
  1. 论述了中国石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)14种野生药用植物的生物学特性、种类分布、资源现状、生境特点、药用价值等;

    There are 14 species of wild medicinal plants of Bulbophyllum in China , and their biological characters , species distribution , resources state , habitat characters , medicinal value etc.

  2. 有一天,他们穿过了宫殿后面的古老的中国石拱桥。

    One day they crossed the old Chinese stone bridge behind the palace .

  3. 中国石狮子象征

    The Symbolic Meaning of Stone Lions of China

  4. 公司紧邻风景名胜区&国家命名的“中国石牌坊之乡”:南关石牌坊古镇。

    The company is close to Nanguan Archway Ancient Town , named as " Hometown of China Archway " by the state .

  5. 预测结果表明中国铁矿石需求呈逐渐增长的趋势,但增长速度趋缓,2010年铁矿石需求总量达到10.210×108t(国产矿石品质矿量)。

    By 2010 , the gross iron ore demand will be reach 10.210 × 108 t ( with domestic iron ore quality ) .

  6. 澳大利亚农业资源经济局(Abare)预测,随着对炼钢原料的需求逐渐走强,2009年中国铁矿石进口总量将增加28%,2010年将再增加12%。

    China 's imports of iron ore will rise 28 per cent this year and by a further 12 per cent in 2010 as its demand for steel-making raw materials gathers strength , according to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics .

  7. 中国铁矿石留在钢中的残留痕量元素

    Residual trace elements brought by iron ores in steels made in China

  8. 中国宝玉石资源的种类、分布及特点

    Varieties , distributions and characteristics of gem-jade resources in China

  9. 中国镌石文化与中华民族精神

    Chinese engraving culture and the spirit of the Chinese nation

  10. 中国天然石砚之美当属世界少有。

    The Chinese natural inkstones are of rare Beauty in the world .

  11. 中国宝玉石协会副秘书长、深圳珠宝首饰行业协会常务副会长孟宪松高级工程师指出:白银及白银饰品具有悠久的开发利用历史,一直受到人们的喜爱。

    Silver & silver jewelry has a long history of development and utilization .

  12. 中国铁矿石现货价格正因此不断上涨。

    Spot prices for iron ore in China are rising as a result .

  13. 关于中国西南石漠化的若干问题

    Problems of Karst Rocky Desertification in Southwest China

  14. 他预计2016年中国铁矿石进口量将达到9.49亿吨。

    He projected China 's ore imports in 2016 would reach 949 million tons .

  15. 中国宝玉石三颗明星

    Three Stars of Gems & Jades in China

  16. 中国印章石的材料与资源研究

    Materials and resources of Chinese signet stones

  17. 中国霞石正长岩的地质特征

    Geological features of nepheline syenite in China

  18. 中国明矾石资源及其应用

    Resources and tapping of alunite in China

  19. 世界铁矿石资源开发现状与中国铁矿石企业生存环境分析

    Development situation of world iron ore resources and environment of china 's iron ore production enterprises

  20. 非常感谢友石轩赏石艺术工作室让我领略了这绝美和独特的中国观赏石珍品的魅力。

    I am grateful to FXVSAW introduced me to a truly beautiful and unique Chinese treasure .

  21. 中国宝玉石分布与特征的研究

    Source & Features of Chinese Gemstone

  22. 中国笔石科的演化和分类(附新属新种描述)

    THE EVOLUTION AND SYSTEMATICS OF THE FAMILY SINOGRAPTIDAE ( With description of new genera and species )

  23. 资源税征收前后中国铁矿石的竞争力及其思考

    Competitive power of china 's iron ore before and after resource tax collection and thinks on that

  24. 中国花石

    The Flower Stone of China

  25. 中国的石叶技术

    The Blade Technique of China

  26. 本月初,电子产品厂商摩托罗拉移动技术控股有限公司大规模裁员事件在中国一石激起千层浪。

    Earlier this month , electronics firm Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc caused uproar in China with a wave of layoffs .

  27. 撷传统文化精髓创雅致环境景观&中国寿山石馆外环境设计方案

    Learning from Traditional Culture , Creating The Elegant Environmental Landscape & The Exterior Environment Design of The China Shoushan Stone Hall

  28. 本文以中国铁矿石、粗铜和原铝生产为研究对象,对其物质投入进行了计算分析。

    In this study , material inputs of iron ore , crude copper and crude aluminum of China were calculated and analyzed .

  29. 中国铁矿石定价权缺失的原因分析及对策探讨铁矿石谈判对铁矿石海运价格影响研究

    Reasons of China 's Lacking of Iron Ore Pricing Power and the Countermeasures Study on the Influence of Iron Ore Negotiations to Freight

  30. 在2016年里约奥运会举重男子69公斤级决赛中,中国选手石智勇以352公斤的总成绩夺冠。

    Shi Zhinyong won the third weightlifting gold medal for China as he lifted a total of 352kg in the men 's 69kg category .