
  • 网络High-end equipment manufacturing
  1. 在针对七个产业的最初规划中,航空航天被划在高端装备制造的类别内。

    Aerospace was included in that initial seven-industry plan within the category of high-end equipment manufacturing .

  2. 新能源、新材料、生物医药、高端装备制造、新能源汽车快速发展。

    We accelerated development of new energy , new materials , biomedicines , high-end equipment manufacturing and new-energy vehicles .

  3. 大力发展高端装备制造、节能环保、生物医药、新能源汽车、新材料等产业。

    We will energetically develop the high-end equipment manufacturing , energy conservation , environmental protection , biopharmaceuticals , new-energy vehicles , and new materials industries .

  4. 不过,《上海证券报》的报道称,飞机将是高端装备制造的重要板块;该文没有提及高铁。

    However , the Shanghai Securities News said aircraft would be the most important part of high-end equipment manufacturing and made no mention of high-speed rail .

  5. 然而对战略性新兴产业的研究不仅需要整体研究还需要局部研究,因此本文选取了高端装备制造业和碳纤维产业进行了案例研究。

    Strategic emerging industries requires not only the overall research also need local research . This article selected high-end equipment manufacturing and new materials industry case studies .

  6. 目前,“天河一号”支持多种任务,包括石油勘探、高端装备制造、生物医药、动漫设计,为近1000名用户服务。

    At present , Tianhe-1 supports various tasks including oil exploration , high-end equipment manufacturing , biological medicine and animation design , and serves nearly 1000 customers .

  7. 清洁能源、节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物医药、高端装备制造等一批战略性新兴产业快速发展。

    Strategic emerging industries grew rapidly , including clean energy , energy conservation , environmental protection , next-generation information and communication technology , biomedicines , and high-end equipment manufacturing .

  8. 展会期间还举行签约仪式、贸易洽谈、项目对接以及邯郸高端装备制造业发展方向研讨会等活动。

    During the exhibition also held a signing ceremony , trade negotiation , project docking handan high-end equipment manufacturing industry and direction of development activities such as the seminar .

  9. 与之相应的是,十二五规划强调了七大产业的重要性:节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车。

    Accordingly , the 12th five-year plan highlights the importance of the magic seven industries : energy saving and environmental protection , next generation information technology , biotechnology , high-end manufacturing , new energy , new materials , and clean-energy vehicles .