
  • 网络spacecraft dynamics
  1. 航天器动力学发展概况

    Development generalization of spacecraft dynamics

  2. 由于地球引力和摩擦的影响,要想在地球上的实验室实际复现航天器动力学无疑是非常困难的。

    It is typically difficult to experimentally replicate spacecraft dynamics in an Earth-bound laboratory because of the influences of gravity and friction .

  3. 然后重点推导了MCA应用于中心刚体加柔性附件类航天器动力学模型降阶的工程应用模型;

    Then MCA is applied to the model reduction of flexible spacecrafts .

  4. 带梁式伸展附件航天器动力学分析

    Dynamic property analysis for spacecraft with beam - like deploying appendages

  5. 航天器动力学数据采集分析系统

    Data Acquisition and Processing System for Spacecraft Dynamic Environment Tests

  6. 基于主动约束层阻尼控制的大型挠性航天器动力学模型

    Dynamics Model of Large Flexible Spacecrafts Using Active Constrained Layer Damping Control

  7. 关于柔性航天器动力学模型降阶问题

    On the Order Reduction of Dynamics Models of Flexible Spacecrafts

  8. 航天器动力学环境试验的发展概况和趋势

    The development status and trends of spacecraft dynamic environment testing

  9. 首先简单介绍了关于柔性航天器动力学建模的一些综述论文,指出了柔性航天器动力学建模的困难所在。

    Some review literatures on dynamics modeling of flexible spacecraft are presented .

  10. 航天器动力学特性参数在轨辨识技术

    Identification system to dynamic characteristics of on-orbit space vehicles

  11. 振动环境试验力限制控制技术在航天器动力学环境试验中越来越多地被研究和使用,在力限制控制技术中如何保证力参数测量的实施和精度是比较关键的技术。

    The measurement of force parameters is the basis of force limited vibration tests .

  12. 复合柔性结构航天器动力学建模研究

    Dynamics Modeling of Spacecraft with Composite Flexible Structures

  13. 首先建立了采用任意浮动参考系时的柔性航天器动力学方程;

    The dynamic equations of flexible spacecraft are derived by introducing a moving coordinate frame .

  14. 对柔性航天器动力学建模和各种姿态控制方法的发展现状进行了讨论。

    Dynamic modeling of flexible spacecraft attitude control method and a variety of current development are discussed .

  15. 以一个呈现混沌姿态运动的航天器动力学模型为例说明了该控制律的应用。

    A mathematical model derived from spacecraft attitude dynamics is treated as an example to demonstrate its application .

  16. 根据航天器动力学方程,利用李雅普诺夫直接法推导出用四元数表示的空间站伴随卫星姿态控制律,并对该控制律进行了仿真计算。

    Then , attitude control law of an accompanying satellite using Lyapunov function based on spacecraft dynamics is derived .

  17. 得到的航天器动力学方程具有通用性和程式化的特点,便于计算机编程可视化实现。

    The dynamic equations of the spacecraft derived above are universal and programmed and is easy to realized by the computational procedure .

  18. 对在推进剂贮箱中带有自由液面液体大幅晃动问题的研究是一个在充液航天器动力学与控制分析中十分重要的问题。

    A study on large-scale amplitude sloshing of fluid in a propellant container is essential for the detailed analysis of spacecraft dynamics and control .

  19. 大型挠性太阳能电池翼的振动控制是航天器动力学与控制领域的挑战性课题。

    Active vibration control of Large Flexible Solar Array ( LFSA ) is a challenging subject in the domain of spacecraft dynamics and control .

  20. 对于柔性航天器动力学方程的降阶问题,传统的内平衡降阶方法破坏了原方程的动力学结构。

    For model reduction of flexible spacecraft , conventional first-order balanced truncation ( FOBT ) method will destroy the second-order structure and dynamic properties of original system .

  21. 本文以某小卫星为研究对象,重点研究了小卫星刚柔耦合多体系统动力学、二阶系统模型降阶和姿态控制等问题。首先综述了多柔体航天器动力学的研究现状。

    The flexible multibody dynamics , second-order model reduction and attitude control of a small satellite are studied in this thesis . Firstly , the research situation of flexible multibody spacecraft dynamics is summarized .

  22. 并用PD及最优控制等经典控制理论对航天器姿态动力学模型进行了建模,并运用MATLAB进行了详细的仿真,得到了仿真结果。

    With PD and optimal control of classical control theory model of the spacecraft attitude dynamics modeling , and conducted a detailed MATLAB simulation .

  23. 依据Kane方程,提出带有多个柔性矩形板的复杂航天器的动力学建模方法。

    Dynamic modeling method of complex spacecraft with flexible rectangular plates is obtained according to Kane 's equations .

  24. 将挠性航天器姿态动力学方程描述为T-S模糊模型为挠性航天器控制提供了新思路;

    A new method is promoted for flexible spacecraft control by describing flexible spacecraft dynamics equations as T-S fuzzy model and designing a PDC fuzzy controller .

  25. 在航天器姿态动力学与控制仿真框架基础上研制了RVD目标飞行器仿真的原型系统。

    The prototype of RVD target-spacecraft simulation system is built up as ai application example of the object-oriented spacecraft attitude simulation framework .

  26. 周边式对接机构对接动力学仿真本文以交会对接仿真系统研制为背景,研究了带有周边式对接机构的航天器对接动力学问题,并开发了对接动力学仿真系统(DDSS)。

    By employing the development of the RVD simulation system as the research background , the main work of this dissertation is to study the docking dynamics of spacecraft with Peripheral Docking Mechanisms and to develop the docking dynamics simulation system ( DDSS ) .

  27. 带空间机械臂的充液航天器姿态动力学研究

    Study on attitude dynamics of a liquid filled spacecraft with manipulators

  28. 带弹性伸展附件充液航天器姿态动力学研究

    Study on attitude dynamics of a liquid-filled spacecraft with elastic appendages

  29. 带挠性轴太阳帆板航天器姿态动力学研究

    Attitude dynamics of solar wings on spacecraft with a flexible shaft

  30. 带弹性附件的航天器的动力学与变结构控制

    Dynamics and variable structure control of a spacecraft with elastic appendages