
  • 网络christmas;Christmas song;Christmas Carol;Jingle Bell
  1. 即使是圣诞歌都不行。

    Not even a Christmas carol .

  2. 有一首圣诞歌名叫《平安夜》。

    One religious Christmas Song is " o holy night " .

  3. 在圣诞节时,朋友们相聚在一起并且挨家走访,唱圣诞歌。

    During the Christmas season friends get together and go from house to house singing Christmas songs .

  4. 我们唱了许多圣诞歌,讲了一些圣诞故事。

    We sang many Christmas songs and told some Christmas stories .

  5. 从这房子到另一房子去唱圣诞歌。

    And go from house to house singing Christmas songs .

  6. 我爱死圣诞歌了你们呢?

    I just love Christmas carols . Don 't you ?

  7. 在吃饭和打开礼物的同时,我们听着圣诞歌。

    We listen to Christmas carols while we eat and open gifts .

  8. 不久,其他人就跟她一起唱起了一支圣诞歌。

    Soon , the others joined her in a happy Christmas song .

  9. 我们可以唱圣诞歌。

    In Christmas , we can sing Chriatmas songs .

  10. 我为大家写了首圣诞歌想不想听?

    I 'm writing a holiday song for everyone .

  11. 我们唱圣诞歌,每个人用自己的语言。

    We sang Christmas songs , everyone singing in his or her own language .

  12. 人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震得餐厅的四壁阵阵发颤。

    The walls shook as hands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols .

  13. 听着,这是我最喜欢的圣诞歌

    Oh , listen ... Ah , this is my number-one favorite Christmas song .

  14. 你最喜欢的圣诞歌是什么

    What 's your favorite Christmas song ?

  15. 我希望能有一个人和我一起喝酒,一起唱圣诞歌。

    I wish I had someone to toast too and to share a Christmas song .

  16. 一些人唱圣诞歌。

    Some people sing Christmas carols .

  17. 在每所房子前他们停下来唱一首叫报佳音的圣诞歌。

    At each house , they stop and sing a Christmas song , called a carol .

  18. 凯伊:那么让我们一起做些事情,不如一起唱圣诞歌吧。

    Kate : then let 's do something about that . let 's sing some carols .

  19. 菲比努力为朋友写圣诞歌。

    Phoebe works ( and works and works ) on a Christmas song for her friends .

  20. 第一夫人:所以,我们唱圣诞歌,收到礼物,打赢雪仗的时候…

    THE FIRST LADY : So as we sing carols and open presents , as we win snowball fights ...

  21. 一个古老的欧洲习俗&唱圣诞歌,还在美国普遍实行。

    An old European custom of singing Christmas songs throughout the village is still commonly practiced in the United States .

  22. 饭馆老板带头唱起圣诞歌,我们大家都跟着唱,其中有半数人是含泪而歌。

    The owner of the restaurant started The First Noel , and we all joined in , half of us crying .

  23. 人们络绎不绝地从街上向餐馆涌来,其中一些顾客由于没有空位而只好站在那里。人们和着圣诞歌的节奏手舞足蹈,声音震得餐厅的四壁阵阵发颤。

    Peoplecrowded in from the street until many customers were standing.The walls shook as hands and feet kept time to the Christmas carols .

  24. 圣诞节快到了,我已经预备了很多圣诞歌和照片跟大家分享,希望大家有一个愉快的圣诞节。

    Christmas Day is coming , I have already prepared for a lot of Christmases song and photo are shared with everybody , hope that everybody has a happy Christmas Day .

  25. 我喜欢在家里对着全家人唱圣诞之歌。

    I like to sing Christmas songs to my family at home .

  26. 来听听这首关于圣诞老人的歌。

    Listen to a song about Santa .

  27. 春节贴春联,圣诞有卡片和圣诞歌。

    Paste New Year Spring Festival , Christmas carols and a card .

  28. 我们互道“圣诞快乐”后,开始唱圣诞歌,像“雪绒花”等。

    After we said " Merry Christmas ", we began to sing Christmas songs , such as Edelwei , and so on .

  29. 近一段日子来,我国许多城市,圣诞霓虹灯闪烁,满耳是圣诞歌,满眼是圣诞树和圣诞老人的形象,旅馆酒楼的生意也异常红火。

    Many Chinese cities have been filled with Christmas neon lights , Christmas songs , Christmas trees , and the images of Santa Claus in recent days , and the business of hotels and restaurants has been exceptionally brisk .

  30. 美国歌曲作家IrvingBerlin在他的歌“白色圣诞”中找到了这种感觉。数百名歌手和音乐家都录制过“白色圣诞”这首歌。但是最流行的还是BingCrosby演唱的版本。

    American songwriter Irving Berlin captured these feelings in his song , " White Christmas . " Hundreds of singers and musicians have recorded " White Christmas . " But the version most people still know best was sung by Bing Crosby .