
  1. 汽车冷却系统化学除垢实验研究

    Experiment study on chemical detergent to cooling system of automobile

  2. 后置发动机汽车冷却系统的研究

    A study on Rear Mounted Engine Vehicle Cooling System

  3. 汽车冷却系统超声波-化学联合法清洗研究

    Research on chemical-ultrasonic uniting cleaning of automotive cooling system

  4. 在优化进气格栅的基础上进行了发动机舱内的温度场和速度场的计算。并得到散热器的重要参数,为汽车冷却系统的匹配提供重要依据。

    On the basis of the optimization , temperature field and velocity field is calculated , and several important parameters about radiator are obtained . That provides important evidences for matching vehicle cooling system .

  5. 关于汽车发动机冷却系统中多种金属的防腐蚀研究

    A Study on The Anti-Corrosion of Multi-Metal in The Car Engine Cooling System

  6. 汽车发动机冷却系统节温器的智能控制

    Intelligence Control of Thermostat in Automotive Engine Cooling System

  7. 汽车发动机冷却系统的腐蚀与防护

    Corrosion and protection of cooling system of automotive engine

  8. 汽车发动机冷却系统动态特性仿真

    Simulation of Dynamic Performance for Vehicle Engine Cooling System

  9. 大多数汽车发动机冷却系统的工作。

    How most car engine cooling systems work .

  10. 汽车发动机冷却系统的智能控制

    The Intelligent Control of Auto Engine Cooling System

  11. 这是自由的空气泡从汽车发动机冷却系统。

    This is to free the air bubbles from the car engine cooling system .

  12. 汽车发动机冷却系统是影响发动机效率和安全性的关键因素之一。

    Automotive engine cooling system is the key factor of affecting engine efficiency and safety .

  13. 能够使水循环的在汽车的冷却系统中的泵。

    The pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to circulate .

  14. 它的可靠性和安全性的提高直接影响到汽车发动机冷却系统的稳定工作。

    The reliability and security of that effect the stability of the cooling system of the automobile motor .

  15. 本文建立了汽车发动机冷却系统的动态特性仿真模型,并在MATLAB/SIMULINK中对模型进行仿真计算。

    A mathematical model describing the dynamic performance of vehicle engine cooling system is established and computed in MATLAB / SIMULINK in this paper .

  16. 介绍了以单片机为模糊控制器的汽车发动机冷却系统的智能控制系统。

    This paper introduces the application of the single chip microcontroller that works as the fuzzy controller on the intelligent controlled cooling system of the Auto engine .

  17. 冷却风扇是汽车发动机冷却系统中非常重要的部件,然而在传统的冷却风扇设计流程中,对风道试验的依赖较大,设计效率不高。

    Cooling fan is an important part of engine cooling system , but traditional fan design depends on plenty of experiments greatly , which results in low design efficiency .

  18. 简单的,因为它可以,气泡实际上可能会是危险的。加班,他们可能导致过热当困在汽车发动机冷却系统。

    Simple as it can be , air bubbles may actually turn out to be dangerous . Overtime , they may cause overheat when trapped in car engine cooling system .

  19. 载重汽车自控电动冷却系统的研究

    Research on the Auto control Electric driven Cooling System for Truck

  20. 汽车发动机的冷却系统一般是由压缩机、散热器、风扇等等组成,这些部件的正常工作直接保证冷却系统的效率和可靠性,其中起首要作用的是散热器。

    The cooling system of the motor consists of compressor , radiator , fan and so on . The most important of the cooling system is radiator .

  21. 汽车水泵作为发动机冷却系统的重要部件,对汽车发动机的冷却和散热方面起着重要的作用。

    Automobile pump is an important part of cooling system of automobile engine , and it is very important for the cooling and heat dissipation of the automobile engine .

  22. 这是原因之一,汽车制造商提供一个阀门,把空气离开汽车发动机冷却系统。

    This is one reason why car manufacturers provide a valve to throw the air away from the car engine cooling system .

  23. 汽车现已是集机械、电子一体的高科技产品,但其仍存在很多结构和控制不完善的地方,汽车发动机冷却系统就是其中之一。

    Now automobiles are of high-tech products integrated with machines and electrons , but they still have many problems with their structures and imperfect control . The motor engine cooling system has such problems .