
  • 网络Car Painting
  1. 教授年轻人如何给汽车喷漆和修理护栏。

    The youths are taught how to spray paint cars and mend fences

  2. 他在车库里忙着给他的汽车喷漆

    He was working in the garage spary painting his car

  3. 给他的一个孙女的众多汽车喷漆就花了16000美元。

    The paint job on one of his granddaughter 's many cars cost $ 16,000 .

  4. 汽车喷漆房空气过滤材料的研发

    Research and Development of Filtration Materials for Air Filtration in Car Spraying - Paint Room

  5. 干式喷漆台,汽车喷漆房之排气系统,减少对环境的污染,环保。

    Applied to the dry spray painting platform and the exhaust gas system of the automobile spray painting room .

  6. 辛运地是,34岁的布利拉终于在3个月之后找到了一份给汽车喷漆的工作,每小时可以挣12英镑。如今,布利拉已把妻子和孩子接来英国团聚。

    But three months'on , the34-year old has wised up and is working for £ 12 an hour spray-painting cars .

  7. 所用的防紫外线的油漆与汽车喷漆的硬度相当,最外面一层是不光滑或者说是半抛光丙乙烯材质外壳提供了进一步的保护。

    The UV-cured ink has a similar hardness to automotive paint , and a final coat of matte or semi-gloss acrylic further protects the colored surface .

  8. 汽车喷漆温度测控系统用于汽车喷漆室温度测量,并将反馈的温度信息传给喷漆操作系统。

    Temperature measurement system of cars spray-paint is used in the temperature measurement of cars spray-paint room , and feedback of the temperature information to the spray-paint system .

  9. 新的设备可以让乳液通过喷雾器使用,程序类似汽车喷漆,这样能保证比较均匀。

    New devices allow the lotion to be applied by a spray , in a process similar to painting a car , which promises a more even coating .

  10. PLC和DDC协调控制系统在汽车涂装喷漆车间的应用

    Application of PLC and DDC Coordinated Control System in Motor Body Shop

  11. 基于数字图像的汽车混流喷漆线车身自动识别系统

    Vehicle Cab Automatic Recognition System Based on Digital Image on Multi-mode Mixed Auto-line

  12. 机器人能有效地做那些重复性的劳动,如焊接、钻孔和为汽车零部件喷漆。

    Robots efficiently carry out such routine tasks as welding , drilling , and painting automobile body parts .

  13. 在工厂,汽车经过喷漆和烘干过程,没有任何橡胶、胶和织物的附着。

    At a factory level , the car goes through the painting and baking process without any of the rubber , plastic , and cloth components installed .

  14. 该汽车厂喷漆车间废气中的主要组分为甲苯、二甲苯、乙酸乙酯、乙酸丁酯、丁醇、丙酮和甲基丙基甲酮。

    The main components of paint spray booth emissions were toluene , xylene , ethyl acetate , butyl acetate , butanol , acetone , and methyl propyl ketone .

  15. 介绍了多品种汽车混流机器人喷漆自动线上的北京顶喷漆机器人的组成、工作过程。

    The composing and working process of Beijing top painting robot on many different kinds of motor mixed production automatic line were introduced .

  16. 去漆剂:汽车及3C工业喷漆房之漆料微粒去除。

    Detackifier : Automotive , 3C industry Spray booth , paint mist removal agent .

  17. 在生产地,在装配线上的每一个汽车底盘,在喷漆后就立即被编号。

    In the production sites , each vehicle chassis on the assembly line is given proper identification immediately after it has been painted .

  18. 介绍了北京第二汽车厂水旋喷漆室的结构,并对该设备的特点、设计方法进行了探讨。

    The structure of a water rotation painting booth in Beijing No. 2 Automobile Plant is described . The characteristic and design method of the equipment are discussed .

  19. 安装在汽车装配车间或汽车喷漆烤漆车间,作为顶棚滤棉。

    Medium efficiency filter installed in the automobile assembling plants and auto paint spray booths as the ceiling filters .