
  • 网络steam turbine cylinder
  1. 大型汽轮机汽缸加工方法的探讨

    Exploration about the processing method of large-scale steam turbine cylinder

  2. 铜网垫片在汽轮机汽缸接合面上的应用实践

    Using copper mesh gaskets to fill gaps of steam turbine cylinder joins

  3. DSP芯片在汽轮机汽缸热膨胀监测中的实现

    Realization of supervisory instrument with DSP for heat expansion of turbine 's cylinder

  4. 以Pro/E为应用工具,建立汽轮机汽缸体的主文档和主结构,并在此基础上实现汽缸体的配置设计。

    The master document and master structure of cylinder were built by Pro / E. The configure design of cylinder was realized .

  5. 本文介绍了基于高性能DSP芯片TMS320LF2407A的汽轮机汽缸热膨胀监测仪的实现。

    This paper described the realization of supervisory instrument for heat expansion of turbine 's cylinder with high-powered DSP TMS320LF2407A .

  6. 300~400MW汽轮机汽缸膨胀与轴向间隙的设计特点

    Design Features of Cylinder Expansion and Axial Clearance in 300 ~ 400 MW Series Turbines

  7. 介绍了某电厂300MW国产汽轮机汽缸螺栓的检修、维护经验,减少了汽缸螺栓的损坏,节约了检修资源,降低了检修成本,保证了发电机组的安全稳定运行。

    The bolt overhaul and maintenance experience of domestic made steam turbines in a 300 MW power plant minimize the damage of turbine cylinder bolts , save overhaul and maintenance resources , reduce their cost , and enhance the safe and stable operation of the units .

  8. 汽轮机汽缸中分面螺栓伸长量测量方法及应用

    The Measuring Method & Application of Cylinder Bolts Extension for Assembling

  9. 汽轮机汽缸壁开裂处强度分析

    Strength analysis of cracked part on cylinder wall in steam turbine

  10. 冷焊法焊补修复汽轮机汽缸裂纹

    Cold Welding Method for Repair Welding Cracks in Cylinder of Steam Turbine

  11. 高压汽轮机汽缸调门座裂纹的挖补处理

    Repair welding of cracks in governor valve base of high-pressure turbine cylinder

  12. 汽轮机汽缸温度场的理论研究

    Theoretical Research on the Temperature Field of Steam Turbine Casing

  13. 汽轮机汽缸快速冷却优化方案

    High speed cooling optimization plan of steam turbine cylinder

  14. 汽轮机汽缸效率变化热经济性简化分析模型

    Thermal economic simplified analysis models for the cylinder relative efficiency changing of steam turbine

  15. 汽轮机汽缸隔板滑环裂纹的焊接修复

    Repair of Crack on Slip Ring of Cylinder Diaphragm on Steam Turbine by Welding

  16. 汽轮机汽缸加工中新技术的应用

    Application of New Technology to Machine Turbine Casing

  17. 5~汽轮机汽缸结合面螺栓失效原因分析

    Failure Reason Analysis of Bolts in the Joint Face of a Cylinder of No. 5 Turbine

  18. 汽轮机汽缸壁温及胀差全工况仿真数学模型

    Any-performance Mathematical Model of the Casing Wall Temperature and Differential Expansion of Steam Turbine for Simulation

  19. 综述了汽轮机汽缸等铸钢件的发展和使用情况。

    The development and application situation of steel casting such as cylinder of turbine are illustrated .

  20. 汽轮机汽缸中分面、转子轴颈磨损、汽蚀的修复电弧喷涂设备;

    Turbine cylinder middle surface , the rotor journal wear , cavitation repair arc spraying equipment ;

  21. 提出了汽轮机汽缸传热系数的计算方法。

    A method for calculating the heat transfer coefficient of steam turbine casings is being presented .

  22. 一种基于有限体积法计算汽轮机汽缸轴向膨胀的新方法

    A New Method Based on Finite Volume Method to Estimate Axial Thermal Expansion of Steam Turbine Cylinder

  23. 并以工业汽轮机汽缸为例,在该系统下进行应用验证。

    And the industrial steam turbine cylinder is taken for example to be certified in this system .

  24. 采用激光控制自找正机处理汽轮机汽缸结合面变形的方法

    The Measure Dealing with Distortions of the Joints of Turbine Casings Using Laser Controlled Self Leveling Machine

  25. 研究分析了子模型方法的基本原理,并以某汽轮机汽缸结构为计算模型验证了子模型方法的有效性。

    The basic theories of the submodel method are studied and the validity of this method is verified with a main turboset model .

  26. 本文主要介绍了汽轮机汽缸裂纹缺陷的焊接修复处理工艺,并对电建安装现场施工中类似的缸体缺陷问题提出了一些解决的办法。

    This paper introduced the welding repair technology of crack in turbine cylinder and pointed out some solved methods to similar defects in turbine cylinder .

  27. 针对汽轮机汽缸内因鼓风损失引起的事故进行分析、探讨,认定了蒸汽摩擦鼓风损失的危害,与新设计的机组对比,指出各自系统的优缺点。

    It describes and analysis accident of steam rubbing in turbine casing make accident , confirm the damage of steam rubbing , compare to the new turbine-design , point out discussion in every system of advantage and shortcoming .

  28. 运用壳体理论对51501型汽轮机汽缸壁开裂处的内压应力和热应力进行分析计算,并对裂纹的安全性进行了评定,根据计算结果对汽缸缺陷和汽机运行提出了建议。

    Applying shell theory , the internal pressure stress and the thermal stress of the cracked part on cylinder wall in a 51-50-1 type steam turbine have been analysed and calculated , and the safety of cracks being evaluated .

  29. 通过材料性能分析和应力计算比较,解决了亚临界汽轮机汽缸中分面螺栓选材问题,并由此提出了汽轮机高温螺栓材料选择的方法。

    By analyzing material performance and comparing stress calculation , the problems of selecting proper materials of cylinder horizontal bolts for subcritical steam turbine are solved , and the method of choosing high-temperature bolts material is provided in this paper .

  30. 通过汽轮机汽缸和通流部分改造,将纯凝汽式汽轮机改造成为抽汽供热式汽轮机,使机组在不影响内效率和出力的前提下,具备一定的抽汽能力,满足用户热负荷的需求。

    Condensing steam turbine is rebuilt into extraction heat supply turbine through the retrofitting of the casing and steam path , so as to have capacity to supply extraction steam without impact of inner efficiency and power output , and meet the requirements of heat users .