. 这位老者是英国现代艺术家的典范。

    This old man is a cross section of modern artists in Britain .

  8. 汤姆是备受创作压力折磨的现代艺术家的典型,

    he was pretty much the embodiment of the tormented contemporary modern artist ,

  9. 现代艺术家难以找到富有的资助者。

    Modern artists have difficulty in finding wealthy patrons .

  10. 为了对比一个相对老练的现代艺术家处理物理规律相关联的问题。

    To contrast the relative sophistication of modern artists in solving problems related to the laws of physics .

  11. 中国现代艺术家展望在接到西澳大利亚州旅游局的邀请后,特意为雕塑节打造了新的作品。

    Chinese contemporary artist Zhan Wang created his art work especially for the festival after he attend by Tourism Western Australia .

  12. 从合作生产到亲手制作&从文艺复兴时期赞助模式的演变看西方现代艺术家的兴起

    From Cooperative Production to " Sua Mano ": Changes of the Patronage and Rise of Modern Artists during the Italian Renaissance

  13. 收藏家和博物馆把老的霓虹招牌当做民间艺术收购,现代艺术家们则把霓虹灯融入自己的作品。

    Old signs are purchased as folk art by collectors and museums , while modern artists incorporate neon in their work .

  14. 现代艺术家把漆扔向画布,用布擦干,再把布卖掉。

    A modern artist is one who throws paint on canvas , wipes it off with a cloth and sells the cloth .

  15. 与西方为新而新的现代艺术家们相比,德加更象一个东方艺术家,在一个区域里作着不断的提升。

    Compared with the Western modern artists who seek novelty for novelty 's sake , Degas was more like an oriental artist , who made constant elevations in this field .

  16. 申云:这是因为二战时期,国际知名的现代艺术家逃到美国后才构建了国际艺术的文化背景。

    Shen Yun : This is because worldwide well-known modern artists escaped to America during the time of the Second World War , cultural background of international art was established .

  17. 中国古代文化,也了解我们当代的中国文化,来增强中澳两国人民之间的互相理解、信任和友谊。”除了兵马俑展,维多利亚州国家艺术馆还展出了中国现代艺术家蔡国强的作品。

    utual trust and friendship between Chinese and Australian people . " Alongside the Terracotta Warriors exhibition , the NGV is also showcasing works by the contemporary Chinese artist Cai Guoqiang .

  18. 禅在这样的历史背景下,成为美国现代艺术家打破传统,抒发心中之事的一把利剑。

    Zen in this historical background , became a sword that the modern artists use it to break the tradition of the Europe , to express the feeling and experience in the heart .

  19. 从色彩美的形式原理角度去探析形式美的一般规律,有助于现代艺术家从艺术对客体的追求到回归本体的换位,从而达到对艺术构成的境界。

    Discovering the universal laws of visual art forms through the angle of the formal principles of colour beauty is helpful for modern artists to change the state of representation into that of expression .

  20. 作品中体现出的抽象意识是现代艺术家基于自我观照基础上的自觉表现,与传统写实绘画中自发性质的抽象因素有着本质的区别。

    The abstract consciousness represented in his works is self-consciousness based on the self-centered of modern arts , differing , in nature , from the abstract elements which is spontaneous in traditional realistic painting .

  21. 就像一位著名的现代艺术家维奥拉所说的:艺术并不是要表现你看到的世界,而是要表现你看不到的世界,要把你看不到的世界带入你的视觉范围内。

    As a well-known contemporary artist Viola said : art is not to show the world what you can see , but to show you can not see , you should take the visual world into your range .

  22. 翻翻平日的读书笔记,发现把儿童当作艺术家的绝非毕加索一人,西方现代艺术家崇拜儿童绘画,并从儿童绘画那里找到创作灵感,已成了一种艺术潮流。

    Skimming through my reading notes , I found that Picasso is not the only one that regarded children as artists . Actually , it has already become an artistic trend for modern western artists to worship children ; s paintings and get inspiration from them .

  23. 现代居士艺术家的散文艺术世界

    The Art Word of Modern Retired Scholar Art

  24. 有一部分是从其他机构租借来的,还有一部分是美国现代印第安艺术家制作的艺术品。

    Objects on loan from other institutions and objects made by modern American Indian artists .

  25. 林圣扬博士为著名现代抽象艺术家,原籍广东澄海。

    An ancestral native of Chenghai , Guangdong , Professor Lin Shengyang was a famous modern abstract artist .

  26. 正是这种独特的设计理念使其成为最著名的现代首饰艺术家之一。

    Because of this unique design idea , he has become one of the most famous modern jewellery artist .

  27. 现代纤维艺术家,通过相互联系和影响,为古老的织物艺术开拓了一个无比广阔的发展空间。

    Through mutual relations and the influences , the modern fiber artists have developed an incomparably broad development space for the ancient fabric art .

  28. 这种悖论反映了成长的烦恼和困惑,同时也反映在现代社会艺术家使命的复活。

    This paradox reflects the vexation and perplexity of growing up as well as the regeneration of the artist 's mission in the modern world .

  29. 可与毕加索堪比为现代最高艺术家的亨利•马蒂斯,将他描述为“一种绘画艺术之神”。

    Henri Matisse , Picasso 's rival for supreme artist of the modern period , described him as " a sort of god of painting " .

  30. 奈良美智被视为最重要的日本现代流行艺术家之一,其作品曾在全世界的画廊和展览中展出。

    Nara is considered one of the most essential contemporary pop artist of japan , whose works are exhibited in galleries and exhibitions of an international scale .