
  • 网络Saint-Jean;Saint-Jean-Minervois;St.Jean;Chateau St. Jean;Sainte-Gemme
  1. 伦敦保持了世界最昂贵居住地的地位,紧随其后的是避税天堂摩纳哥以及百万富翁们的休养胜地圣-让-费拉角(St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat)。

    London retains its spot as the world 's most expensive place to live , followed by the tax exile haven Monaco and millionaires ' playground St-Jean-Cap-Ferrat .

  2. 秘鲁的印加圣谷让哈尔托太太为之动容,于是她爬到车顶脱掉衣服赤身留影。

    In the Sacred Valley of the Incas , in Peru , Mrs. Harteau felt moved to climb onto the VW 's roof , strip off her clothes and pose naked .

  3. 温馨提示噢:这瓶圣艾美隆会让你恨不得马上辞了工作直奔波尔多(法国南部)。

    Now fair warning , this St. Emillion is gonna make you both wanna quit your jobs and run way to Bordeaux .

  4. 在过去的几个月里,西甲让罗纳尔多郁闷像只鬼,但是圣西罗的圣空气又让它复活了。

    He had been a shadow of his former self in recent months in La Liga , but the San Siro air has revitalised Ronaldo .