
  1. 传统的伪谱时域差分(PSTD)方法中不存在硬连接边界条件,基于Gao等人的思想,在PSTD计算区域内设置8~10个网格层的连接区。

    Hard connecting boundary is absent in the traditional pseudospectral time-domain ( PSTD ) algorithm . In this paper , a connecting region with 8 ~ 10 layers between total filed and scattering field is introduced on basis of Gao 's idea .

  2. 在水流数值模拟中,对不规则边界的处理一直是人们关心的问题。

    Simulation of complex irregular dynamic boundary is a key point of the calculation of flow .

  3. 陆-气相互作用和中小尺度天气系统的研究中,水平不均匀边界层和水平不均匀地表的强迫作用都是重要的物理过程。

    The horizontal heterogeneity of surface forcing and the structure in the planetary boundary layer is of importance for the studies of air-land interactions and small and mesoscale atmospheric processes .

  4. 描述系统的二维映象定义域中的函数不连续边界随离散时间发展振荡,从而使这个边界的向前象集构成一个承载混沌运动的胖分形。

    The discontinuity border in the definition range of a two-dimensional mapping , which describes the system , oscillates as the discrete time progresses so that the forward images of the border form a fat fractal .