
  • 网络knowledge graph;Knowledge Map
  1. 所提出的基于规划知识图的规划识别算法把规划的识别问题转化为图搜索问题,因而其效率更高,但其识别结果与Kautz方法是一致的。

    A plan recognition algorithm based on knowledge graph presented in this paper can change the plan recognition problem into the graph searching one . This method not only prompts efficiency but also gives the same result as Kautz 's.

  2. 引言知识图是一种特殊的概念图,是属于语义网络的范畴。

    Knowledge graph theory is a new method of knowledge representation .

  3. 采用MVC设计模式、AAF框架技术、知识图以及组件复用技术研究水权分配的可视化应用系统。

    To use the MVC design pattern , AAF framework technology , knowledge map and components reuse techniques , researched the visualization system for the distribution of water rights .

  4. 本文应用AFS理论和知识图理论主要研究知识发现与表示领域中的模糊分类关联规则挖掘、模糊关联规则基的稳定性等方面的问题。

    This thesis focuses on fuzzy classification association rule mining and the stability of fuzzy rule base which are often encountered in knowledge discovery and representation based on AFS and knowledge graph theory .

  5. 知识图是一种语义网络。

    A knowledge graph is a kind of semantic network .

  6. 提出了一种新的规划表示方法及规划知识图的概念。

    A new plan formalism method and a plan knowledge graph concept .

  7. 量词在知识图中的分类与表示

    Classification and representation of Chinese quantity words in Knowledge Graphs

  8. 自然语言处理中逻辑词的知识图分析

    Knowledge graph analysis of logic words in natural language processing

  9. 提出了一种基于知识图的领域本体半自动构建方法。

    This paper proposed a domain ontology construction method based on knowledge graphs .

  10. 一种基于规划知识图的规划识别算法

    A Plan Recognition Algorithm Based on Plan Knowledge Graph

  11. 基于知识图的汉语词汇语义相似度计算

    A New Measure of Semantic Similarity between Chinese Words Based on Knowledge Graphs

  12. 基于知识图的语义分析

    Semantic analysis based on knowledge graphs

  13. 知识图作为辅助阅读的一种方式,其辅助作用已为大量的研究所证实。

    Knowledge maps as a tool for reading article had been found by lots of experiments .

  14. 文中利用知识图方法,建立了一个基于知识推理的飞机机场目标识别的简单专家系统模型。

    We got a simple model to recognize the airport in aerial images by using knowledge graph .

  15. 知识图是知识表示的一种新方法,它基于心理学和哲学为人类认知和信息处理建立了语义解释模型。

    Knowledge graph is a new method for knowledge representation which establishes semantic interpretation models based on psychology and philosophy .

  16. 由于在规划知识图中增加了支持程度的概念,使得规划的识别可以随着收集到的新证据而合理地加以改变。

    Because a concept of supporting degree is introduced into plan knowledge graph , the recognized plans are changed reasonably as new evidences collected .

  17. 在本文中,知识图中的词图是根据知网中的语义词典自动生成的,短语图是在短语分析过程中由词图合并得来的。

    Word graphs , phrase graphs are concluded in Knowledge Graph , Word graphs are automatic generate according to Hownet , phrase graphs are combined by Word graphs .

  18. 为了提取出概念的不同定义中的主要词汇和重要信息,本文从概念的不同定义中通过合并同义词提取出主要的代表性单词,并利用知识图理论建立概念的词图。

    For extract-ing substantive information and words from the various definitions of one concept , this thesis extracts representative words by choosing synonyms and establishes word graph for concepts based on knowledge graph theory .

  19. 对国外可视化同被引分析构建学科知识图的各种方法和关键技术进行了总结和对比分析。

    The conclusion is , that citation timeline web analysis is a reliable method in the process of historical research . ( 4 ) The methods and the technology of visualizing knowledge domain via co-citation analysis visualization are summarized , analyzed and compared in this paper .

  20. 探讨了一种基于影响图理论的备件消耗因素定性及定量分析的方法,给出了用于确定影响备件消耗因素的影响图和知识图,并根据知识图进行概率指定,建立了备件消耗率计算模型。

    Based on the influence diagram theory , a measure of analysis on the depletion factors is studied in this paper . The influence diagrams and knowledge diagrams are given , and a model of depletion rate is developed according to the diagrams given in this paper .

  21. 基于知识影响图的多Agent集成诊断与决策

    Multi-Agent Integrated Diagnosis and Decision-making Based on Knowledge Influence Diagrams

  22. 基于知识与图的形状特征层次识别方法

    Form Feature Hierarchy Recognition Method Based on Knowledge and Graph

  23. 基于知识结构图的智能教学规划

    Intelligent tutorial planning based on knowledge structure graph

  24. 物理知识概念图

    A Concept Map of Physics knowledge

  25. 对大学生关于物理知识概念图的态度进行了问卷调查,并对结果进行了分类介绍。

    In the study of the students ' attitudes toward concept mapping in a college physics class , 127 college students in Zhejiang Normal University were engaged in this investigation .

  26. 根据内燃机车水冷却系统的工作原理,应用图论的基本知识建立图模型,以邻接矩阵的形式确定参数的信息度,并据此选择诊断参数。

    Based on the function of diesel locomotive water-cooling system , using the knowledge of graph theory to establish a graph-model , the diagnostic parameters are chosen with their information level defined from adjoint matrix .

  27. 文中首先分析了数字图书馆复杂个体交互关系数据发布的隐私保护问题,同时根据背景知识对图攻击问题进行了增量式知识查询建模和量化。

    Firstly , it analyzes privacy protection data publishing issues of the complex interaction data in digital libraries , and implements an incremental knowledge query model based on the background knowledge of the graph attack problems .

  28. 第三,培养学生画出知识结构图的习惯,使学生不断的重建和完善自己的认知结构,使知识不仅全面而且不再零散,那么审题也就有了保证。

    Third , training students to draw knowledge structure graph habits , so that students continue to rebuild and improve their cognitive structure , knowledge is not only comprehensive and no longer scattered , so you will have a guarantee .

  29. 最后,结合系统的目的构建知识开发图、知识应用图、知识资源图和知识结构图四种形式的知识地图模型,用于对质量工具知识进行学习。

    In the end , four types of knowledge map models which consist of Knowledge Development maps , Knowledge Application maps , Knowledge Source maps , Knowledge Structure maps is constructed based on the system goal , for learning quality tools knowledge .

  30. 首先分析了KMS自重构中的数据操作过程,设计了知识网ER图。

    The data operating process of the knowledgeable manufacturing system ( KMS ) self - reconfiguration is analyzed and the E-R graph of knowledge meshes is designed .